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Pakistan must seize the opportunities

when you want to deal with a person or political group, you first have to understand what's their standing as a man or a group as a whole. you can't discuss right and wrong things for a very long if you know the intentions of other side is not good with you. you just can't deal with those who are mainly willing to destroy you, and at the same time they are discussing different right and wrong things with you just to get more opportunity to fulfill their 'set' intentions? :disagree:

Pakistan needs to move North and East for better future prospects, and at the same time Pakistan needs to defend itself from West at all the time. your only future group would be SCO and your foreign policy would be based on the terms agreed in SCO only. you need to make a foreign policy where China would be your friend number one and friend number two, the Russia. and in return of your firm support to SCO, you would ask the leaders of SCO to defend your national interests from western aggression :meeting:

On the contrary, Pakistan needs to stop being the ball in a pinball machine. Both China and Russia have their own agenda which will not always align with Pakistan's. Pakistan, like any country, needs to focus on internal strength. With China we have a long lasting relationship which has stood the test of time -- not so with Russia. However, even China may start to reassess its relationships if Pakistan doesn't start pulling its own weight.

As for the West, there is no inherent reason why Pakistan has to be antagonistic towards the West. An economically strong and attractive Pakistan will go a long way towards changing the West's attitude towards it.
... your only future group would be SCO and your foreign policy would be based on the terms agreed in SCO only. you need to make a foreign policy where China would be your friend number one and friend number two, the Russia. and in return of your firm support to SCO, you would ask the leaders of SCO to defend your national interests from western aggression :meeting:

We have traditionally been allied to either China or the US. So the SCO is not the only option available to Pakistan. The Sino-Pak relationship is unique and we have had dealings which extend beyond simple cooperation. We do not share the same status with Russia, whose main partner in the region is India.

Secondly, there is absolutely no chance that the SCO will help Pakistan militarily against US/NATO.

Pakistan wil have to handle that area alone. The only assistance we should expect is moral support and selling military supplies to us.
We have traditionally been allied to either China or the US. So the SCO is not the only option available to Pakistan. The Sino-Pak relationship is unique and we have had dealings which extend beyond simple cooperation. We do not share the same status with Russia, whose main partner in the region is India.

Secondly, there is absolutely no chance that the SCO will help Pakistan militarily against US/NATO.

Pakistan wil have to handle that area alone. The only assistance we should expect is moral support and selling military supplies to us.

the difference between India and Pakistan is not just the economic size which keep interests of big power towards India but also India successfully earns 'moral support' from whole world on its standing as a 'democratic' nation which Pakistan fails to get, and sometimes Iran also. like, SCO won't fight any war for Pakistan as US/West has convinced the whole world that their war in Afghan is for justice of those people who died in 9/11 2001 attack and thats why they came to this region in chase of those terrorists. and while targetting few of them, if drone keep scoring civilians also then this is how things work..... and whole world has accepted US's view on their WOT also. and at the same time there are claims that Pakistan's agencies support Taliban, Pakistan kept OBL in rich life style and has punished Afridi who helped US in OBL case, bla bla......

and here China and Russia would better make a distance from Pakistan. Russia found it hard to supply S300 missiles to Iran also many times as West has made an enviornment that Iran is a threat for whole world so by willing or unwillingly, Russia has kept a type of control over full phase arm supply to Iran. while on the other side, India has successfully come in world as having a 'clean' image that its a peaceful country, freedom in life for its civilians/ democracy etc, and they have friendship with Russia by principle to defend ourselves from 'Rise of China', thats it. and this is also a reason why Russia never hesitated to even put its nuclear submarine to support India in 1971 also........

what I would like to advise from my side, Pakistan would first do a compaign that US has aleady done 3 to 4 times justice with the victims of 9/11 by killing over 3-4 times civilians in Afghan and Pakistan both during last over 10 years. and on the other side, Pakistan's government agencies are threatened that if NATO leave Afghan, Taliban may punish Pakistan for its support to US so now Pakistan dont want to be part of any war between NATO and Taliban, where NATO is set to lose and Taliban is set to win and then Pakistan will have to live with Taliban in Afghan from 2014 onwards :hitwall:

as, until you can't have image like Kazakhstan/ India/ Malaysia/ Vietnam/ Indonesia etc, no matter how good you are with either China or Russia, they won't come to you for any war. but how will you manage to do this, its you who has to think..................
Had they [Pakistanis] used the gateway for business today they would have been rich and prosperous.

Oh commmon dear dear poster. This so-called gateway aka Afghanisttan has been @rase Ph----Uk---d by every Tom, Dick, Abdullah, and Dilli-walah.

For Indians it is not good to be smug about this, if they know their own governments' despicable history of exploiting Afghani groups and stoking the fire.

Pakistan is guilty of exploiting Afghanistan. You betcha.

but Indians showing up on Pakistani forums and giving us lectures is just hilarious if not downright criminal.

Pathetic to see pot calling kettle black (or more precisely brown in this case)

the difference between India and Pakistan is not just the economic size which keep interests of big power towards India but also India successfully earns 'moral support' from whole world on its standing as a 'democratic' nation which Pakistan fails to get, and sometimes Iran also. like, SCO won't fight any war for Pakistan..................

My dear dear poster. The rest of your post is filled with fallacies so I'll focus only where you are correct.

Yes. us Pakistanis have image problem as compared to Indians.

But Indian Demo-crazy has very little to do with it.

The main factor is that central India and especially North central India has always been subservient to "white foreigners". Be they central Asian Mongols or the Europeans. Indians from the specific regions have always been very nicey nicey with them. Sometimes to the detriment of their own society.

Indians would do the ruth yatra and kill 1000s of fellow Muslims in the name of an old dilapidated locked up building. They would go on living with the whole concept of caste system. But they will readily shake their head sideways when a white foreigner comes in to the picture.

this is how they win "moral support" and more importantly "business opportunities" that result in the betterment of Indian economy.

Oh BTW Chinese do the same and in a much better way, perhaps 1000 times better than Indians. As a result they may not win any moral support, but you bet your bottom dollar they earn trillions of dollars winning 1000 times more "business opportunities".

Pakistanis unfortunately do the same ruth yatra business with fellow Pakistanis, and kill 1000s for some old dilapidated buildings. We too mistreat fellow Pakistanis based on ethnic and religious grounds.

From an ordinary road side vendor selling kebobs all the way to the educated elite in Pakistan wants to be president, COAS, and CJ to fix everything. Same way they love to burn Western flags and kill westerners and harrass them on the drop of the hat. This is just crazy.

The roadside vendor should focus on selling kebobs and not try to take the seat of Zardari.

The educated Pakistani should focus on his education and betterment and not try to be a Khalifa of all Muslims.

Let Kiyani be the general, let Zardari be the president. They do poor job or good job they are going to go away in few years. But Pakistan is hear to stay .

We must focus on our work and our fields of specialization and not try to be Zaradri or Kiyani.

We haven't learned the basic principle of being nice to the white tourists and visitors. the day we learn to be like Chinese and Indians, we too will win business opportunities, helping us improve our economy.

Demo-crazy is just icing on the cake. That's all.

As I said you were correct in pointing out the fact that us Pakistanis need to pick our sorry @rses and be nice to Americans and other Westerners.

And you are also correct that no SCO will come defending us in our supposedly imminent "Moollllah fight" with the West.

In fact SCO will looooooove to see both Pakistan and Afghanistan go to become a hellish inferno. This is the only way SCO big wigs China and Russian can ensure their stranglehold of SCO's petroleum and gas resources.

But few Pakistanis understand this. They are too much gaga lady gaga on the China and Russia these days. Too much.

... We haven't learned the basic principle of being nice to the white tourists and visitors. the day we learn to be like Chinese and Indians, we too will win business opportunities, helping us improve our economy ...

But the sad fact is that we have never tried adopting a balanced way of thinking. The majority of us don't think logically. There's always the extreme mentality of either being subservient or hateful, we never see the middle and moderate path.
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