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Pakistan lauds UN for taking down “one-sided” photo exhibition by Bangladesh on 1971 events

every unstable country needs facism to get to a point of permanent secure stability.

facism would do pakistan some good. by facism i mean national socialism type.

I guess uncle Adolph was somewhat of a savior considering how he uplifted Germany from chaos to superpower statues. I partially agree.

Heil die furer.

So, PA troops attacked and killed civilians. PA troops

No that would be Bengali terrorist militias who did that.
I guess uncle Adolph was somewhat of a savior considering how he uplifted Germany from chaos to superpower statues. I partially agree.

Heil die furer.

No that would be Bengali terrorist militias who did that.
yes. due to instability we need some work to stabilise the region and integrate everyone. the instability means democracy is a burden and weakening us. facism national socialism for a while can get everything integrated, stable, secured, until people are generally mature/educated enough to perhaps switch to democracy...

right now you leave room for people with wavering loyalties or fifth colums, its not worth it given the level of instability and vulnerability.
There obsessed by us .
We don’t give a flying **** about no Indian no Bangladeshis , just leave us Pakistanis alone

We just don’t want to know and have no interest in Bangladesh but you guys are always here begging for attention like your owners keep begging for an apology
Man it’s been 50 years get the hint and **** off no shit is given we have more pressing concerns like how much toilet rolls to buy than what a Bangladeshi wants .

You guys have gone Indian so go suck there impotent 2 inch cocks and praise each other on your own forums and stop wasting our bandwidth

We just don’t care - you don’t like us , Indians don’t like us we don’t give a **** we don’t like none of you jungle bunnies either but don’t go around congregating on your shitty forums begging for likes .

Indians "don't like us" yet beg to be related to us day and night. They worship our pre-Islamic ancestors and pre-Islamic civilizations.

It never stops. Yeah and by seeing Bangladeshis stalking Pakistanis online including our forums, that's about right.

But fact is we should not apologize for something we did not do. Much of the violence was provoked by their people.

The fact that they censor anything questioning their claims in their country shows volumes how afraid they are to face the truth.
In the 1970s jute was replaced by polyester threads and bags in the Western world. So, the Pakistan govt was not earning as much from jute as it did in the previous 22 years.

- So, why bother to remain with Bengali blackeys? Kill them and force them to separate.

- Create a situation to involve India. This is how the ruling generals could hoodwink the population.

If someone does not agree with what I wrote above about the intention of Pakistani generals to bring India to the stage, I ask him if did not the generals know how India would react when Hindus flee to India.

They knew it and willfully played dice. The result was Indian intervention, and the generals can always blame India saying it was not their idea to bifurcate the country.

West Pakistanis should be happy to see no Kala Bengali are sharing the name of their country called Pakistan. But the Kala Bengalis are now more recognized as a better non-Taliban nation throughout the world.

Only yesterday, American Senate praised BD and apologized for the negative comments made by Henry Kissinger. BD people have combinedly proved his thinking wrong.
In 1968, Ayub Khan commissioned a group of West Pakistani economists to find out whether West Pakistan would face any economic problem if they ditch East Pakistan. Those economists gave him report that West Pakistan would be perfectly fine even thrive if it break-up with East Pak. After that report, Ayub was mentally prepared to let go East Pakistan. That's why he was unwilling to hear any legitimate demand of Bengalis to reduce the imbalance. According to Ayub's 1962 constitution, If the President resigns, he should hand over power to the speaker of the National Assembly. But Ayub did not do that, when he was forced to resign in 1969, because the speaker was a Bengali, instead he handed over power to another West Pakistani dictator, Yahya Khan. His mentality was shared by a lot of other military and civilian bureaucrats of that time who were willing separate from East Pakistan.

Pak military leadership wanted to ditch East Pakistan, but did not want to be accused as the one who broke Jinnah's Pakistan. So they carefully orchestrated a conspiracy where they enticed Bhutto to agitate and create a political crisis. They were also determined to teach Bengalis a lesson before the final break-up, when millions of refugees will flee to India, India will be forced to intervene and snatch away East Pak. Thus absolving their culpability. That's why they started to kill indiscriminately Bengalis, especially the Hindus. 10 million refugees fled to India, 9 million of them were Hindus. Now Pak generals were satisfied that Indian intervention will come.

But they became impatient when even after 8 months, India was dragging it's feet, so to hasten the process, they made a pre-emptive air strike on Indian airbases in the Western side. Earlier they removed Tikka Khan and appointed AAK Niazi to take responsibility of defeat and surrender. AAK Niazi was a boastful, arrogant and less intelligent mid-level military officer whom they choose to sacrifice in the alter of their conspiracy. No higher-ranking general was willing to take charge of Pak Eastern Command. So things happened as they wished. Common Pakistanis now blame Bhutto and Mujib for the dismemberment of Jinnah's Pakistan and AAK Niazi for defeat and surrender, Pak military remains as innocent as ever.
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In 1968, Ayub Khan commissioned a group a West Pakistani economists to find out whether West Pakistan would face any economic problem if they ditch East Pakistan. Those economists gave him report that West Pakistan would be perfectly fine even thrive if it break-up with East Pak. After that report, Ayub was mentally prepared to let go East Pakistan. That's why he was unwilling to hear any legitimate demand of Bengalis to reduce the imbalance. According to Ayub's 1962 constitution, If the President resigns, he should hand over power to the speaker of the National Assembly. But Ayub did not do that, when he was forced to resign in 1969, because the speaker was a Bengali, instead he handed over power to another West Pakistani dictator, Yahya Khan. His mentality was shared by a lot of other military and civilian bureaucrats of that time who were willing separate from East Pakistan.

Pak military leadership wanted to ditch East Pakistan, but did not want to be accused as the one who broke Jinnah's Pakistan. So they carefully orchestrated a conspiracy where they enticed Bhutto to agitate and create a political crisis. They were also determined to teach Bengalis a lesson before the final break-up, when millions of refugees will flee to India, India will be forced to intervene and snatch away East Pak. Thus absolving their culpability. That's why they started to kill indiscriminately Bengalis, especially the Hindus. 10 million refugees fled to India, 9 million of them were Hindus. Now Pak generals were satisfied that Indian intervention will come.

But they became impatient when even after 8 months, India was dragging it's feet, so to hasten the process, they made a pre-emptive strike on Indian airbases in the Western side. Earlier they removed Tikka Khan and appointed AAK Niazi to take responsibility of defeat and surrender. AAK Niazi was a boastful, arrogant and less intelligent mid-level military officer whom they choose to sacrifice in the alter of their conspiracy. No higher-ranking general was willing to take charge of Pak Eastern Command. So things happened as they wished. Common Pakistanis now blame Bhutto for the dismemberment of Jinnah's Pakistan and AAK Niazi for defeat and surrender, Pak military remains as innocent as ever.
Yes, you are right. After about 1968 east Pakistan was no more laying Golden Jute because the world market was already taken over by polyester materials.

So, why keep blackey east with the white west? Organize a military drama to force the East to secede from the West with the help of India. And who cares if thousands of Blackies are killed in action?
In 1968, Ayub Khan commissioned a group a West Pakistani economists to find out whether West Pakistan would face any economic problem if they ditch East Pakistan. Those economists gave him report that West Pakistan would be perfectly fine even thrive if it break-up with East Pak. After that report, Ayub was mentally prepared to let go East Pakistan. That's why he was unwilling to hear any legitimate demand of Bengalis to reduce the imbalance. According to Ayub's 1962 constitution, If the President resigns, he should hand over power to the speaker of the National Assembly. But Ayub did not do that, when he was forced to resign in 1969, because the speaker was a Bengali, instead he handed over power to another West Pakistani dictator, Yahya Khan. His mentality was shared by a lot of other military and civilian bureaucrats of that time who were willing separate from East Pakistan.

Pak military leadership wanted to ditch East Pakistan, but did not want to be accused as the one who broke Jinnah's Pakistan. So they carefully orchestrated a conspiracy where they enticed Bhutto to agitate and create a political crisis. They were also determined to teach Bengalis a lesson before the final break-up, when millions of refugees will flee to India, India will be forced to intervene and snatch away East Pak. Thus absolving their culpability. That's why they started to kill indiscriminately Bengalis, especially the Hindus. 10 million refugees fled to India, 9 million of them were Hindus. Now Pak generals were satisfied that Indian intervention will come.

But they became impatient when even after 8 months, India was dragging it's feet, so to hasten the process, they made a pre-emptive strike on Indian airbases in the Western side. Earlier they removed Tikka Khan and appointed AAK Niazi to take responsibility of defeat and surrender. AAK Niazi was a boastful, arrogant and less intelligent mid-level military officer whom they choose to sacrifice in the alter of their conspiracy. No higher-ranking general was willing to take charge of Pak Eastern Command. So things happened as they wished. Common Pakistanis now blame Bhutto for the dismemberment of Jinnah's Pakistan and AAK Niazi for defeat and surrender, Pak military remains as innocent as ever.
Very well-crafted, insightful write-up - you should be writing books!

It is quite hilarious to hear Faujeets blame us for "colluding' with India to break Pakistan when they are the ones who dragged India into the fight by first creating a refugee crisis and then desperately attacking India from the West.

Without support from East Bengal, Pakistan would not exist and modern day Pakistani land would still be a colony of the British or India.

This mindset of denial is also the reason why Pakistan is the mess that it is today. They have run their country for 76 years with borrowed money and built some flashy infrastructure to fool the masses but never bothered to address fundamental economic deficiencies such as lack of industrialisation, archaic agricultural practices and feudalism.
The clown show has now reached the end of the road and now they do not know how to move forward from here on.
Creditors have had enough and they want no part of it any more.
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It just shows you lack comprehension and are parroting what you have been fed without putting in your own thoughts to the mix.

You are just foaming at the mouth

So a war gets initiated full blown, whilst you another part of your country very vulnerable open to be attacked invaded?

Also the qu'ran has fewer criteria, that actually allows for full blown civil rebellion.

Educate yourself
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