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Pakistan India Border/LOC Status-Update-Discussion

if I remember correctly, injuns revoked something Pakistan never recognized in the first place. j&k is is still in one piece, only Chinese inhabited Ladakh has become a separate unit. which Pakistan ought to leave to Chinese to sort out.

Real Pakistanis (as opposed to PDF/internet version) need to decide what it is that they are objecting to?

if anyone protests the abolition of democrazy from IoK, then they would be saying that injun-held Kashmiris were free all along and that abdoolahs and their gangs were people's choice and not impositions from dilli

It isn't complicated.

Pakistan's position is unchanged by any abrogation or non-abrogation. Pakistan regards Kashmir as either occupied free/independent or occupied Pakistani territory - those are the only two choices, hence it is recognised as "disputed territory". That is unchanged by indian recent actions.

What has changed are circumstances for the kashmiris, in that they are now fully vulnerable to sanghi settlers flooding in and causing ethno-religious cleansing similar to the Palestinian nakba.

That is what Pakistan protests about and indeed will do something more about in the coming days.
So a hundred thousand in 30 years(or is it 70 years, since you are including pre India rule - partition riots also in it) vs 10 million in 7 months, where do you think the scale of oppression/genocide was more?

At your level oppression was/is always more. The accession of Kashmir to India started with a genocide. In fact a "successful genocide"

There is a complete blackout in your "integral part" right now as we speak and here you are jumping on something that happened 48 years ago with unfounded claims to give your ongoing oppression a twist
Mind you, this is deep state of Islamic republic of Pakistan speaking.
Real Pakistan is protesting the annexation of Kashmir where as PDF and internet "Pakistanis" are going to war over abolition of "democracy" in maqbooza Kashmir
No..That is your fanciful interpretation to suit goodness knows what agenda.

We ALL have always protested the occupation since 1947 (which always was a partial annexation) and today the slightly more complete annexation of IoK.

The fact that democratic process within Kashmir has been bypassed is a further slap for the long suffering Kashmiris. But we all already knew they haven't had a true democratic process since 1950's. They were promised a plebiscite. Even Nehru wanted to preserve their right to choose.

The plebiscite never transpired so what democracy have they ever had?

They get to choose a new governor of their prison every few years with a few incentives tossed their way for good behaviour. Wtf democracy are you even talking about?

I think you will find pdf and non-pdf Pakistanis are on the same page. It's not rocket science.
Definitely India is low on moral scale in Kashmir issue...But if you see other side of the world, few nations are able to resolve problems by holding morality as a parameter...
Thats true, but Germany was making its own tanks, ships, planes, trucks, cars, guns and bullets. Majority of our stuff is imported.
Not really, Pakistan makes jets, ships, tanks, MRAPs, guns, ammunition, rockets etc

Jazbaati qaum is frustrated. Aik to garmi bohat hai oopar say kashmir. When you have nowhere to take out your frustration then PDF is the place. The Brains are live and thinking . Just be quiet and analyse the situation, dont u think indians are doing the same ? they are quietly analysing.
Like DG ISPR said, this is far from over
Not really, Pakistan makes jets, ships, tanks, MRAPs, guns, ammunition, rockets etc

Pakistan makes portions of jets, the engines and avionics are still imported, same for ships, tanks, MRPAs. As for guns Pakistan makes licenced guns and ammunition. Nothing is produced that is 100% Pakistani. We arn't even at the same place where Germany was in 1939.
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