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Pakistan in Peril

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^^ Excellent video. :tup:
and then they say Pakistan is 'doing nothing' against terrorism!
Actually Rashid has some of the most impressive sources within the military and government to the point where he has now been entrusted with key policy issues.

I wouldn't be too sure about that, the Army is guarded about who they give access to. Ahmed Rashid is obviously one of those "To Not" cases. Obviously a guy who continues to claim that Pakistan still uses terror as an instrument of foreign policy would not be welcomed in GHQ. Anonymous sources do not count BTW. No offense, I don’t think his work has the benefit of such intimate insight as those of many other commentators whose themes tend to be more balanced.
^^ Excellent video. :tup:

Yes, its a brilliant video. This guy Ahmed Rashid's book is going to play a major role in deciding future US policy in the region.
Just saw his comments about the Operation Parakram and the threat issued by the Pakistan military of nuking Indian armor in Sindh, even at the cost of thousands of Pakistani Sindhi casualties!

Sounds unbelievable but I have no reason to disbelieve him either. He is right about Pakistan talking with a pistol to it's own head (watch from 33:30 mins)!
As Hamid Gul, the director of the ISI who was largely responsible for developing this strategy, once explained to me, if the ISI "encourages the Kashmiris it's understandable." He said, "The Kashmiri people have risen up in accordance with the UN charter, and it is the national purpose of Pakistan to help liberate them. If the jihadis go out and contain India, tying down their army on their own soil, for a legitimate cause, why should we not support them?"

Jihadis against India have a legitimate cause and should be given support.

But when same jihadis attack pak military then they are not jihadis, but terrorists.

And the same man speaking about blowing up Silicon valley in Bengaluru.

Height of hipocrasy.
Yes, he didn't realize that his backside will be up in smoke much before Bangalore has any "dhuan" coming out!

Yes, he didn't realize that his backside will be up in smoke much before Bangalore has any "dhuan" coming out!

And because of people like him and Zia in power, the poor and innocent people of pakistan have to bear the burden, which in my opinion has only just started.
Oh..i would like to get a copy of this. Though it argubaly demonises the situation in pakistan, it is actually vouching the indian claims over the years..!!!! And it seems like a logical and realstical analysis of the situation in pakistan..!!!!
Haha...and Hindu nationalists in India consider Dalrymple as anti-Hindu and pro-muslim for taking a sympathetic look at the lives of the mughals in his book.

I think he's a great historian and his articles are thoroughly researched and well thought out.

It might be another Dalrymple that I was referring to. Haven't checked yet.
Yes, its a brilliant video. This guy Ahmed Rashid's book is going to play a major role in deciding future US policy in the region.

Both Ahmed Rashid and Shuja Nawaz participated in the US review of its polices in Afghanistan and the region.

I am not certain how appreciative of their suggestions India would be, given that they both point to Kashmir Dispute as a major contributor towards instability in the region, as well as a primary cause behind a lackluster commitment form the Pak Mil.
^^ Towards that part, a bit less I am afraid.

But he brings up several very good points. A must watch.
Just saw his comments about the Operation Parakram and the threat issued by the Pakistan military of nuking Indian armor in Sindh, even at the cost of thousands of Pakistani Sindhi casualties!

No need to drag in provincialism in her and try the usual Indian 'Punjabi domination' crap Vinod.

If people died in Sindh they would be Pakistanis, as Rashid mentioned, no need to editorialize with your own addition.
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