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Pakistan in Pictures

those wer beautiful...!!!no no...wonderful...!!! well actually i aint gettin any words to express my feelings...its really beautiful...
I must visit Pakistan atleast for once:pakistan:...so whoz gonna guide me there exploring the region...???:lol:

if you serius so come there in march 2009 i will be there i think you have 50$ for pakistan turist visa:lol:
if you serius so come there in march 2009 i will be there i think you have 50$ for pakistan turist visa:lol:

brother i was just kiddin...but honestly i'm very much willing to visit there...those pictures crossed the limit of my imagination...
but u know plaintively due to my study n other works i cant visit there rite now...
But dont worry, Insha-Allah I will visit Pakistan once atleast...:)
The Katasraj temples are located 40 km from Chakwal District of Punjab.

Dedicated to Shiva, the temple has existed since the days of Mahābhārata and the Pandava brothers spent a substantial part of their exile at the site.

The Katas site houses the Satgraha, a group of seven ancient temples, remains of a Buddhist stupa, a few medieval temples, havelis and some recently constructed temples, scattered around a pond considered holy by Hindus. The temples at Katas are mostly constructed on square platforms. The elevation of the sub shrines seems to form a series of cornices with small rows of pillars, crowned by a ribbed dome.

An ancient Buddha carved into into a mountainside sits at Jehanabad in the Swat Valley of Pakistan. The seven meter high Buddha has been named the second most important relic from the 6th Century Gandhara era, only after the giant Buddhas at Bamiyan, Afghanistan, which were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001.

Buddhist tradition holds that the Buddha himself came to Swat during his last reincarnation as the Gautama Buddha and preached to the people here.

Pakistan is a very beautiful country and I believe that it can be better! Recently, Pakistan has been facing many problems but I think that we all as a society can help one another as long as we think positively. This is our country, we are the one's who should be taking care of it. Pakistan shouldn't be only known for its beautiful nature but also it's people as that is a major factor which makes a country. Everyone should contribute in a good way what ever and how ever they can for the better of Pakistan.

We are proud to be a part of Pakistan and others should know why:pakistan:
So beautyful mashallah!! GOD bless Pakistan.

The Beautiful Peak by the name of "Braak Zhan" in Raikot Glacier in Pakistan.The Lush Green meadows lying below the peak.This is the Last strong hold of western Himalayas before meeting with Karakoram Mountains.
In eastern part of North Pakistan and western Kashmir the Himalaya mountains are blessed with lush green Meadows and the beautiful evergreen forests.

These mountains of Mankhial and their meadows are located Just above the town of Kalam in Swat. Not to difficult to reach there but the meadows hide themselves among trees so not many people have reach above this mountain to reach here.

Nikron valley is the name given to Neelum Valley at Nikron. It is the place one worth visiting and is far away from the commercial tourism destinations and relatively save from deforestation that's make it so special for a nature lover. In the far Sub mountains of Nanga Parbat Massif are dominating seen and are definitely inviting the tourist for Visiting the Shonter Valley located between them and Nanga Parbat.

The beautiful Village of Halmat near taobut in Azad Kashmir (AJK) Pakistan

This is the scene of the village halmet located in Neelum Valley Pakistan. neelum valley is definitely the hidden pearl of Pakistan and a jewel of Himalayan valley no other valley in Kashmir and Himalayas can compare this valley and even most of Pakistanis know little about it and have little visited there. Ths traditional culture and traditional building style of Kashmiri houses mixed with spectular scenery can be found only in Neelum valley. Here there are ever green forests of pine,fir and other faunas are abundant in the valley.

Yes if I say this lake as a crown it would not be wrong. Located high above the Neelum Valley this fascinating lake is located at a high ground at 13,500 ft approximately. The region is remote less and its surroundings are calm and peaceful. This lake is located in Neelum Valley, Ajk (Azad Jammu & Kashmir) Pakistan. The name of lake is "Chitta Katha"

The beautiful river Swat passing through beautiful forests in Swat valley Pakistan.

This might happened with you too if you are trekking on the largest non-polar glacial world "The Karakorams". The karakoram is one of the greatest mountain range on earth with almost entirely in Northern Pakistan starting from west and runs towards east the karakoram covers an area of 300 miles in between.The Sim gang Glacier also known as "Snow Lake" forms the divide between the Hipar, Biafo and Panmah glaciers. This is the longest glacial trek in the world outside polar regions with the incredible length of 126 km.The highest mountain in the picture is baintha Braak 7285 m See close picture of Baintha Braak 7285 here

This is taken near Sharda in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. It is indeed a fairy land one after one you will see sceneries like this. You don't need to be a photographer when you are in this part of Pakistan all you need is just to click one after one scenery. Minimarg is the name of the place.
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