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Pakistan is in talks with TTP splinter groups and we can forgive them if they lay arms: Imran Khan to TRT World

Agreed, unfortunately this could be the case.

I don't know how many more causalities you are going to take.

Imagine if India attacked you, what would you do? Do the same with these lot.

US have left afghanistan and Taliban are in power, why are TTP still active? They have no reason to be.

Escalate this.
Armed forces can’t stay immune from the Incompetence of the general society. After all they have to recruit people from this same talent pool. It was bound to happen sooner or later, Incompetence has already creeped up into Armed forces.
… and frankly that’s how nations usually die in the waves of history.
Agreed, unfortunately this could be the case.

I don't know how many more causalities you are going to take.

Imagine if India attacked you, what would you do? Do the same with these lot.

US have left afghanistan and Taliban are in power, why are TTP still active? They have no reason to be.

Escalate this.

TTP is active because contrary to state propaganda... TTP is an exclusive tribal pashtun terrorist organization. They have support base there. No matter how hard the army tries to spin and blame everything on India..It is a fact that tribal pashtuns and their brethens in Afghanistan hate Pakistan.

Now even the propaganda isn't working and people are seeing it very clearly that army lied to all of us.
TTP is active because contrary to state propaganda... TTP is an exclusive tribal pashtun terrorist organization. They have support base there. No matter how hard the army tries to spin and blame everything on India..It is a fact that tribal pashtuns and their brethens in Afghanistan hate Pakistan.

Now even the propaganda isn't working and people are seeing it very clearly that army lied to all of us.

TTP and PTM is basically Mehsud tribe. Waziristan is one of the most anti-Pakistani places in the entire country. TTP is a combination of ethnic and religious nationalism. They takfir and declare Punjabis as apostates and stuff.
There is so much hatred for Afghans today in our Pakistani society but Pakistanis also at the same time believe that their beloved Afghan Taliban is supported by the majority of Afghans. This is cognitive dissonance.

The majority of Afghans, including Pashtuns, hated the Afghan Taliban. The Taliban represented only a fraction of the rural Pashtun population in southern Afghanistan. As corrupt as the Karzai and Ghani governments were, they were preferred by most Afghans over the Taliban. The only reason former Afghan government lost was because their soldiers were not motivated enough to die for a corrupt government whereas the Taliban fighters were highly motivated by the thought that they were fighting to establish Sharia.

Our people bring up the actions of anti-Pakistan governments in Afghanistan between 1947-1992 while totally ignoring that in 1992 Pakistan had a golden opportunity to make brotherly relations with the Afghan Muslims we had assisted in the jihad against the Soviet Union.

Pakistan alienated the majority of Afghans in 1992 by supporting the rebellion of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar against the government of the Islamic State of Afghanistan under President Burhanuddin Rabbani. That government of Afghan Mujahideen, made up of both Pashtun and Tajik Islamists such as Burhanuddin Rabbani, Ahmed Shah Massoud and Abdul Rasul Sayyaf was not originally anti-Pakistan. They supported Kashmiri Muslims and were even willing to hold a referendum in Afghanistan on accepting the Durand Line as the international border. They just wanted an independent foreign policy. ISI could not have that.

Later, Pakistan shifted from supporting Hekmatyar to the hardline Deobandi Taliban. It was only after Pakistan supported the Taliban which overthrew the Afghan mujahideen's government in Kabul in 1996, that Rabbani and Massoud created Northern Alliance and started taking help from India. Ironically, the Taliban (being Pashtun themselves) never accepted the Durand Line.

Pakistan had a chance to reconcile with the Northern Alliance in 2001 when the Taliban was overthrown and the majority of Afghans welcomed the US' overthrow of the Taliban. Instead Pakistan continued providing safe havens to the Afghan Taliban who carried out an insurgency against the Afghan Muslim government and killed tens of thousands of Afghan Muslim civilians, especially in suicide bombings.

This is why most Afghans hate us.

The Taliban did the same thing in Afghanistan which TTP did in Pakistan.

As for TTP, there can be no doubt they share the same ideology and have links with the Afghan Taliban, regardless of whether India may have aided them or not. There are no Indians in Afghanistan today, yet the number of TTP attacks targeting our soldiers has increased since the US left and the Afghan Taliban came to power.

I don't think Afghan Taliban will ever cut off their ties with the TTP, regardless of what they might say.

In my view its likely that Pakistan will eventually invade Afghanistan to overthrow the Afghan Taliban if this TTP problem is not resolved.

My only worry is that Pakistan Army, which reflects the sentiments of the society it comes from (which today is very anti-Afghan), might commit atrocities like rape and murder in Afghanistan as happened in Bangladesh in 1971. This would bring a bad name to our Army and brave jawans again. At least in 1971 we could argue that Pakistan Army was provoked by atrocities the Bengalis first committed against Bihari and West Pakistani Muslims.

The only way to stop this scenario is to educate Pakistanis that neither is the Afghan Taliban different to TTP nor does the Afghan Taliban represent the majority of Afghans.

In any future possible fight with the Afghan Taliban we MUST keep the Afghan people on OUR side.
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Dont know about him ..but given the situation and appeasement of terrorist by IK ..what would be the answer to mother of kids killed by these terroist in APs and other policemen ...this would only enforce a negative view that in future public servant like policemen should not fight and save there life ..because state will left them ...same goes for any one who provide information and raise voice against these barbarians..and no tribesman should organize people against these TTP because state will not stand with them ..so better stay silent ..
Sometime it really gets strange that what's the policy of state ..

Pakistan may ignore sacrifices od 80k+ Pakistanis but China will not spare its 8 engineers. This move may further worsen our relations with China.
Blaming India or America is easy. It's hard for them to deal with the cognitive dissonance that the Afghans they have idolized as mighty warriors of faith all their lives are behind the suicide bombings. That TTP is not a Western conspiracy but our own Frankenstein.

yup... These stupid Pakistanis will never learn.
There is so much hatred for Afghans today in our Pakistani society but Pakistanis also at the same time believe that their beloved Afghan Taliban is supported by the majority of Afghans. This is cognitive dissonance.

The majority of Afghans, including Pashtuns, hated the Afghan Taliban. The Taliban represented only a fraction of the rural Pashtun population in southern Afghanistan. As corrupt as the Karzai and Ghani governments were, they were preferred by most Afghans over the Taliban. The only reason former Afghan government lost was because their soldiers were not motivated enough to die for a corrupt government whereas the Taliban fighters were highly motivated by the thought that they were fighting to establish Sharia.

Our people bring up the actions of anti-Pakistan governments in Afghanistan between 1947-1992 while totally ignoring that in 1992 Pakistan had a golden opportunity to make brotherly relations with the Afghan Muslims we had assisted in the jihad against the Soviet Union.

Pakistan alienated the majority of Afghans in 1992 by supporting the rebellion of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar against the government of the Islamic State of Afghanistan under President Burhanuddin Rabbani. That government of Afghan Mujahideen, made up of both Pashtun and Tajik Islamists such as Burhanuddin Rabbani, Ahmed Shah Massoud and Abdul Rasul Sayyaf was not originally anti-Pakistan. They supported Kashmiri Muslims and were even willing to hold a referendum in Afghanistan on accepting the Durand Line as the international border. They just wanted an independent foreign policy. ISI could not have that.

Later, Pakistan shifted from supporting Hekmatyar to the hardline Deobandi Taliban. It was only after Pakistan supported the Taliban which overthrew the Afghan mujahideen's government in Kabul in 1996, that Rabbani and Massoud created Northern Alliance and started taking help from India. Ironically, the Taliban (being Pashtun themselves) never accepted the Durand Line.

Pakistan had a chance to reconcile with the Northern Alliance in 2001 when the Taliban was overthrown and the majority of Afghans welcomed the US' overthrow of the Taliban. Instead Pakistan continued providing safe havens to the Afghan Taliban who carried out an insurgency against the Afghan Muslim government and killed tens of thousands of Afghan Muslim civilians, especially in suicide bombings.

This is why most Afghans hate us.

The Taliban did the same thing in Afghanistan which TTP did in Pakistan.

As for TTP, there can be no doubt they share the same ideology and have links with the Afghan Taliban, regardless of whether India may have aided them or not. There are no Indians in Afghanistan today, yet the number of TTP attacks targeting our soldiers has increased since the US left and the Afghan Taliban came to power.

I don't think Afghan Taliban will ever cut off their ties with the TTP, regardless of what they might say.

In my view its likely that Pakistan will eventually invade Afghanistan to overthrow the Afghan Taliban if this TTP problem is not resolved.

My only worry is that Pakistan Army, which reflects the sentiments of the society it comes from (which today is very anti-Afghan), might commit atrocities like rape and murder in Afghanistan as happened in Bangladesh in 1971. This would bring a bad name to our Army and brave jawans again. At least in 1971 we could argue that Pakistan Army was provoked by atrocities the Bengalis first committed against Bihari and West Pakistani Muslims.

The only way to stop this scenario is to educate Pakistanis that neither is the Afghan Taliban different to TTP nor does the Afghan Taliban represent the majority of Afghans.

In any future possible fight with the Afghan Taliban we MUST keep the Afghan people on OUR side.
I wish I could give this a thousand thumbs up.

Taliban are just the Islamist version of Pashtun nationalists. They will look towards Pakistani land, just you wait.

Our best bet was to support a multi-ethnic government in Afghanistan. Now we've alienated every non Pashtun in Afghanistan
this piece by the author, posted in the last tweete is very illuminating. the origins and possible resurgence that could be in the works right now.
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