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Pakistan must not give India MFN status

how do u know this? any media link? i mean any. i wont question the legitimacy of that media. just wanna know wass da actual scenario.
Personally know people in the rice industry. It might be in the media too... It's something people are finding out slowly, if its not in the media someone should cover it. I can provide direct sources for quotes and offers from Indian companies.
Well I would like to see the same author do an analysis of Chinese imports into Pakistan and its affect on its economy.

There are many articles and even a documentary done on this. Espicially on the disastrous impact of the Pakistan China FTA on local industry after it was signed in 2006.

Infact, no only is it resulting in closures of furniture and eletronic factories in Pakistan. Pakistan's biggest export; textiles is facing stiff competition from cheap chinese expaorts and undercutting Pakistan including in the leather industry.

I hope people can look at the basic economic without ideological blinkers.
A FTA with china is like killing urself with sweet poison
It would be an utter madness if they have it!!!
it is going to completly distroy their whole industry
leave ur nationalism aside for 1 momnt nd thnk wich is bttr
atlast its ur choice how u live

---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------

An FTA with china is like killing urself with sweet poison
It would be an utter madness if they have it!!!
it is going to completly distroy their whole industry
leave ur nationalism aside for 1 momnt nd thnk wich is bttr
atlast its ur choice how u live

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------

An FTA with china is like killing urself with sweet poison
It would be an utter madness if they have it!!!
it is going to completly distroy their whole industry
leave ur nationalism aside for 1 momnt nd thnk wich is bttr
atlast its ur choice how u live

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 PM ----------

An FTA with china is like killing urself with sweet poison
It would be an utter madness if they have it!!!
it is going to completly distroy their whole industry
leave ur nationalism aside for 1 momnt nd thnk wich is bttr
atlast its ur choice how u live

---------- Post added at 06:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 PM ----------

An FTA with china is like killing urself with sweet poison
It would be an utter madness if they have it!!!
it is going to completly distroy their whole industry
leave ur nationalism aside for 1 momnt nd thnk wich is bttr
atlast its ur choice how u live
@Asim Aquil
plz explain where the profit for indian company is
the pakistani farmers can sell them to pakis or indian distributers
either way they would be getting the same price
if then indian distributers as u said , pitch old pakistani rice against indian rice , it would be loss for indian companies itself coz they r the ones who bought it
India has tried its very best to challenge Pakistani rice, but the problem is that the difference in quality of Pakistani rice and Indian is so high that people still won't buy Indian rice blindly and the sales of Pakistani rice continues till this day despite all the dumping.

However games are being played, you know how rice is almost always retailed after its several months old. India is buying Pakistani rice when its fresh and cheap rates and then putting up Pakistani rice in competition with Indian rice at higher rates after a few months. Coupled with Indian dumping it may have an affect.

Pakistani businessmen have to wise up to this dirty tact.

Please post an article from a source to back up what you say. Otherwise it will be seen as based on rumors and hearsay and that will be unbecoming for a Mod.

Only customer surveys and market data can tell you which rice's quality is better and which in in more demand. From what I can imagine, it could just be that Pakistanis rice sellers are under pressure from Indians who can market their products better and of course India has a better 'brand' in than Pakistani ones in any case. So they're just coming up with excuses.
yaar just wanted to know one thing
does china have FTA with any other country??
if we have open trade between pakistan and india and increase our bilatral trade there will be lots of benefits besides economical.

1. once indian companies invest heavily in pakistani market it will put tremendous pressure on both government to stay on peaceful diplomatic course no matter what happens on terror front.

2. it will help to reduce transport charges thus export will be cheaper make them more competitive in indian market as compared to EU or US.

3. some of the pakistani goods are quite popular so it will sell themselves no matter what the is the cost and you dont have to look for far away destination for them. for e.g a non veg based pakistani food chain will be extremely successful in india at least i think so.

4. if indian companies investes in pakistan the power sector will have quantum leap in terms of production, you dont have to call turkey to send a ship to produce at karachi :D

5. people to people interactions will increase thus enormity will decrease at not only micro level but at macro level. who knows kashmir solution is hidden in this very first step.

as far as some of the concerns shown by article and few of the members about overloading indian good in pakistani market is short sighted. why? because we both know some goods in pakistan are much better in quality which means a healthy competition. isn't it better for consumers of both side to get the best deal and helps in reducing inflation as well. belive me or not but pakistani fashion and febric attracts a certain faction of fans here.

so what do you say, shall we go ahead. :cheers:
Pakistan has FTA with china...lol lol lol...Either the politicians have sold themselves to chinese or they are the most foolish people on earth....man ur private companies are dead now...so thats the reason why the pakistani economy is in such bad condition after 2006...
Pakistan has FTA with china...lol lol lol...Either the politicians have sold themselves to chinese or they are the most foolish people on earth....man ur private companies are dead now...so thats the reason why the pakistani economy is in such bad condition after 2006...

pakistanis have to understand.....just military brotherhood wont help as far as civilian cause is concerned......

even india faces da same problem.....so many chinese products around...... its just we are on da verge of being a manufacturing hub as investments for nxt decade is developing industries and factories......so future is good......but i dont think thats anywhere in agenda of pakistan.....
Pakistan should give india MFN status and dumping can be controlled by select tarrifs and quotas. Imagine all the India auto mobile and two wheeler industry potential in Pakistan. At least we will get rid of 70's mehran and 80's cultus, corolla, etc etc..Pakistan is in serious need for upgrade to its auto industry. Also we can develop our services and heavy mechanical industry in collaboration with the Indians due to lower language barrier. Then is the education and medical sector which is in dire need of manpower and training.

The only people scared of trade relations with India are our feudal industrial lords who are growing their wealth day and night by sucking the nation through their primary control of agriculture and secondary control of rice, sugar, flour etc etc mills. Its a classic capitalistic corruption Mao has envisioned to fight against and the Jews have dreamed to implement.

That was a great analysis.

Bilateral trade is one way of addressing the trust deficit (Prime ministers of both the countries wanted to do it)

That never happened in India. Our local industries made them self more competitive and they improved lot (e.g. Automobile )
There is tremendous pressure on Pakistan to open up its markets to Bharat so that it can beginWant to do product to product comparison on quality Man you made my morning :rofl::rofl::rofl: talk about MFN status and for TTP and attacks talk to your Interior minister

for consumption you guys need to produce something.Budget of latest movie of Rajnikanth is more than entire Lolly-wood. And we are consuming or inviting many of your good talent in Bollywood from Pakistan A similar situation will occur if MFN status is given to Bharat. The increase is trade would in fact be a burden on the Pakistanis, as the $10 billion would be to Bharat’s advantage. This has been resisted for the past sixty years. There is no reason to allow commercial encroachment by Bharat. To use Pakistani talent in Pakistan give our companies to setup operations in Pakistan and security. Go yo USA and Dubai many Pakistani people are working in Indian company or vice a versa. Pay check don't know nationality

Bharati companies will begin dumping shoddy Bharati goods on the Paksitani consumer.:hitwall: Large Bharati companies will target Pakistani companies and industries that are vulnerable–thus destroying them. Japan started with steel and them moved up the pacman chain and took over a large section of the US market.

Pakistan cannot allow this Bharati terror to encroach into Pakistan.:hitwall::hitwall:

and one more thing ..when you guys called us Bharati .. I love that ..
We all have to learn from somebozo with right, balanced and positive attitude we can at least go forward some steps...

Hai Preet Jahan Ki Reet Sada
Maein Geet Wahan Ke Gaata Hoon
Bharat Ka Rehnewala Hoon
Bharat Ki Baat Sunata Hoon

You stole the words from my mouth. I was about to mention (being called Bharath) that in this forum. In the 80's, usage of "Bharath" was prevalent because of the media (state owned All india Radio & DD). Now a days the younger generation prefer being called as Indians. So a big thanks for you and who ever is using it.
@Asim Aquil
plz explain where the profit for indian company is
the pakistani farmers can sell them to pakis or indian distributers
either way they would be getting the same price
if then indian distributers as u said , pitch old pakistani rice against indian rice , it would be loss for indian companies itself coz they r the ones who bought it
First of all, the word "pakis" is offensive to Pakistanis and should not be used.

The start of the article pointed out that the issue is of India dumping the rice in foreign markets, i.e., purposefully incurring a loss by selling it extremely cheap prices just to make sure that people buy Indian rice and not Pakistani rice. The idea is to do this until Pakistani companies are forced out of business. It didn't work obviously due to lack of quality.

Second thing is, the poor business strategy of Pakistani wholesalers is that they are (or at least were) ready to sell Fresh Rice in bulk to the open market. Indian companies are buying that fresh rice and then reselling it when its matured enough at a future date again at dumping level prices.

---------- Post added at 11:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

Please post an article from a source to back up what you say. Otherwise it will be seen as based on rumors and hearsay and that will be unbecoming for a Mod.

I can live with that.
I am no economist but how exactly an increase in trade volume between the 2 sides be bad for us? Isnt this exactly what we are pushing the US and EU for? To open up their markets for Pakistani products?

The manufacturing costs in the EU and US are much higher than Pakistan, giving us a trade advantage. The same is not true with India. In fact it's worse, since Indians companies enjoy economies of scale.

Free trade with India would ruin Pakistani industries.

Moreover, it would stifle any chance of developing our own capabilities if the market is flooded with inexpensive Indian products.
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