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Pakistan Missile Technology is Amazing

When you people launch a mission to mars

Send a satalite to space in your own rocket

Or test a icbm

Then tell us.

Otherwise we Indian s yawn yawn yawn whatever
you better liston your media how they explain pakistani missiles and there rang and stop being ignorent which does't make sense your prithvi is't even close to gori missile and maybe you dont know about Taimur missile pakistani missiles are most advanced and with fast teachnolgy whole world know that
you better liston your media how they explain pakistani missiles and there rang and stop being ignorent which does't make sense your prithvi is't even close to gori missile and maybe you dont know about Taimur missile pakistani missiles are most advanced and with fast teachnolgy whole world know that

Prithvi is old tech now. talk about latest light weight RLG.. FOG based missiles.

Indian missiles levrgd from space tech as well.

For example GSLV mk iii booster is one of the largest in the world.
Lamo have a look on indian media they ill explain better for you and you better look up what world say only you guys does't account :)you have lil toys bro
Lamo have a look on indian media they ill explain better for you and you better look up what world say only you guys does't account :)you have lil toys bro
Say if u have a missile lyk Agni 4 ... it has 4000 km range without ani fins... forget hi tech missiles. lol
I m talking about comparision of ind and pak missiles in the topic.
There is no comparison btween india pakistan in missile Technology pak have way better than indian missile technology its not me your even owen media ill tell you and the world open your eyes and face reallity bro
This maybe help you


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There is no comparison btween india pakistan in missile Technology pak have way better than indian missile technology its not me your even owen media ill tell you and the world open your eyes and face reallity bro
lol... still your economy dooming..

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