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Pakistan keeps ageing Mirages flying

Tejas, to compete with JF-17 in terms of price has to retrofit itself with below par Russian engine, a Mechanical radar and a metal body.

Well even if the Pakistan Air Force get French Made Rafale fighter then its not any issue for the Indian Air Force. Tejas Fighter planes are already 4.5 Generation fighter plane and more advance prototypes have been made by HAL and on that even Indian Air Force is already testing Fifth Generation Fighter which are being produced by the HAL.

Indian Air Force is having Mirage 2000 and this clearly explain that French Made Rafale are just a bit upgraded fighter plane made by the French Defense industry.

France do have a history of very good relations with Pakistan . Agosta Submarines which the Pakistan Navy is having are even French Made .

The Agosta-class submarine is a class of diesel-electric fast-attack submarine developed and constructed by the French DCNS in 1970s to succeed the Daphné submarines.

Pakistan and DCN France signed a contract for 3 Agosta 90-B submarines on 21 September 1994 and was valued at 5,4 billion francs (~ 775 million dollars). Financing for the contract rested on credit given to Pakistan by France and while allowing France to export the submarines nonetheless resulted in significant financial losses. Pakistan Navy engineers and workmen were to be trained and qualified in the construction processes. DCN was to assist PN Dockyard to upgrade the infrastructure for construction of submarine. To optimize the available infrastructure some works were shared with KS&EW as well.

Under the contract, one submarine was to be built in France while the remaining two were to be built in Pakistan.

PNS/M KHALID Pakistan Navy Submarine is the first of the Agosta-90B class submarines acquired by the Pakistan Navy from France. It was commissioned on 6 September 1999 and inducted into PN Fleet on 21 December 1999. The Agosta-90B is an improved version of the sea proven Agosta 70.

The second submarine was launched on 24 August 2002 and started its harbor and sea trials. This submarine completed over 1200 harbor and sea trials and on successful completion this was commissioned as PNS/M SAAD. PNS/M SAAD was the 1st Agosta-90B class submarine built at Pakistan Navy Dockyard under the Transfer of Technology (TOT) agreement with France.

PNS/M HAMZA, the third Agosta 90B submarine that has been completely built at Pakistan Navy Dockyard was commissioned into Pakistan Navy Fleet on 26 September 2008.
I am not sure what 'fly' means to you. 9 Tejas has been inducted and 8 of them participated in the recently concluded Gagan shakti exercise, each flying 6 sorties a day for 11 days at a stretch giving 100% serviceability rate. Does that qualify 'fly' to you?
The madrasa brains won't be able to contain it.
they are now building a drone tejas..as pilots are too afaraid

The madrasa brains won't be able to contain it.

Mandirs/Madrasas brains are very hard to contained, the faith in the Supreme Creator always show the way to the believers, Be it in destroying the enemies of Dharama/Deen or even geting the space routes.
Do you live on another planet?:lol:

What’s next... asking about Apsaras?

Got it but that word has got nothing to do with RSS in particular, it means a branch I guess, my hindi ain't that good.
PS - I stand corrected!!It is indeed RSS related!!Damn, seems like I do live on another planet!! :P
What's a 'shakha'?? :what:

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in short Kesari and Zaffrani.


Do you live on another planet?:lol:

What’s next... asking about Apsaras?

Its an open fact about the achievements done by the Indian Nuclear Scientists in the field of Nuclear technology. Apsara Research Reactor went critical on August 4,1956


Got it but that word has got nothing to do with RSS in particular, it means a branch I guess, my hindi ain't that good.
PS - I stand corrected!!It is indeed RSS related!!Damn, seems like I do live on another planet!! :P

Acha, I think you are asking about Chutiya , its a location somewhere in Bengal Province and the co ordinates are secured with Indian Military Intelligence wing.
Pakistan keeps ageing Mirages flying

How the topic is relevant to Indian defense thread? It's their business, whatever they want to keep flying....
The reason the Pakistanis are still flying in paf is simple

They have a tiny gdp and tiny military budget so replacing 120.mirages from the 1960S and 70S with mirage 2000 was impossible .

Half the mirages are free donations from Libya,and Australia who gave them.away to Pakistan .

They served you well
And now the chinease have designed and delivered the thunder to replace them all for budget cost .

Great move imo
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