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Pakistan Latest missile

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New version for Ra'ad is being developed. Specially tailored for JF17 (main wingstore version)
New version for Ra'ad is being developed. Specially tailored for JF17 (main wingstore version)
Good news, indeed. Has it been tested yet? How about working on evading ABM and other Indian anti-BM systems?
yaar kab good news mile ge indian ne agni5 ka kamiyab tajarba kiya hai...pak ne 2 saal se khuch nahi kiya....musharaf theek tha jis ne 4 missile ke kamiyab tajarbe kiya...pak ko b india ka jawab dena chahiye.:pakistan:
^^ It's a sensitive matter. The Americans are putting a lot of pressure on Pakistan. The Pakistani nuclear assets are deliberately being maligned for obvious reasons. Pakistan cannot afford to openly carry out such missile tests when an insurgency is raging all across the region. However, missile tests need to be carried out in secrecy.
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I remember Dr. Samar Mubarakmand was once being interviewed and he said Pakistan now has the capability to conduct cold tests. That means if a missile is developed, the scientists could conduct a cold test (or a computer simulated test) and verify their parameters and get a good insight of how the thing will perform in real life. The actual physical experiment might be conducted when the situation is more appropriate.

I think NESCOM is much more focused on UCAVs at present since they have a direct impact for our WOT. Missiles might have been developed or are being developed but not necessarily being tested until a more appropriate time. Besides, a lot of tests in the past was just test firing one missile when a lot was ready and being handed over to the army.
I remember Dr. Samar Mubarakmand was once being interviewed and he said Pakistan now has the capability to conduct cold tests. That means if a missile is developed, the scientists could conduct a cold test (or a computer simulated test) and verify their parameters and get a good insight of how the thing will perform in real life. The actual physical experiment might be conducted when the situation is more appropriate.

I think NESCOM is much more focused on UCAVs at present since they have a direct impact for our WOT. Missiles might have been developed or are being developed but not necessarily being tested until a more appropriate time. Besides, a lot of tests in the past was just test firing one missile when a lot was ready and being handed over to the army.

agree with u ,ucavs r cost effective in delivering payloads with high survivability.Reusable hypersonic vehicles,directed energy weapons,emp devices will be a part of future offencive weapons.pakistan has to invest in these quick and form joint ventures with china to have more intake of technology and reduce time.it has to do it quick or it will be left behind.
I did Internship in nescom for the final year.
Boring as hell, But there are some really "Interesting" departments out there.
And the scientists are really fun to hang out with. They make wonderful conversation especially Dr Burni.
bro you want gud news wait for end of 2010 and mid of 2011 ull be simply amazed!!!!


I did Internship in nescom for the final year.
Boring as hell, But there are some really "Interesting" departments out there.
And the scientists are really fun to hang out with. They make wonderful conversation especially Dr Burni.

Cmon guys, tell us more. Airbus give some hints, it can't be that secret if somebody told you! :)
Santro I envy you very much, did they offer you a job? How would you compare their facilities to other organisations you have experience with?
Yes a job was in the cards, but I was not interested plus these guys make life hell in case you work in a sensitive dept. Ur calls are monitored and most gatherings with families are checked. Then there are the ridiculous security checks.( An affidavit for verifying your residence must be on the 20rs Stamp paper, The 10rs one will not suffice even though the courts deem it sufficient.)
The departments vary depending on the research taken. But lets say they are equal to most foreign university research departments. More over there is too much red tape here and there, although that is prudent considering relatively low funding.
Lets just say somebody like me who was Interested in developing T/R modules for Active Array's cant get his way. So Ill just work where I, maybe ten years down the line I can pursue my dream of making advanced radar. Not just now.
That's how NESCOM works.

It might have seemed boring to you, but that is because an internee cannot come anywhere close to the real projects or the real scientists. Where you 'probably' worked were just random Research depts, much like university departments. Some institutes like KRL or SUPARCO even offer courses and have students and teachers working there, with departments just like a univ. That research is nothing...not even a penny...in regards to what really goes on.

Without going into any details, but those departments are more like a breading ground from where you can choose people. So they are like any govt. dept with red tapism, usual politics, etc. Once you get selected for a project, things change and change a lot.

Just like any other sensitive department, the researchers work on specific systems or sub-systems. Most don't have a clue on what they are working on (in terms of final product) or where they are working. You just go, work on the task assigned until it is completed and that is all. The facilities are pretty good depending on the project...atleast good enough to get your work done...and far better than anything you will find in the rest of the country.

In NESCOM, you might end up getting what you want if you are good at it, but mostly you will work on what the institute desires. The projects are interesting once you are assigned to one and you get benefits too, but rather boring if you are not assigned to one or until you are assigned to one. If you want to work on T/R modules, try something like PAC or AWC.
True.. the only real scientists I met(means long chat on a lot of things) were Dr Burni here at NESCOM and Dr Samar a few years before that.
Not interested in T/R currently..
enjoying my salary working on OPs written by gora's :D
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India your arch rival, is just 500 kms away from Islamabad. What are you gonna do with an ICBM?

make it take a trip round the world then hit you.
Kinda like a victory run footballers do around the field after a goal.:rofl:
I remember Dr. Samar Mubarakmand was once being interviewed and he said Pakistan now has the capability to conduct cold tests. That means if a missile is developed, the scientists could conduct a cold test (or a computer simulated test) and verify their parameters and get a good insight of how the thing will perform in real life. The actual physical experiment might be conducted when the situation is more appropriate.

Hey does this mean that Pakistan has got hands on an adequate supercomputer>> because all these simulations & modelling are being performed by a very complex & fast computer which according to current news Pakistan dont have.
However i did came across a document as follows:


which may help you to understand why they assume Pakistan to be involved in some kind SuperComputer proliferation
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