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Pakistan India peace - What are benefits?

India will have greater business interests to exploit. Morale will rise here and social expenditure will increase.

Pakistan on the other hand will face a lot of internal tension and there will be turmoil for allegedly surrendering to India etc. Economically also Pakistani companies will be wiped out by India conglomerates. There will be greater influx of what many Pakistanis call Indian culture.

Peace will come for sure.

In short it will be great for India. Not so good for Pakistan.

Yes in short it will be great for India ,but Pakistan will benefit in the long Run :pakistan:
India uses its ports for trade. It is far cheaper than land travel anyway. The land route is not cost effective. Plus there is no great market in the vicinity either.

For the first bold sentence, (Ub bahi kay sath aisa karo gay ka, mazak acha kar laity ho)

Get me an Indian copy of the world map, the one I bought in Pakistan has it all wrong............................ for last bold sentence Burma is a great market you can sell all your spices there or you can trade zoo animals with Madagascar.

And I don't see any major Indian products where I live, its only amla oil or herbal oil etc.

There is sea for doing trade and for landlocked CAR countries there market is not that big (totally in billions only) and region which is known for instability . In short, you wanted to swap Kashmir for only billion dollar trade and you called us BANIYA :-).

Where the hell I mentioned CAR??? Central Asia and Central African Republic are two very different regions..... :pissed:

And no I am not swapping Kashmir for billion dollar trades, I am just saying if I was incharge I would let India realise what our importance in region is and why it needs to discuss Kashmir and Siachin with us. No more drama of Atoot aaang.
Ok lets say Pakistan and India resolve their differences finally. Border disputes are settled. Peace treaty is signed.

What next?

All I can think of is more cricket matches and tomatoes crossing the wagah border. What else could happen?

Indian management and governmental systems. A joint Rail Board can ensure that Pak Railway is upgraded and operated at the same levels as India. Indian factories can supply Rail Locos and Bogeys/ maybe set up shop for your railways. Electricity/ Power. I think if stable peace is achieved then a US/ Canada type relationship can come in. In reality we don't have anything specifically against you except that non state jokers keep coming down and attacking us. If that irritant is gone, then a very broad range of relationships can develop.
Very Funny.But actually we are connection to CAR and Russia through our friend Iran.
While you guys still buying our exporting items through Dubai with exploitation of middlemens.
We are already familiar to expand our trade without Pakistan in the World Map.

I think Indian charas is excellent................................
And no I am not swapping Kashmir for billion dollar trades, I am just saying if I was incharge I would let India realise what our importance in region is and why it needs to discuss Kashmir and Siachin with us. No more drama of Atoot aaang.

We don't need it. We are growing 7-10%+ without it. So no thanks.
We don't need it. We are growing 7-10%+ without it. So no thanks.

Yep you seriously need population control, we too need it.

You think you don't need it, but I do see Iranian and Indian flags flying together on this forum. Chahbar port and Russia and base in Tajikistan and billion dollar investment in Afghanistan are just few examples................ sure Modi jee you don't need it?
Adani & Ambani with some share of Mian Mansha also Loot Pakistan, in protest of this Arvind Kejariwal & Imran Khan hold joint Dharna on Wagha Border. 8-)
I think Indian charas is excellent................................

What do you mean charas?

Yep you seriously need population control, we too need it.

You think you don't need it, but I do see Iranian and Indian flags flying together on this forum. Chahbar port and Russia and base in Tajikistan and billion dollar investment in Afghanistan are just few examples................ sure Modi jee you don't need it?

Populations is stabilizing in India .Except some NI states the population growth of other states are reduced and in some state like Kerala .It is hitting zero to negative.
Yep you seriously need population control, we too need it.

You think you don't need it, but I do see Iranian and Indian flags flying together on this forum. Chahbar port and Russia and base in Tajikistan and billion dollar investment in Afghanistan are just few examples................ sure Modi jee you don't need it?

India To Be Fastest Growing Economy In The World In 2015-16: IMF Report

India GDP growth to be 8% in FY16, 8.3% the next year: Fitch | Business Standard News

Now you know if Modi jee needs it or not? LOL
I fully agree with you sir..there won't be peace until we have annexed whole Pakistan and fulfilled our dream of 100% Hindu Akhand Bharat. :agree::agree:
HEHEHE CHALO bhai iss bache ki medicine ka time ho gya hai chalo beta so jao nai tau HAFIZ SAEED aa jae gaaaa :rofl:
For the first bold sentence, (Ub bahi kay sath aisa karo gay ka, mazak acha kar laity ho)

Get me an Indian copy of the world map, the one I bought in Pakistan has it all wrong............................ for last bold sentence Burma is a great market you can sell all your spices there or you can trade zoo animals with Madagascar.

And I don't see any major Indian products where I live, its only amla oil or herbal oil etc.

Where the hell I mentioned CAR??? Central Asia and Central African Republic are two very different regions..... :pissed:

And no I am not swapping Kashmir for billion dollar trades, I am just saying if I was incharge I would let India realise what our importance in region is and why it needs to discuss Kashmir and Siachin with us. No more drama of Atoot aaang.
CAR means central Asian Region.:angry: . Ok, we realized your importance and you bring us to table ...now what...what is you bring on table...for Kashmir. India will discuss till the end of world, but what will be output. To get Kashmir you need to offer equally important matter/thing on table.(don't say peace we already got it).
last one,Nobody in India now interested in Akhand Bharat, lots of water flowed since 1947.
Ok lets say Pakistan and India resolve their differences finally. Border disputes are settled. Peace treaty is signed.

What next?

All I can think of is more cricket matches and tomatoes crossing the wagah border. What else could happen?

Terrorists vs Tomatoes clandestine trade again.
Nothing new.

Pakistan India peace - What are benefits?

Is it a piece or a piece of a shik?
Oil & water does not mix.
This rivalry is perpetual with micro traces of religious shik embedded into it.
Religion wise Germany unification was easy because it was no south pole north pole equation.
Here you have what I said, and Pakistani military elites who would lose their prominence.
(Ub bahi kay sath aisa karo gay ka, mazak acha kar laity ho)

Get me an Indian copy of the world map, the one I bought in Pakistan has it all wrong............................ for last bold sentence Burma is a great market you can sell all your spices there or you can trade zoo animals with Madagascar.

And I don't see any major Indian products where I live, its only amla oil or herbal oil etc.
1. The land route via Pakistan is too costly. Security costs are far too high.
2. India exports spice mainly to Europe and especially the Mediterranean. The South East Asia is there as well.
There must never be peace between Muslim Pakistan and Hindustan. The mere thought of peace is and must be haraam to all Indians. Indian hegemony in South Asia is now a foregone conclusion. There is a measure of stability with China. Pakistan remains the only remaining inspiration for all Indians to progress, grow India, keep India united and to succeed. The military of India must remain strong and vibrant. A hostile neighbor is needed to maintain that. We are blessed to have a weak hostile neighbor thus giving us easy target practice. Blessed are we Indians for we have Pakistan as our adversary. The old saying of "we laugh at the face of danger" aptly describes our feelings to the only danger to India, our neighbor to the west :D

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