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Pakistan holds the key to peace in post-US Afghanistan

Yes, well, we're keeping them alive for 3 more years only. Then they're on their own. :lol:
Yes, well, we're keeping them alive for 3 more years only. Then they're on their own. :lol:

Why 3 years? Is it because the US said that they will leave in 3 years?Or its like Pakistan told US to leave in 3 years?
Yes, well, we're keeping them alive for 3 more years only. Then they're on their own. :lol:

It is unlikely that US will remove its presence(military) in Afghanistan well beyond 2014. They have long term plans. When they have spend billions on the war what stops them from reaping the fruits by having a strong geo political influence in shaping the future.
Forget India. What are you going to do to change the world opinion that Pakistan is extending tactical support to insurgents?

Forget world opinion, Pakistan needs to hold all the cards in Afghanistan. Have you seen how porous and poorly demarcated the Pak-Afghan border is. No one knows where Pakistan ends and where Afghanistan begins. Pakistan needs a strong hold on Afghanistan much more than India does. India is miles away and shares no border with Afghanistan.
Forget world opinion, Pakistan needs to hold all the cards in Afghanistan. Have you seen how porous and poorly demarcated the Pak-Afghan border is. No one knows where Pakistan ends and where Afghanistan begins. Pakistan needs a strong hold on Afghanistan much more than India does. India is miles away and shares no border with Afghanistan.

Omar, think about what an Afghan will read when he sees what you have written. This mindset of controlling a sovereign country by force or by supporting extremist groups will not be supported by anyone but Pakistan.

A long term stable relationship can be reached if and only if there is mutual gain.
Omar, think about what an Afghan will read when he sees what you have written. This mindset of controlling a sovereign country by force or by supporting extremist groups will not be supported by anyone but Pakistan.

A long term stable relationship can be reached if and only if there is mutual gain.

The Taliban are only in Afghanistan because most of the Afghan people prefer them to the foreign invaders in their country. Pakistani Forces has never stepped foot inside Afghanistan (even though the Afghans have inside Pakistan), & have always respected the Afghans (as well as their sovereignty, even though the vice versa isn't true: they haven't done the same for Pakistan) for not wanting invaders take over them. At the end, that's all that matters, & the US/NATO Forces have failed to figure that out. Ever wonder why Karzai never cries out against Taliban violence in public, but condemns the violence by international forces on Afghan civilians??? Exactly.
If we did then NATO forces would have been in much deeper shyt than they r right now.. and we wouldnt have lost 3000+ soldiers n 40,000 civilians nor 70 billion$ worth infra or crippled our economy.

Do you have any credible source that pakistan has lost that many soldiers and civillians ?
Did you get their permission to talk to them?

We can talk directly to them- unlike india who needs uncle sam approval for every thing related to Afghanistan- you have any doubts ask uncle sam- :rofl:

---------- Post added at 06:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 AM ----------

Do you have any credible source that pakistan has lost that many soldiers and civillians ?

why you need source for this?- do you ask amrika for any source for its rants against Pakistan?- it seems like amrikas rants instantly becomes you rhetoric-
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