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Pakistan is very important for China

Definitely Pakistan is very important to China. How else then it would help to keep a check on India? How else would it get access to Arabian Sea? Where would they get such a big market with nil industrialization, which is beneficial to them as they can export their cheap goods here? Where would they find a country where most people think with their hearts than brains?

As they know, hearts can be won, brains cannot.
I don't know why China offers money to IMF, IMF subsidizes many anti-China American minion states like India, Poland, Lativa, Estonia, Lithuania (all support Tibetan independence :sniper::usflag: ) .

Such American minion states India, Poland, Lativa, Estonia, Lithuania) only thank to USA but not China.

IMF subsidizes your "taller than oceans and deeper than mountains' friend also. Kindly keep your GK up to date.:disagree:
who r 3 other allies that can help you in war?
would like to know the name.:confused:

do you think india is a country that have to really care?our Pakistan friends didn't make you feel bad?so why u had won so many wars without getting some true advantage in Kashmir?you have to know you have 10times lager population than Pakistan,who is winner?you ?
IMF subsidizes your "taller than oceans and deeper than mountains' friend also. Kindly keep your GK up to date.:disagree:
come on,man
:china::pakistan:IMF could do nothing if india have a war with us or our friends,and i confess u indian did better than us ,so ?make you stronger?
we r not kids ,right?
time stands with winner forever,and what you did cant change anything.if IMF can make you feel good ,go and happy,but i dont think they can give you an ak47,right?
do your job,man ,when the war happened ,make sure they fight like a man
tell you one thing,China is a badboy for a long time in the west midia,they r so many and stong ,but will not break China in this way,who care
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come on,man
:china::pakistan:IMF could do nothing if india have a war with us or our friends,and i confess u indian did better than us ,so ?make you stronger?
we r not kids ,right?
time stands with winner forever,and what you did cant change anything.if IMF can make you feel good ,go and happy,but i dont think they can give you an ak47,right?
do your job,man ,when the war happened ,make sure they fight like a man
tell you one thing,China is a badboy in the world in the west midia,they r so many and stong ,but will not break China in this way,who care

big india play dirty trick like small india, they enjoy it,but once at war,they always suck at it,they play like US,but their muscle is like Somalia&#12290; let's go back 2500 years,they were authoring <<The Art of Love>> while we were authoring<<the art of war>> ,no offend, indian ,love is good thing,but it's very clear that this IMF trick is not going to work for china,go ahead ,you should put 60B$ on the disputed area
in Pakistan our children are taught in school at very early age who is our enemy and who is our friend.

Every man woman and child in Pakistan knows that China is one of our best all weather friends.

We have almost 20,000 Chinese workers (engineer, doctor, consultants, etc) in Pakistan and we value their work so much.

China has always been true to their word, and they are honourable people.

by the way my fiance's father is Brig. General in Pakistan Army. At the moment, he is doing Signals -National Defence course in China. And he is very happy there.

God bless People's Republic China. And God bless Pakistan. I hope we can continue our economic and defence cooperations.

I never said that Pak-US relations were good Pakistan is strategically important for the war in Afghanistan and alot of other reasons and that is why all the embargoes have been lifted that is why we are not at war with India i mean do you really think that they are afraid of Nuclear weapons??The only reason nukes have only been used once is because at that time only the U.S had them and they new that even if they do drop the load they would see no nuclear response.
Back to topic,Pak-US relations are not good we've just become useful again and that is why they show support and when the war on terror is over it'll be like Pakistan never existed.

once the war on terrorism is over, we should maintain contact with USA. Yes they have betrayed us during 1990s and even lately there is some misunderstandings.

But I genuinely think that we should work with USA at least in fields of defence.

But we should rely LESS on them. We should work more with China, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Brazil, South Africa, Czech Republic and other countries.
As well as access to Middle east relations, which china is unable to get, because of western influence in Middle East.

Pakistan can offer China very viable, important trade, energy corridor

ISLAMABAD,: The relationship between Pakistan and China is not solely dependent on reciprocity but Pakistan certainly can offer China a very viable and important trade and energy corridor, Director of China Study Center Islamabad, Fazlur Rehman said.China is certainly looking for prospects in the future and Pakistan can connect its deep seaport at Gwadar with the Western regions of China, which are coming up economically very fast, he told BBC TV when asked to comment on the visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to Pakistan on Saturday.

Explaining how important China is to Pakistan, he said China is a very important country as a neighbour, as a friend and as an ally. China has been helping Pakistan in its capacity development, in industry building in economic terms, in infrastructural and defence terms.

Replying to a question what has Pakistan got to offer in return to China, Fazlur Rehman said the viability and the potential of trade and energy corridor is huge and China certainly is going to use this.

“It is not in the near future but I think in the coming years of time.

This will assume very important route for China. And the security matter is of course a matter of concern but it certainly will not come in the way for such a huge project and security is kind of a preferral issue which can be taken care of,” he added.
Pak-China friendship is the need of time, good for both countries and not only limited to diplomatic offices but also exists among general people greatly.

People of both countries have emense amount of love and brotherly ties for eachother, Chinese in Pakistan and Pakistanis in China are treated with respect.

Likes and dislikes, enemies and friends, interest and mindset of both countries are same. China helped us in time of need and still helping us in many ways, it really defined what the real friendship is and what the friends are for. And we are really glad that we had China as our friend. The Pak-China friendship have came into a next level, and will continue to get strong in future.

Pak-China friendship zindabad :pakistan::china:
In terms of defense, China can offer great value for money military equipment. without blowing a hole, Pakistan armed forces can upgrade can match peer to peer but with only 1/3 of the peer spending.
Pak-China friendship is the need of time, good for both countries and not only limited to diplomatic offices but also exists among general people greatly.

People of both countries have emense amount of love and brotherly ties for eachother, Chinese in Pakistan and Pakistanis in China are treated with respect.

Likes and dislikes, enemies and friends, interest and mindset of both countries are same. China helped us in time of need and still helping us in many ways, it really defined what the real friendship is and what the friends are for. And we are really glad that we had China as our friend. The Pak-China friendship have came into a next level, and will continue to get strong in future.

Pak-China friendship zindabad :pakistan::china:

Help goes both ways. Pakistan has been a lot of help for China as well, especially during the 1960s & 70s when China was isolated and under all sorts of sanctions.
In terms of defense, China can offer great value for money military equipment. without blowing a hole, Pakistan armed forces can upgrade can match peer to peer but with only 1/3 of the peer spending.
We should work with Pakistan and help them to develop a strong nation not only in defence term. I will always happy to see a strong and properous Pakistan.

In my childhood, I have witnessed the friendship from both side hearts. In 1980s, a team of Pakistanis went to a tank factory in my home town and worked and lived there for several months. I can say, they are religious, honest and industrial people who deserve respect.

Actually, some of members here don't have the experiences to meet Pakistanis person to person but that's doesn't matter. In our culture and tradition, we worship this kind of relationship which their government and people's talk in line with their behaviors and there are always a respectful response. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

We should work together to bring our friendship to next level.

1.Develop both economies and strengthen both defence capabilities. More cooperation programs should be considered.
2.Strengthen the trade ties, aside the economy corridor maybe a free trade zone near our border could lift both trade revenue.
3.Help to develop Pakistan's industry capabilities to ensure that Pakistan can create more jobs and gain more wealth.
4.More civillian interaction activities/projects should be considered
5.Cooperate in the international community, help Pakistan to become a leading country in Islamic world.
6.Cooperate in public security sector to defeat those agents and outside powers that bring chaos in both country.

God bless China, God bless Pakistan, Long live China-Pakistan friendship.
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