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Pakistan may not take part in any Future Hockey event in India after Junior Hockey World Cup Saga

Hey Randian You Have Already Been Reported And You Can Keep ****** In Your Own ******

Nobody In Pakistan Is Dying To Visit The World's Largest Open Air Toilet AND The World's Largest Garbage Dump for Female Foetuses.

Seen And Banished Many Pathetic Keyboard Warriors Like you So Keep Your Bravado To Yourself

Go cry in a corner... And stop this constant Randi Rona :D

Awwww Look At You

Well you cannot blackmail FIH and apply for visa at the same time no ? I wonder why are not they cursing FIH and instead blaming India, we do what FIH tell us to do.:enjoy:
What BS you are spreading here if it is for getting late , what about kbadi? What about all BS created by your demon looking shiv sena baboons whenever there is a cricket final of Pakistan inside India? You guyz are such pathetic you dont even dare to face a sports event , i bet u will be shitting in pents whenever there will be a real war , go play with bd nepal you disgusting losers
What BS you are spreading here if it is for getting late , what about kbadi? What about all BS created by your demon looking shiv sena baboons whenever there is a cricket final of Pakistan inside India? You guyz are such pathetic you dont even dare to face a sports event , i bet u will be shitting in pents whenever there will be a real war , go play with bd nepal you disgusting losers

lol, so much butt hurt, all for your own incompetence, you expect VIP treatment from India, heck no, follow the rules or go conduct your own world cup.... wait. even Nepal-BD will not go to your country.
What part of “S-H-O-O" did you not understand? :-)

Somebody's going to my “Ignore list". :D
We just f*** u for over 800 years and now u baboons cant adjust it :D we will do it again and u will sluk in corner like beggers:D sabzi khoor baboons

lol, so much butt hurt, all for your own incompetence, you expect VIP treatment from India, heck no, follow the rules or go conduct your own world cup.... wait. even Nepal-BD will not go to your country.
So you dont have any answer for kabbadi? True baniya mind loosers boooo
We just f*** u for over 800 years and now u baboons cant adjust it :D we will do it again and u will sluk in corner like beggers:D sabzi khoor baboons

So you dont have any answer for kabbadi? True baniya mind loosers boooo
Yeah either you came from Arabia on white horse 1000 years back or were just converted 300-400 years back. Odds are in favor of later. No ruler from Pakistani land did any major conquest except Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Wars from that era were fought by Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Hindu rajputs, marathas, sikhs, etc...not by Muslims of Pakistan.
Yeah either you came from Arabia on white horse 1000 years back or were just converted 300-400 years back. Odds are in favor of later. No ruler from Pakistani land did any major conquest except Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Wars from that era were fought by Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Hindu rajputs, marathas, sikhs, etc...not by Muslims of Pakistan.

Yes Wars Were Fought for 1000 Years and The "Muslims of Pakistan" Just Kept Watching With Popcorn.

And I Suppose The Arabs Turks and Mughals India For 1000 years and when British Came packed up their belongings and went back nice logic
Actually i wont be surprised if pak body did this on purpose just to cry victimhood later, because that body is run by pakistani army guys.
Look at the ignorance or should i say utter stupidity. No wonder this is what you are taught at school.
Yeah either you came from Arabia on white horse 1000 years back or were just converted 300-400 years back. Odds are in favor of later. No ruler from Pakistani land did any major conquest except Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Wars from that era were fought by Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Hindu rajputs, marathas, sikhs, etc...not by Muslims of Pakistan.
Check history kid we have many tribes which are from these nations u just qouted , when it comes to loses u go with the mantra of Pakistan and when it comes to achievements you cry Muslims Muslims according to some legends katas raj is the janambhoomi of ur spiritual diety Ram, U even changed it loosers atleast own your gods but for now your gods are modi and shiv sena baboons

Mughals are all over in lahore no wars can be fought without support of locals , are you that stupid? Or u r just ignorant
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I gave you the reason why Malaysians got the visas on such short notice, and Pakistanis didn't. Its because India and Pakistan don't have a system of visa-on-arrival with each other. India and Malaysia do. What's so ambiguous in my post that you're trying to find alternate meanings?

You wanted to know how the Malaysian team managed to procure Indian visas on such short notice. I gave you the answer to that question -- VISA-ON-ARRIVAL..!!

Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by sheer incompetence..!! :D
For a moment i thought at least one Indian has the decency to openly admit and call spade a spade but i couldnt be more wrong. You lot did not even spare sports from your hatred. What you did was disgraceful even for enemies but knowing your kind its not surprising.
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