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Pakistan militants kill 41 in mass execution, attack on Shi'ites

may Allah curse these bloody wahabis and takfiri sectarian organizations like Siph-e-Sahaba and Laskhar-e-Jhangvi.

Ever since this lanatee demoCRAZY has come, sectarian killings spike exponentially! During Mushy's 8 year rule, almost NO sectarian killings took place and Pakistan was MUCH peaceful! Mushy had taken a strong stance against takfiri/sectarian organizations and net result was NO sectarian violence during his 8 year tenure!

When you have mainstream parties like PML-N in bed with Siph-e-Sahaba and Laskhar-e-Jhangvi, then this is what happens! Government does NOTHING to totally destroy these takfiri, sectarian, kharjee parties!

good one yarro! NO point in arguing with mind-less wahabis! Tell them to join the taleban and blow themselves up!

EVER since this bloody wahabi fitnah that started in 1900s, muslim world has seen SO much sectarianism!

lmao wut

actually nvm

arguing with you wahabis is pointless. Yeah Iran is trying to export its rev, whatever helps you sleep at night.

good one yarro! NO point in arguing with mind-less wahabis (and I do not mean sunnis)! Tell them to join the taleban and blow themselves up!

EVER since this bloody wahabi fitnah that started in 1900s, muslim world has seen SO much sectarianism

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/227132-pakistan-militants-kill-41-mass-execution-attack-shiites-4.html#ixzz2GadLPMS9
lmao wut

actually nvm

arguing with you wahabis is pointless. Yeah Iran is trying to export its rev, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Stop it with this Wahabi bs someone soon will pull the coming of 12th or Atish parasti and you won't like it then. Iran actually did promote a revolution in Pk at Kahemini's time instigating a backlash against Shi'ites. Iran doesn't like any country to instigate Sunni population in Iran and Pakistan certainly does not want Irani's playing big brother to Shi'ite in Pakistan. Sunnis in Iran are Iran's problem, Shi'ites in Pakistan are Pakistan's problem.

Rather then taking blank shots without understanding the phenomenon why don't you talk to Pakistani Shi'ites in Shia chat etc and ask them whether Khomeini tried to instigate Pakistani Shi'ites or not.

For example Zia tried to enforce an Islamic law in Pk and Shi'ites were adamant they won't accept it, in comes Khomeni who not only threatened PK but also armed Shi'ites (this is recorded history, like I told you earlier take it up with some informed Pakistani Shi'ite) but when some Sunni points that Sunni's are forced to pray in same mosques you start jumping up and down claiming its the best way forward. Here is a little fact for you, Zia also tried the same thing. The law for Zakat was a blanket law covering all sects and Khomeini warned the head of Pakistani state that he will make him the next Shah if Zia went ahead with the law. So take your sucker punches to Irani Mullahs. Pakistani Shi'ites would never agree to pray in same mosques. Are you completely deluded and don't get that every minority has identity issues?

And lay low with insults Luqman told his to remain moderate and that most annoying voice is that of donkey (even-though its loud).
This is just so agonizing to read that Pakistani blabber about India, Amreeka. Alright, lets accept that they are supported by India America and others then why dont we do a full scale military operation? What stops us? Get rid of each of them in all agencies.

We do not want to conduct an operation why?

FC is there in Balochistan in numbers, The army is also deployed in FATA. go for it. If some militants are more powerful than 1 million military and paramilitary troops, then God knows what our future is.
^^ We wish to start a flight to Teharan to help Shia Muslims but Iran regime is not interested to provide air travel opportunity to Shia Muslims of Pakistan.

What are you saying man??? You want to send Shia to Iran and make Pakistan all sunni. You are prime example of people who are betraying your country. Instead of fighting for their rights, you want to conveniently send them to Iran. Bravo!!!
Who gave the proof and to whom?

From the Pakistani Army, ISI to the gov't of Pakistan and to the Indian gov't. Also shared with the US gov't. All this is public information. Just need to research in the right place. Google's your best friend

Pure outpouring of B.S as always.

That's the ONLY defense or explanation you have man? Don't go out defending this topic with one statement. You'll get embarrassed in a debate!! Pure outpouring of stupidity and childish statements as always!
Such news which brings smile on hindis faces are posted by hindis happily & such news are mostly posted by hindis.

Secondly whenever the writers want they use the word Pakistani Militant & whenever they want they use TTP. These corrupt good for nothing writers & journalist are trying their best to spread false news that there are unlimited terrorist groups working in Pakistan.

Such cowardly attacks on the civilians mean only one thing that the foreign enemies of Pakistan are desperate to start civil war in Pakistan. Unfortunately for us our enemies are on both sides of the border.

I just don’t understand why Pakistan is not using the Air force to bombard these terrorists, they know where these terrorists are hiding & who all are helping them. Please use the Air Force, yesterday we lost brave Security personal all of them were executed. Just use the GOD DAM Air Force to dig & destroy these terrorists.
Yaar since i was a child i have witnessed shia sunni rift in my area,but it was always an "Intellectual" rift not a militant one..
Our Molvi sahib had been shouting "Shia kaafir" on top of his voice from our Masjid loud speaker since i learnt to walk,but that didnt cause a single "Sect related" murder in our area...

How this violence started and the dynamics of it are very different from what many of us think...
I will leave it for some other,more appropriate thread...

Its like a toothpaste out of the tube. Once out, you cant put it back. Its naive to expect that this rift will automatically go back to becoming an intellectual rift, once USA leaves the area (if they ever will). The gennie is already out of the bottle..
Taliban threatened to attack a shia mosque near my house.

Ahhh sh*t yaaar ! :hitwall:

Near my place the Imam Barga has pretty tight security with all them concrete blocks & a nifty little police picket with what appears to be an smg machine gun & around a dozen or so police personnel guarding it day & night !

Yeh pataaa nahiiin yeh Taliban khataaam kiyun nahin hoteiii !
Taliban threatened to attack a shia mosque near my house.
Except Taliban, is there problems faced by them ? I don't think general population hates or behave in hostile way. Tell us about the social cohesion.

What ways this shiite respond to this???? ( i dont have much knowledge on this issue )
Such news which brings smile on hindis faces are posted by hindis happily & such news are mostly posted by hindis.

Secondly whenever the writers want they use the word Pakistani Militant & whenever they want they use TTP. These corrupt good for nothing writers & journalist are trying their best to spread false news that there are unlimited terrorist groups working in Pakistan.

Such cowardly attacks on the civilians mean only one thing that the foreign enemies of Pakistan are desperate to start civil war in Pakistan. Unfortunately for us our enemies are on both sides of the border.

I just don’t understand why Pakistan is not using the Air force to bombard these terrorists, they know where these terrorists are hiding & who all are helping them. Please use the Air Force, yesterday we lost brave Security personal all of them were executed. Just use the GOD DAM Air Force to dig & destroy these terrorists.

I will send you a big thank you note from all hindis when you send your mard e momin army into north waziristan.

But thats the catch now isn't it, since you can not show your frustration with your mard e momins, you have to take it out on hindis. Must be awesome to be you.
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