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Pakistan military guilty of abuses, alleges Amnesty

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan military guilty of abuses, alleges Amnesty
AFP | 1 hour ago
ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan military is guilty of rights abuses on the Afghan border, using new security laws and a colonial-era penal system to act with impunity, a report by Amnesty International alleged on Thursday.

The watchdog said the lack of justice was fuelling a rights crisis in the northwestern, semi-autonomous region where Taliban and al Qaeda-linked violence is concentrated.

Pakistan’s armed forces have arbitrarily detained thousands for long periods with little or no access to due process, claimed the report, based on interviews with victims, witnesses, relatives, lawyers, officials and militants.

Cases of death and torture have been documented, detainees are not brought before court and relatives have no idea of their fate, sometimes for extended periods of time, said the London-based human rights group.

“Almost every week the bodies of those arrested by the armed forces are being returned to their families or reportedly found dumped across the tribal areas,” said Polly Truscott, Amnesty’s deputy Asia-Pacific director.

“The government must immediately reform the deeply flawed legal system in the tribal areas that perpetuates the cycle of violence,” she added.

Although judges have sought to investigate the fate of people who go missing, Amnesty said no military personnel had been prosecuted for alleged torture, enforced disappearance or deaths in custody.

It demanded the repeal of sweeping powers of arrest and detention given to the armed forces in 2011, and called on the jurisdiction of the courts and parliament to be extended to the tribal areas.

Pakistan says more than 35,000 people have been killed as a result of terrorism in the country since the 9/11 attacks on the United States and that its forces have for years been fighting homegrown militants in the northwest.

Military officials contacted by AFP declined to respond to the claims until they had read the full report.

Amnesty also singled out the Taliban and other militant groups for targeting human rights activists, aid workers, journalists and alleged spies.

According to BBCUrdu, the report stated that the Taliban brutally killed personnel of security forces after capturing them and hence violating the law of international human rights.

According to the Amnesty, people were killed in the areas where Taliban and militant have strong holds, posing great threats to the Pakistani community.
Islamabad: Amnesty International in its recent report accused the Pakistan army of abusing human rights on Afghan border and says the military was acting with impunity “new security laws and a colonial-era penal system”.

The report—based on interviews with victims, witnesses, relatives, lawyers, officials and militants—said that Pakistani military has arbitrarily detained thousands for long periods with little or no access to due process, AFP reported.

Amnesty’s deputy Asia-Pacific director Polly Truscott said, “Almost every week the bodies of those arrested by the armed forces are being returned to their families or reportedly found dumped across the tribal areas.

“The government must immediately reform the deeply flawed legal system in the tribal areas that perpetuates the cycle of violence.”

Britain-based watchdog said no military personnel had been prosecuted for alleged torture, enforced disappearance or deaths in custody despite judges’ orders to probe the whereabouts of missing people.

The group said that 2011 laws that give sweeping powers of arrest and detention to Pakistan army must be repealed.

Military officials contacted by AFP declined to respond to the claims until they had read the full report.

Source: Amnesty accuses Pakistan army of human rights abuses on Afghan border | The News Tribe
What a twist holy human rights.....How about US Military guilty on innocent million Iraq and Afghanistan?

Any reports?
Amnesty can shove these reports up their behinds. How about reports on human right violations by terrorist talibans?
“The government must immediately reform the deeply flawed legal system in the tribal areas that perpetuates the cycle of violence.”

Do Amnesty officials knows why courts are not setup in tribal areas? But i am sure @Sher Malang; is aware of tribal culture and forcing new system on them will be suicide for Pakistan and on top of that judicial system of Pakistan IMO is failed system where you catch suicide bomber wearing jacket but still he managed to get free.

There are lot of things going on - Inter-Tribal rivalry, Inter-Taliban rivalry, PA vs Taliban. So, IMO it unfair to blame everything on PA. When you are at war and your enemy is continuously planing attacks & suicide attacks on daily basis than finding clues by investigation is more important to save lives of soldiers and civilian is priority. However, we must improve this system to avoid misuse.
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Does 1 wrong justify another?

So how does the alleged 'wrong' by us justify their wrong? And who is talking here, AI which has not made such exhaustive study about abuses committed by western armies occupying Iraq or Afghanistan or Israel occupying Palestine?
So how does the alleged 'wrong' by us justify their wrong? And who is talking here, AI which has not made such exhaustive study about abuses committed by western armies occupying Iraq or Afghanistan or Israel occupying Palestine?

You fail to understand my point, regardless of what 'others' are doing, we should be doing the right thing. Nobody can deny that our military has been involved in human rights abuses.....be it in Dhaka or Karachi.
You fail to understand my point, regardless of what 'others' are doing, we should be doing the right thing. Nobody can deny that our military has been involved in human rights abuses.....be it in Dhaka or Karachi.

When military does not conduct an operation its alleged to be in league with the Taliban. when military does conduct an operation, it abuses human rights. Pakistan Military is always wrong in the western eyes. So there is no right or wrong here. It is just bull$hit.

What type of human rights and international law abuse is the drone program. Have the angels of Amnesty International ever come out against them? What about abuses in Guanatanamo Bay. Those imprisoned there are still without trial and without charge. And what about Afia Siddiqui. So it seems if the US and its allies do it, it barely is mentioned but if the lesser beings do it, its a big issue.

We dont have to be defensive or apologetic. Only then we can honestly defend our point of view.

As for Bangladesh, isn't it strange that liberals like you dont talk about atrocities from the other side and violation of international border by India and it openly supporting a terror outfit in East Pakistan.

In Karachi, no one has committed atrocities more than MQM. And when it comes to choose between army and MQM, I will choose army to be trustworthy and honest.
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