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Pakistan military guilty of abuses, alleges Amnesty

Islamabad: Amnesty International in its recent report accused the Pakistan army of abusing human rights on Afghan border and says the military was acting with impunity “new security laws and a colonial-era penal system”.

The report—based on interviews with victims, witnesses, relatives, lawyers, officials and militants—said that Pakistani military has arbitrarily detained thousands for long periods with little or no access to due process, AFP reported.

Amnesty’s deputy Asia-Pacific director Polly Truscott said, “Almost every week the bodies of those arrested by the armed forces are being returned to their families or reportedly found dumped across the tribal areas.

“The government must immediately reform the deeply flawed legal system in the tribal areas that perpetuates the cycle of violence.”

Britain-based watchdog said no military personnel had been prosecuted for alleged torture, enforced disappearance or deaths in custody despite judges’ orders to probe the whereabouts of missing people.

The group said that 2011 laws that give sweeping powers of arrest and detention to Pakistan army must be repealed.

Military officials contacted by AFP declined to respond to the claims until they had read the full report.

Source: Amnesty accuses Pakistan army of human rights abuses on Afghan border | The News Tribe

You do realize what Amnesty International is suggesting!
You fail to understand my point, regardless of what 'others' are doing, we should be doing the right thing. Nobody can deny that our military has been involved in human rights abuses.....be it in Dhaka or Karachi.
ask 90 before pointing your fingers on army, just advise!:eek::smokin:
When military does not conduct an operation its alleged to be in league with the Taliban. when military does conduct an operation, it abuses human rights. Pakistan Military is always wrong in the western eyes. So there is no right or wrong here. It is just bull$hit.

Does our Military care what the general public says or thinks about them? No they do not, then why should they care whether the Pakistanis want a military operation or not. They just do what they want to do. It has always been like this.

What type of human rights and international law abuse is the drone program. Have the angels of Amnesty International ever come out against them? What about abuses in Guanatanamo Bay. Those imprisoned there are still without trial and without charge. And what about Afia Siddiqui. So it seems if the US and its allies do it, it barely is mentioned but if the lesser beings do it, its a big issue.

I should ask you the same question but in regards to the Military, why do they stand by and allow all these drone strikes? Would drone strikes still occur if the Military took a stance against them?

We dont have to be defensive or apologetic. Only then we can honestly defend our point of view.

Our point of view is very disillusioned my friend and it is of no consequence.

As for Bangladesh, isn't it strange that liberals like you dont talk about atrocities from the other side and violation of international border by India and it openly supporting a terror outfit in East Pakistan.

India would not have been able to achieve what it did, if only we had been able to restrain our Military to their constitutional role and if we had given Bangalis their rights!

In Karachi, no one has committed atrocities more than MQM. And when it comes to choose between army and MQM, I will choose army to be trustworthy and honest.

In Karachi, everybody has bloody hands! And the Military is most to blame because they hold absolute power yet they do not do justice. And Justice occurs only when people get what they deserve.
Do Amnesty officials knows why courts are not setup in tribal areas? But i am sure @Sher Malang; is aware of tribal culture and forcing new system on them will be suicide for Pakistan and on top of that judicial system of Pakistan IMO is failed system where you catch suicide bomber wearing jacket but still he managed to get free.

There are lot of things going on - Inter-Tribal rivalry, Inter-Taliban rivalry, PA vs Taliban. So, IMO it unfair to blame everything on PA. When you are at war and your enemy is continuously planing attacks & suicide attacks on daily basis than finding clues by investigation is more important to save lives of soldiers and civilian is priority. However, we must improve this system to avoid misuse.

:lol: @ bold part
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I had given an impression here that pakistan & its army has an impeccable record on opposing human rights violation (read kashmir).... I thought they were worried about indian army human right violations in kashmir..... Its time to look at own backyard and retrospect....
Pakistanis on this forum get into a tizzy when human rights abuse issues crop up in Balochistan and elsewhere in the badlands of Waziristan, but dance around with gay abandon when they talk of so called human rights abuses in Kashmir!!

"We can do no wrong. It's those darn Hindus infidels and Westerners who are the culprits behind all human rights abuses and need to be shown the rule book!"

Oh yeah! We suck! :P
Pakistanis on this forum get into a tizzy when human rights abuse issues crop up in Balochistan and elsewhere in the badlands of Waziristan, but dance around with gay abandon when they talk of so called human rights abuses in Kashmir!!

"We can do no wrong. It's those darn Hindus infidels and Westerners who are the culprits behind all human rights abuses and need to be shown the rule book!"

Oh yeah! We suck! :P

Yeah - Human Rights!!! as if BLA is following Geneva convention while slaughtering security officials & civilians. When a terrorists caught red handed with weapons but still is innocent in court's eyes than what security forces should do? I will support them to kill the terrorists on spot instead of producing them into courts

In Karachi, everybody has bloody hands! And the Military is most to blame because they hold absolute power yet they do not do justice. And Justice occurs only when people get what they deserve.

And that's where AI comes in and starts barking!

Judiciary has failed. Police has failed. These so-called human rights abuses returned SWAT valley with its tourism. Situation in Khyber, Bajaur and Waziristan is now under control... Suicide bombings have decreased. Yet they question our effectiveness and honesty.
PS: MoI needs to release funds for FC, KPK as soon as possible to keep the OP's going.
Double standards of amnesty will never be unveiled, in fact people want continuity in certain cases.

Amnesty enjoys deep sleep whilst innocents are killed in drone strikes!
Yeah - Human Rights!!! as if BLA is following Geneva convention while slaughtering security officials & civilians. When a terrorists caught red handed with weapons but still is innocent in court's eyes than what security forces should do? I will support them to kill the terrorists on spot instead of producing them into courts
Agreed! Screw the terrorists, but innocent men, women and children?

What have you guys done to take the U.S to the International Court of Justice for their human rights abuses killing scores of your own people in their drone attacks? All you guys do is to shout from the rooftops for alleged human rights violations in Kashmir when the Kashmiris are not even Pakistanis!

You can't whip the hand that feeds you, can you? That's the bottom line. After all, the Yanks are doling out billions and helping you get loans from the IMF and World Bank. So you dare not push them too hard, never mind if Pakistanis themselves are getting killed with monotonous regularity by their drones!
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