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Pakistan Military options in Kashmir today - a perspective

I seriously question the local Kashmiri support for PA. I understand they don't like India and Indians but to believe that they will be fully on board when it comes to resistance using arms is a question....
We should not assume automatic armed Kashmiri support.
Why would India limit it to Jammu and Kashmir? Full IB will be opened.
Imo air superiority is the most important aspect.
Tbh War looks a distant chance , very low for the both sides. The game of attrition will continue for both sides

That i explained, For India its beneficial to open IB and spread PA resources into a 1000 km long border , In limited and concentrated Fights PA might come on top which @Signalian already mentioned with NLI regiments.

hmm well its complicated, take the Feb conflict as example although it was a limited conflict if India move ahead and launch missiles Strikes against PAF bases, or attack IB it will turn into a Full scale war in minutes . There is a high chance of a War between Pakistan and India in coming years .

For more elaborate evaluation, do not overlook the Ladakh Scouts & JAK troops in IA while considering troops suited to region (hailing from the region). Also, the quantum of acclimatized troops readily available for Ops. The relatively higher ground held by IA & deployment pattern of the same along these higher stretches of LC with reserves of ready available acclimatized troops, largely negates the perceived advantage of localized troops.

Also, to note, irrespective of the political requirements, for a realistic analysis, work with a figure of approximately 300,000 IA troops inclusive of RR, deployed roughly in ratio 1:2 along LC & hinterland (IS Duties).

If you use the propagandastic overblown figure of 700,000 or 900,000, depending on what is the figure being bandied about, you will grossly underestimate the amount of troops that IA can bring into play, falsely assuming that these troops will be tied down in Internal Security duties.

Just a pointer.
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Pakistan army should increase size of army to indian army levels to counter indian threat on international border.also targeting of loc fence to destroy it should become priority
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Above is a military plan related to PA offensive in IO-kashmir, can you tell how Indian suppressed Kashmiris in IOK will assist PA ?
They wont. Just like kargil and 65.

Strike when they least expect it and strike at the time the rest of the world is busy. Cut off Kashmiri from Punjab and circle IA in one massive pocket. Then push with the NLI and PA to finish any resistance off. Entrench on every peak and strategic point possible, making any push by IA extremely costly. Push from sindh into thar, confusing the enemy. Buy time untill a favorable peace agreement is signed.

This is just the frame work, obviously but it is possible if PA builds a dedicated mountain warfare group. With the sole purpose of flash attacks and encirclements.
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They wont. Just like kargil and 65.

Strike when they least expect it and strike at the time the rest of the world is busy. Cut off Kashmiri from Punjab and circle IA in one massive pocket. Then push with the NLI and PA to finish any resistance off. Entrench on every peak and strategic point possible, making any push by IA extremely costly. Push from sindh into thar, confusing the enemy. Buy time untill a favorable peace agreement is signed.

This is just the frame work, obviously but it is possible of the PA builds a dedicated mountain warfare group. With the sole purpose of flash attacks and encirclements.
They will. This time. because last time, the plan was ill conceived, no ground work had been laid for the operation. the idiot field marshall thought that dropping soldiers out of the blue, without proper planning will win him the war. India learned from his mistakes in 71, first foundation was laid i.e propaganda against Pakistan to turn them against Pakistan. Then they trained them, first small level activities of sabotage were carried out, then, gradually, they stepped up the effort.

All of those steps have already been taken. This time there is a section of Kashmiris who have been fighting an will fight. and are against india, and are protesting against them.
This current lot will just watch while Kashmiris get oppressed and give soundbites that we are morally with them and organise a few rallies - for them that’s job done....
War of 1000 cuts and war of attrition from both sides will continue.
Even though localised war like Kargil is possible.
Like 1965...

I would like to ask a genuine question... who provide the info to Indian forces in Valley???

People in Kashmir WERE VERY UPSET when 370 was AMENDED... but now they are doing their duties towards the nation as per current condition...

I recently visited Laddak and it is too happy to describe over here... Jammu was also 99% happy... met few muslims from Valley and they were like "our identity has been snatched"... some jk police constables were very happy because of two reasons: 1. Increased salary 2. Less political interference...

True. But fact is no one likes to live with a bunch of military chaps all over the place or with restrictions. In any part of the world so I don't blame people. What window? They always believed only a low intensity conflict will deliver them results. The two actual military interventions by them to change the status quo in 65 and 99 has always been repulsed as they have always underestimated the scale of the Indian response.
How does both navies come into play in all this? Or will they just sunbath while mess is created here & there ?
With such an overwhelming attack from Pak as OP describes, Pakistani coast will immediately be under attack from IN. In any case, there'll be regular visits by Scorpenes.

More than spreading your military thin, it has the effect of hollowing out your economy.
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Like 1965...

I would like to ask a genuine question... who provide the info to Indian forces in Valley???

People in Kashmir WERE VERY UPSET when 370 was AMENDED... but now they are doing their duties towards the nation as per current condition...

I recently visited Laddak and it is too happy to describe over here... Jammu was also 99% happy... met few muslims from Valley and they were like "our identity has been snatched"... some jk police constables were very happy because of two reasons: 1. Increased salary 2. Less political interference...


I agree. With the kind of aggressive monitoring on fund movement and looming FAFT, direct help (fund / arms/ ammunition) by Pakistan (hence China to some extent) to the local insurgency too will fizzle out soon. I hope we can re-organize IA's presence in the valley once that happens, for the local people's sake and put an honest and all out effort to fully integrate them.

Any window, if any, is available NOW only. IA & IAF, and to some extent IN, is at its weakest at present. With the kind of defense procurement lined up for the near future any offensive movement from PA/ PAF will only be a pipe-dream. For future, all they can do is prepare for a defensive plan, just in case....

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