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Pakistan holds the key to peace in post-US Afghanistan

As I said somewhere else, we would love to see the micro power achieve what the Super powers couldn't in decades. :rolleyes:
The danger and a good chance is that those so called Pakistanis in Afghanistan, after seeing off the Russians and Americans may turn their attention on the new adventurers. ;)

What did Pakistan achieve in the last decade or so in Afghanistan and in the Afghan-Pak border ???
We don't want to replace pakistan. We want to be Afghanistan's friend.
I Can understand your frustration , however Musharraf himself had said that Afghan rejected his offer and instead have chosen India over pak WRT training part ...Also Pak doesnt have this kind of influence on Afghan which it intended to have after decades of groundwork for the achieving same .... Pak doesnt even have a similar pact to that of what India has with Afg .... Its time Pak realises the changed situation and humbly live with it !!!

That is the real world !

LOO JEE!! How quickly you changed your words, the previous post of yours had a lot different to say.

Whatever Musharraf said was absolutely right, Kabul mayor has always been a dual natured guy. We offered them our services they didn't accept so now they and you cant say Pakistan didn't recognise Afghanistan's problems.

What influence are you talking about? Influence in Kabul region? You had no influence whatsoever before WOT started in Afghanistan. If the influence of less than a decade make you happy then I have no problem as everyone has a right to find some bliss.

Strange, Indians who supported Soviet intrusion in Afghanistan are now claiming to be the best friends of the Afghanistan!!! Please be with Afghan now, don't run as you ran so many times before. Make them to fight yet another proxy war.
Ok India can't replace Pakistan, but will Pakistan realize its role?

The only sane post in this thread.. Pakistan has to realize its role as Afghanistan's peace can not be achieved without Pakistan's role. Pakistan is ready to play its role but the question is, is Karzai ready to play his role?

Poor Afghans, will they be able to ever have their own country and govern themselves? One fact however they have proved to the world: Afghanistan has remained unconquered throughout history.

India Can

Yet another bull, the guy surely have flunked in history through out his school years.

copying my post in another thread.

You gotta be kidding me!

What's now known as Afghanistan had been part of myriads of empires until 1702 when persian adventurer Ahmed Abdali set up his fiefdom and gave them a national identity. Then again it became buffer state between Russian and England.

The Afghans did win one 19th-century battle against a British-led Sikh army, but that was the exception that proves the rule. After that, the British emerged as the power behind the Kabul throne, maintaining their influence until the '40s before US and Soviet took over.

Even now every other guy in the region plays their geo-political game with the land.
Yet another bull, the guy surely have flunked in history through out his school years.

copying my post in another thread.

You gotta be kidding me!

What's now known as Afghanistan had been part of myriads of empires until 1702 when persian adventurer Ahmed Abdali set up his fiefdom and gave them a national identity. Then again it became buffer state between Russian and England.

The Afghans did win one 19th-century battle against a British-led Sikh army, but that was the exception that proves the rule. After that, the British emerged as the power behind the Kabul throne, maintaining their influence until the '40s before US and Soviet took over.

Even now every other guy in the region plays their geo-political game with the land.

Actually the Afghans got back their diplomatic freedom in the third Anglo-Afghan war , the whole article is for ignorant bunch
The only sane post in this thread.. Pakistan has to realize its role as Afghanistan's peace can not be achieved without Pakistan's role. Pakistan is ready to play its role but the question is, is Karzai ready to play his role?
i think if pakistan genunly wants a happy & properus Afghanistan they should first stop there current attitude towards it, them eliminate all taliban good or bad or whatever they call it next consider & try to rectify greevences of hazaras , tajichs , uzbegzs & other minorities not just pashtoons and most importantly try to take baloch help in it and about india you if you do above things properly trut me will get the best indian support thanks
What did Pakistan achieve in the last decade or so in Afghanistan and in the ****** border ???

They say, a Dog habitually runs after a vehicle, ......without achieving anything.
On topic, until the American invasion of Afghanistan, the life in border areas was pretty settled, however due to the ripples emanating out of Afghanistan....none the less the PA has all but contained the situation, however the culprits on the other side still seem to be running wild.
Since you are so keen on others border areas, some serious attention is required to the inland matters as well....the likes of Red Corridor. ... know what I mean. !!!
They say, a Dog habitually runs after a vehicle, ......without achieving anything.
On topic, until the American invasion of Afghanistan, the life in border areas was pretty settled, however due to the ripples emanating out of Afghanistan....none the less the PA has all but contained the situation, however the culprits on the other side still seem to be running wild.

How could life continue as normal , this(America "invasion" of Afghanistan) had to happen some or the other day because of you supporting Taliban and other militants !!! It was a dangerous policy that back fired... that was the point i was trying to highlight all the while !!!
India is striving for a role in Afghanistan.
So that Islamic brainwashers do not find shelter.
We want to bussiness with Cental Asia.
well after all 26 odd post result is still 0/0 great going dear pakistani freinds
The author is correct to the extent that we can't replace Pakistan. By virtue of it location, ethnic affinity of Pashtuns and long history of interaction with Afghanistan at almost all levels, Pakistan is in a unique position to help resolve the issue and bring peace to Afghanistan. That was exactly why the US had partnered with Pakistan in Afghanistan. Why that partnership fell through is known to all. With India now enhancing its involvement in Afghanistan, I do not foresee any change in the Pakistani attitude. It will be Mullah Omar back in the presidential palace in Kabul with the Haqanis by his side or nothing. I do not think India will commit combat troops in Afghanistan. The idea is to train and equip Afghanistan so that it can handle its affairs itself. I also feel very strongly that India will involve the other stake holders, Iran and Russia in a big way to ensure that peace prevails.
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