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Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future

A better term would be Great Powers for the list, Superpowers sounds overcrowded, lol.
Made a mockery of the word 'superpower'.A superpower is a 'superpower' because its extremely rare.Only 1 or at most 2 can exist simultaneously.Better word is major power.
Sensible post.

It's ridiculous how people are throwing the title around like having a couple of nukes puts a country on the road to being a superpower.

We have a 40% undocumented economy.... regulating the economy alone could jump as up many slots. Another thing is our growth rate should at-least be 7-8% by 2018 - IMF forecasts have been very inaccurate when it comes to Pakistan.

Maybe, 40% of our economy isnt on the papers; as of yet.
The problem with undocumented economy is that is can't be documented easily otherwise someone would have done it already.

There is no way to tame the black market after decades of negligence and criminal oversight.

Even with a 10% growth there is very little chance of us reaching top 20 economy list by relying so much on base industry.
1.) USA/China
2.) Japan
3.) Russia
4.) Germany
5.) India

There's my top five, not sure how they came up with this top ten list.
1.) USA/China
2.) Japan
3.) Russia
4.) Germany
5.) India

There's my top five, not sure how they came up with this top ten list.
Why do you have Russia in there? That is declining right? Population and economy wise.

The world would be a completely crazy place if we had 10 SUPERpowers all able to extend their power anywhere in the world. Sure way for total annihilation of the planet.
Whats the use of getting title of super power if you cannot feed all population, cannot provide them food, clean water, shelter/housing, health care, education, safety and all others necessity. so i assume the happiness or well-being of your citizens matter most than overall economic performance of your country so HDI(human development index), social progress index and GDP per capita are better criteria to judge the well being of people than getting this label of world super power..

The Social Progress Index determines what it means to be a good society according to three dimensions: Basic Human Needs (food, water, shelter, safety); Foundations of Wellbeing (basic education, information, health and a sustainable environment); and Opportunity (do people have rights, freedom of choice, freedom from discrimination, and access to higher education?)

The top 68 countries on The Social Progress Index

How we can be 15th largest in 2020 ... There are alot of nations to beat

we currently stood at 26th in Purchasing power and 41th in nominal
Jenab care to explain difference between PPP and Official exchange rate..... I have never understood the difference btw them.... and please a simpel example..... Thx
Can becoming a superpower bring happiness and prosperity to ordinary people's life ? Do ordinary people care about becoming a superpower than being able to pay daily bills ?

I don't know.....ask the Indians first because Pakistan is a bit too far away from it. There are plenty of Indian members on here who'd respond to ask any of them. Majority of their country (over 600 million people don't have proper beds to sleep on, or proper kitchens to cook food into), but they'd rather be a super power than anything else......so go ahead and ask someone :enjoy:

Next, in Pakistan's case, it's population (and associated overhead) is 5 times lesser than India. So Pakistan's rise means her people's rise economically. Everything is associated with the economic growth. So Pakistan becoming a super power is secondary to her economic growth. Due to her size and population, you won't have the same situation like India (explained above).

Pakistan is listed at the bottom 16 of failed states Index. It would be a miracle if Pakistan can pick up with rest of the world.

India too needs to Improve. Bangladesh is positioned much better than Pakistan. I reckon Bangladesh would make it to top 20 economies in 2050.

You must be smoking something that's very illegal IMO. Pakistan has been listed (since 2013) in the list of BRICS+9. I am sure you know what BRICS are right? Adding Pakistan to it when she's a failed state......hmmm, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Berkshire Hathaway are all stupid but the few Indian members are the only genius people on the planet!!!!

Also, Bangladesh is "currently" in a better position. Beyond 2018, Pakistan is in a much stronger position to start beating many countries out, including going above Mexico to Australia even. I know it'll be VERY hard for you to understand the fact, just like the 8 darn F-16's recently. I feel sorry for you.

Pakistan would never be a superpower, our goal is to become the Sweden of South Asia, a country that takes care of its people.

I have to surprise you......you are far away from the government and military's vision on this. 2018, per my resources is when Pakistan starts to take off as a regional power. 2025 is when she actually becomes one and then its uphill movement.....never stops!
Whats the use of getting title of super power if you cannot feed all population, cannot provide them food, clean water, shelter/housing, health care, education, safety and all others necessity. so i assume the happiness or well-being of your citizens matter most than overall economic performance of your country so HDI(human development index), social progress index and GDP per capita are better criteria to judge the well being of people than getting this label of world super power..

The Social Progress Index determines what it means to be a good society according to three dimensions: Basic Human Needs (food, water, shelter, safety); Foundations of Wellbeing (basic education, information, health and a sustainable environment); and Opportunity (do people have rights, freedom of choice, freedom from discrimination, and access to higher education?)

The top 68 countries on The Social Progress Index

If our skiing team was better, we would be #1, LOL.
Damned Norwegians won again...
What is a criteria for major power?
If it is only macroeconomics then maybe,
If development in true sense with development in life quality and social indicators then this region will not be major power including India till there is revolutionary changes in social justice and education. Minds have to change. It will take many generations
I don't think there is a country in the world which has as big a mismatch between perception and reality than Pakistan. Living in Europe I see the reaction to mere mention of "Pakistan". It's seen marginally better than Somalia or at about same as Somalia. I struggle to give the true picture of Pakistan - that while it has problems (media does great job of showing this) but there is another side to this country I see everytime I visit. As one poster mentioned miles after miles of new housing estates for the emerging middle class, shopping malls, eight lane expressways are being built at frenetic pace.






At time these estates can feature corny and cheapskate copies but that's does not detract fromm the massive construction going on across the country. Roads, expressways, housing estates are sprouting out. The demand is from a population that hides it's income from the taxman which means the official figures never reflect the situation on the ground. Foreigners just look at the silly official numbers and media news about some crazed mullahs and that's it. Pakistan is another Somalia. They never stop to think that a country like Pakistan has 5th largest nuclear stockpile. How exactly did it manage to do that if it is another Somalia or failed?


Pakistan has brand problem and it needs to sort it out. It also needs to muzzle the mullahs something that has began. We had the news of Qadri being hanged who was the hero of the mullah brigades but that did not stop his neck being snapped. Btw I am against death penalty but still justice was served even if it was not the way I would have like to be served. The tax problems needs to be sorted. the informal economy is probably as large as the formal economy.

Source > The Secret Strength of Pakistan's Economy - Businessweek


Source > Is the Black economy all that black? - The Express Tribune

A land that was one of the four cradles of human civilization (Indus river Civilization), a land that saw and fought off Alexander the Great (Anabasis of Alexander mentions how inhabitants of what is now Pakistan gave him the toughest fight of all and he was nearly killed in Multan) and that saw flowering a Hellenic syncretic Ghandaran civilization in Taxila (near modern Pakistan's capital Islamabad) before Western Europe found out that alpha was the first letter in the Greek alaphabet and the it was the first letter in the name "Alexander".

Source > Gandhara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Gandhara Poseidon

Given all this history and the nature of Pakistani people it will I am sure be a power to be reckoned with in the future. Many of the younger members will see that happen. That does not change the frustrating problems that could be easily be resolved by motivated leadership which this country lacks.
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