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Pakistan iron brother’ gets popular among Chinese youth: Ambassador Sun Weidong


Nov 26, 2016
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United Kingdom
ISLAMABAD: Chinese Ambassador Sun Weidong has said that Phrase ‘Pakistan is our Iron brother’ is getting popular among the Chinese people, particularly the Youth that is reflective of warm-hearted fast-growing friendship between the two countries.

With a sense of jubilation and pride, he said if someone asked from Chinese people who are your best friend World over, they say, it is Pakistan. This phrase speaks high the strength of Pakistan-China relationship that has turned into a role-model in the country-to-country relationship.

Sun who had rare contribution bringing these relations to new heights, said in informal chat that this phrase has started getting roots among the Chinese people as well as on Pakistan side when President Xi Jinping mentioned the same in one of his speeches, during the visit to Pakistan in April 2015.

China considers its friendship with Pakistan even stronger than iron, he said adding that Chinese peoples’ love and affection with Pakistan is passing through generation to generation and stood the test of the time. We call it ‘All-weather’ that expression was never used for any other country.

In the same tone, people in Pakistan describe the tallness of this relationship stating it as “Sino-Pak friendship is higher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans, stronger than steel and sweeter than honey." This historical phrase truly conveys the deepness of relationship and warmness towards each other.

Sun Weidong who returns home this month after serving Pakistan for more than four years, said China-Pakistan friendship is a precious heritage for both countries and their peoples. The phrase "Iron Brothers" has been ironed into our people’s mind like culture and will be inherited from generation to generation.

Now we should do our best to endow this brotherly relationship with new gifts through the Initiative of One Belt and One Road and building of CPEC, he added.

Recently, the ambassador in his speech, while eulogizing the ever-green towering Sino-Pak friendship introduced another phrase in the bilateral ties, stating 'it is as pure and sincere as the ever-flowing water'.

He stated, “the friendship between men of noble characters is as pure as water”. Water is beneficial for all things, without striving for fame and gain. “The highest ethics is like water”. It is not only the summary of Chinese virtue but also the interpretation of China-Pakistan friendship.

He cited famous Chinese saying, the sea can hold the water stemming from numerous rivers and it's huge because of its inclusiveness.

If we put the China-Pakistan relationship as the surging Yangtze River and Indus River, the tens of thousands of streams converged into the Rivers are actually the good feelings deeply rooted in the hearts of our two peoples. In Pakistan, as long as people could recognize you as Chinese, they will say “ni hao” and “xie xie” to you while their smiles sincerely to you.

Like the streams may flow through rocks and valleys, mountains and forests, and even remote areas, the Pakistani people may have different backgrounds of habitats, cultures, and languages, but it is the consensus of all the Pakistani people to support the China-Pakistan friendship.

Because of this consensus, the China-Pakistan friendship could eventually transform into a big river which crosses over the forests, plains and enrich all the living creatures.

Hundreds of years ago, a famous Chinese poet in the Song Dynasty said, why is the water so clear in the dyke? That is because there is always fresh water coming from the springhead. Standing on the shoulders of the veterans, the young generations from our two countries are bringing fresh water into the China-Pakistan friendship, he added.

Iron brother? Absolutely. You want proof? Pakistan will even stand with China over Myanmar.
the question to ask is that are you able to stand for the Muslims of Myanmar alone? no? Then I think you know what to do. countries pursue their interests with other countries based on this inner strengths. your gov is not even strong enough to call the Rohingyan refugees in and give them protection and your gripping about China? fooey... Muslims need to learn to stand up and take care of their own instead of looking at others to do it for them.

anyways, back on topic.
Geopolitics is not for the feint hearted. China, yes that supreme athiest state is Pakistan's solid ally. So Pakistan has to stand by China. Condemn what is happening all you like. But Pakistan must and will stand by China. :tup: :china:

That's right bro....

We can take lot of measures to solve this problem with the help of Turkey and Iran....
And obviously China will understand the situation and will not interfere, because China already declare that its an internal matter of Myanmar....

That reminds me....
Steel mill was formally launched by President General Zia-ul-Haq on 15 January 1985 with the help of Soviet Scientists....
Soviets were our enemy at that time but they didn't disturb the development of Steel mill....
So China will do the same, i think....
But now its a different story, we just need the will power to take daring steps....:nhl_checking:
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