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Pakistan may be polio free by next year: UNICEF

polio is a curse for children and must be eradicated forever at the earliest possible
inshALLAH , polio was to be eradicated in year 2000 , we are very late but hope pakistan will be free from polio soon , if 2/3 of the population get immunised then rest 1/3 will develop herd immunity , as herd immunity is shown in polio ,so its not difficult to eradicate it
Operation Zarb e Azb effects being felt in all aspects of society. Good news :tup:
I will be cautious with the ' polio free' claim at the moment. As I understand, requirement for declaration of polio free country is zero polio case in three consecutive years. Though fewer, we still have reported polio cases this year. If we can succeed in zero polio case next year, our clock will start for the next three. I hope we succeed.

There are still challenges. Like some posters rightly noted that some of the so-called educated people are spreading rumors against immunization program. What could be more unfortunate than that? Then there is problem of some tribal elders trying to blackmail government in order to get favorable decisions on development. Just today, Orakzai tribal elders have refused to allow polio teams unless government gives in to their demands of settling tribal disputes on their terms. Conditions include opening of some roads, giving control of some mountains and better facilities in the area. They are using their kids as bargaining chips. Then there is problem with porous Afghan border and presence of polio virus in adjacent Afghan districts. Polio can always make its way back to Pakistan from there. So as I see it, we still have some distance to go and go we shall.
As terrorism is eradicating, polio will eradicate along with it.
Pak Army zindabad.

Ssad to say i know some people very close to me and despite my efforts they refuse to any sort of immunisation including polio. According to them one of the kids died couple of hours after he was given polio drops. It could have been a bad batch with improper storage facilities but damage done has caused huge doubts in them and they are very educated people. Such incidents should be monitored as well and police even refused to file a complain for that case which is i just dont understand why ..

they are not lost cause, never lose hope .. and keep trying to convince them.. thats what i do :)
Bad headline. It's not that Pakistan could be "polio-free" next year but that polio could no longer be endemic - that is, a disease regularly found and subject to spreading in particular areas.

It means polio is still expected to be present, cropping up occasionally in a more random distribution, but no longer presenting a good fit to the mathematical models that predict the epidemiological spread of disease (thanks to everybody being vaccinated).
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