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Pakistan, India urged to sign cluster munitions ban


Apr 24, 2007
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Pakistan, India urged to sign cluster munitions ban

PESHAWAR: Governments of countries from around the world have signed the most significant disarmament and humanitarian treaty of the decade, banning use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions but the South Asia region including Pakistan, India and Afghanistan did not sign the treaty, Cluster Munitions Coalition representative for Pakistan Raza Shah Khan said in a statement issued here on Friday.

“I am very disappointed that not a single country from the region has made any commitment to sign this historic treaty to ban cluster bombs” he said.

“I also strongly urge India and Pakistan, leading producers and stockpilers of cluster bombs, to sign and pave way for disarmament, development and poverty-reduction in the region,” Khan said.

He stated that 93 countries from around the world signed the treaty on December 04 in Oslo, but showed disappointment that the South Asian region including countries which produce, stockpile and trade in the weapons, as well as Afghanistan, one of the world’s most badly affected countries, did not sign the treaty.

He said for over 40 years cluster bombs have killed and injured civilians during and after conflicts. Unexploded cluster munitions continue to kill and injure for days, months, and even decades after conflict. Tens of thousands of civilians worldwide have been killed or injured by the weapon, he added.

On average, a quarter of all cluster bomb victims are children. The treaty will help ensure that survivors, including their families and communities, receive concrete and measurable assistance, including physical and psycho-social needs, equality, rights and national action plans. staff report
India wont agree, Pakistan wants to make South Asia nuclear free zone, But India didn't agreed so forget about Cluster ammo ban.
Our main Enemy is China, not pakistan. So it should be Nuclear free Asia.
Our main Enemy is China, not pakistan. So it should be Nuclear free Asia.

Just visit BRF and see how often anti Pak mentallity is displayed. There is no difference in the Indian politics.

Let me put it different. If you cannot beat Pakistan (you showed it daily) then you will never beat China. Not even with help of Israel, Us or whatever.

And if China is the main enemy why are you so touched by Mumbai bombings? If Pakistan produced that then your main enemy is hardly China.
Just visit BRF and see how often anti Pak mentallity is displayed. There is no difference in the Indian politics.

Let me put it different. If you cannot beat Pakistan (you showed it daily) then you will never beat China. Not even with help of Israel, Us or whatever.

And if China is the main enemy why are you so touched by Mumbai bombings? If Pakistan produced that then your main enemy is hardly China.

Already beaten, 1971. Kargil.

Purpose is not to defeat China, but as a deterrent. With regards to China, India will always be on defensive not offensive.
Already beaten, 1971. Kargil.

Purpose is not to defeat China, but as a deterrent. With regards to China, India will always be on defensive not offensive.

Yeah in 1971, With the help of Bengalis and about Kargil please you better don't Claim it, we withdrew due to some circumstances and Kargil was not even a war it was a battle.
Whatever satisfies your Ego.

Thanks for closing the topic, whatever happened in the past leave it aside and think about present and Future keeping in mind the mistakes committed in the Past, this is how we move on.
Please don't sign this, this munition can only be used by our military not terrorists.
how different are the two.. can you guarentee the isi wont supply the extremist with it..

What do you think of ISI, People in ISI are humans like the rest, ISI is under full Control of the Army and Army is under Full control of the Civilian govt of Pakistan.

ISI is not a Frankenstein as mentioned By Indian Media.

ISI is not the Most Notorious and Sinister organization in the world as mentioned by RAW( As if RAW is full of cute angels :angel:).

ISI is was not Involved in Mumbai attacks as no solid proof has been found till now Except the Indian media Bullshit.

Why all the Indians think of ISI whenever something bad happens to them Even if their Girlfriend gets pregnant they blame ISI for that :lol:.

Give me a single incident where any Pakistani High tech weapons were used in any terrorist act. AK-47, hand grenades, RDX, TNT and C4 are produced by terrorist organization on their own they don't need ISI services for that.

Nuclear weapons and other deadly weapons in Pakistan's Arsenal are under full control of the Military of Pakistan and will be used by the Defence forces only after the Civilian Govt's order When time comes. So you better wake up from your Nightmares and face the reality, Pakistanis are not Evil as shown on Indian media, we want to be Friends with everyone.
What do you think of ISI, People in ISI are humans like the rest, ISI is under full Control of the Army and Army is under Full control of the Civilian govt of Pakistan.

ISI is not a Frankenstein as mentioned By Indian Media.

ISI is not the Most Notorious and Sinister organization in the world as mentioned by RAW( As if RAW is full of cute angels :angel:).

ISI is was not Involved in Mumbai attacks as no solid proof has been found till now Except the Indian media Bullshit.

Why all the Indians think of ISI whenever something bad happens to them Even if their Girlfriend gets pregnant they blame ISI for that :lol:.

Give me a single incident where any Pakistani High tech weapons were used in any terrorist act. AK-47, hand grenades, RDX, TNT and C4 are produced by terrorist organization on their own they don't need ISI services for that.

Nuclear weapons and other deadly weapons in Pakistan's Arsenal are under full control of the Military of Pakistan and will be used by the Defence forces only after the Civilian Govt's order When time comes. So you better wake up from your Nightmares and face the reality, Pakistanis are not Evil as shown on Indian media, we want to be Friends with everyone.

isi is in control of the army thats a revelation.. i always doubted that.. i thoughted they ran your country.. nawaz said so.. kindly refute..
What do you think of ISI, People in ISI are humans like the rest, ISI is under full Control of the Army and Army is under Full control of the Civilian govt of Pakistan.

You must be joking :lol:. The why were there so many Military coups my friend.
they run our country securty not gov .we all know this time front line of pak securty is isi then IB and MI is india wants we broke our securty walls one by one?.we are not mad boss.

i look them as firewall of pakistan .for example if noe 3 blasts per week in pakistan and if we broke our walls then may be 33 per day.
When Politicians are Uneducated & Foolish & Corrupted
thats why Coup Happens
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