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Pakistan is number one partner of the USA

Maybe like me, Hafizz wasnt also known about Raymond davies being freed. before he came here to troll about India as he usually does.
Omg, I read a article saying 2-3 weeks ago, from Pakistan saying he will be trialled for killing innocent Pakistanis and that they wont listen to USA demands.

How the f did he get out so easily?

Cause pakistan received more $$$$$ from U.S , The more deal was stretched out , the more money pak receives , pakistanis are very good in diplomacy :azn: This is their FDI in their country { foreigners can kill countrymen & in return u get more $$$$ } :azn:
Do you think India can find LET terrorist, if they pay $$$$ Pakistan too.

Its about time Mumbai attackers get arrested.
Omg, I read a article saying 2-3 weeks ago, from Pakistan saying he will be trialled for killing innocent Pakistanis and that they wont listen to USA demands.

How the f did he get out so easily?

By a very fast jet aircraft.
Before that an exchange of a large sum of money and some documents took place. It is called "Blood Money" or Diyya or Qisas. This took place under Islamic Law or Sharia. It is just a transaction.
Pakistanis are still living in this dream that USA considers them an ally ? wow you must be really delusional, an ally is like Canada, a money based partner is like Pakistan who even allows its own national sovereignty to be sacrificed for some dollars. Glad India does not have " Partners " like these.
Pakistan is number one partner of the USA
for dirty jobs doing
why indians jealous here...
pakistan has now support of both superpowers of the world!!
USA and China stands 4 pakistan..:cheers:

awesome!! so now you guys dont mind about Xe PMC's running covert ops in your country against your country rite??
in some kind Pakistan is close ally of America...
Pakistan army are fighting against terrorists and active partner in WoT...
Pakistan is the only Non-nato ally of US...
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