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Pakistan in Peril

Would you mind posting arguments to explain why? One sentence doesn't quite do it you know.

I don't need to. Its all in the lead article, and the videos I have posted. Have a look!

But anyways, here's the argument from an Ahmed Rashid article for BBC news: (2nd Jan 2009)

Other power centres such as the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) have become almost a state within a state, while local and foreign jihadist groups - who now control vast tracts of territory in northern Pakistan - have their own agendas.

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I don't need to. Its all in the lead article, and the videos I have posted. Have a look!

But anyways, here's the argument from an Ahmed Rashid article for BBC news: (2nd Jan 2009)

Other power centres such as the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) have become almost a state within a state, while local and foreign jihadist groups - who now control vast tracts of territory in northern Pakistan - have their own agendas.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Obama's huge South Asia headache

Thats not an argument - that is a mere statement.

Where is his evidence indicating that the ISI DG or departments acted without COAS and/or PM and/or Presidential consent and knowledge?
Of course its a "mere statement". I think I'm done here. :wave:

Thats not an argument - that is a mere statement.

Where is his evidence indicating that the ISI DG or departments acted without COAS and/or PM and/or Presidential consent and knowledge?
It was he who was making you guilty. Do you accuse him of the same crimes that you accused me of!

No actually I was referring to your dramatic rants on the thread, i.e. 'OMG can you believe it? Nuke your own people? What other country threatens to nuke own people, etc'.:lol:

If you have nothing to dispute my observations with other than 'I think Ahmed Rashid knows more than you', then I don't see what the problem is. Now stop pretending that this is a fact, just a PoV. One you happen to share in enthusiastically but one you can't defend here. There is no potential for this eventuality in the Sundarji of Cold Start Doctrines. The first one was scrapped because it offered a juicy shot at your strike corps, and the 2nd has been designed to ensure Pakistan is not compelled to use nuclear strikes at all. If conventional war does come to nukes then, we nuke your logistics and Army Commands which would crumble your offensive operations as well as degrade your ability to launch a full nuclear retaliation, instead of nuking ourselves and then sitting around so you can nuke us too.

If this was a threat, it is not much of a threat. I suppose it fits well with Ahmed Rashid’s ‘Pakistan is threatening to destroy itself’ rhetoric so he might have been tempted to refer to some hearsay, but other than that it’s not very logical or practical. Indians might be inclined to believe that Pakistani officers are complete maniacs, but we wouldn’t be here if that were true. I’ve only read some of his work, so if Rashid has mentioned this interesting claim in any of his official pieces then it might be attributed and gives us something to go on in terms of context and credibility. If not, then we can’t take it at face value. Somehow I doubt Rashid would indulge in this sort of talk as part of his official presentations or his official work. Someone has info that proves me wrong then I’d be glad to hear it and will try to understand why exactly this chap thinks Pakistan made nukes to nuke Pakistan.

Though there is something I should mention here, a nuclear exchange in the subcontinent would be a world catastrophe and not just a Pakistan/India one. Nuclear fallout from Pakistani weapons is likely to impact parts of Pakistan just like the side efforts Indian bombs in Pakistan are likely to influence Indians. Our bombs are much more powerful than what the Americans used in Hiroshima/Nagasaki, so maybe this was what Rashid might have been trying to refer to (didn’t do a very accurate job though). But like I said, he is no strategic weapons expert. It maybe a technical misunderstanding/exaggeration on his part, unlike any thesis he might have provided in his works and to world leaders about Kashmir being the primary source of conflict. Now that sort of thing and other political/social tendencies in the civilian domain is much more in line with his insights.
If you care to think, it is not a rant, it is for Pakistani people to think deeply. To take a long and hard look!

Whatever I said can be directly deduced from Rashid's comments which do seem to carry credibility in the places where it matters. I am sure you differ with me here.

Second, he also mentioned that Pakistan "negotiates with it's friends with a gun to it's own head"! You may again find it demeaning or worse. You would find several examples of this behavior in the recent years and decades.

You may want to dismiss it all as hearsay and I am sure you would even be convinced about it. Not everyone thinks that way. Not everyone who does not think that way is necessarily looking to "demean" or "dehumanize" or "denigrate" Pakistan. They may be genuinely concerned about Pakistan, about how it may affect them or the world.

Well, I brace for the volley now! ;)
what i understand from the article is.

1. Pakistan have lost or have little control over FATA and much of NWFP.
2. The number of foot soliders have been increasing for the taliban and other anti westorn relgiious elements, i.e taliban is growing from strength to strength rather than weakening
3. ISI was funding terrorist groups(iincluding anti india and anti soviet insurgents) and is unable to control the monster it created which is threatning its own soveriegnity,freedom of speech and free spirit.And doubts persists that they are still supporting them.
4.Liberal and moderate pakistani's voices are now threatned by these taliban elements..!!!!

How much of you would agree with this ..???
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