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Pakistan has to use force to liberate Kashmir: Rana Tanveer

no keep him there, as he provides us entertainment. he will be killed in J & K :D

:P bharotis are big time chorrooos because I can bet on anything that till this date you dint even know or even heard his name so no question of provision of entertainment.

God Save Pakistan and its people.. They are getting bombarded on either sides by America and terrorists and yet their greed for land has not come to a halt.. First protect what you have before getting more. Mere brotherhood sentiments are not enough to run a country, these sentiments drown you entirely.

Besides, Pakistan can only push Ir-regulars inside Indian Border and they are doing their best. Rana Sahb should not expect much from the military.

Its the Punjabi feudal mentality....they are basically farmers, not intellectuals....their greed for land is insatiable.

They already run exploitative internal colonies in Pakistan......Sindh and Baluchistan lands have been taken over by these Punjabi feudals....now they want lands in India.
Right.. Will only take 24 hours... After that there won't a entity called India..


wowwwwwww pakistan hav nuclear bomb ....sachi yaar ......i m afraid .:rofl:
Sadly for Pakistan,it had lost its best chance to liberate Kashmir in 1947. Pakistani leadership failed miserably to exploit Maharaja's mishandling of the Poonch uprising due to his unenvious effort to project himself as a secular and democratic leader of the state. On the other hand, India successfully managed to convince the world that the history of J & K has begun after the invasion of Pathan tribesmen in the valley, the fact little far from the truth itself neither was dejected by then Pakistani leadership,nor it was promptly taken to the UN court to justify her claims on the state.

After the valley's decade long bloodshed from terrorism mostly imported from outside,today's Pakistani leadership must acknowledge that the non-state efforts to destabilize the valley only have aided India's cause and it's time to move on.
Now Rana Tanveer Hussain will lead the army of great worriors of pakistan riding horse holding a sword into J&K and will free j&k from India within just 24hrs..after all how can Indians match the great pakistanis in strength(1paki=10bharatis) they dont need bullets,bombs or any modern equipment to fight with hindustanis only swords are enough(bleed India with thousand cuts)....oh now i fear they will break up India into 28 countries:nana::blah: same old same old.
paakis are trying & saying this for last 66 yrs,enough of speaking its time for action mr.Rana Tanveer Hussain and co.
:P bharotis are big time chorrooos because I can bet on anything that till this date you dint even know or even heard his name so no question of provision of entertainment.


madam ji, , generalisation to aapka dusra naam hai.
btw, what is choroos?
and u still didn't teach me bengali :ashamed:
@MBI Munshi

Thank you, sir, for the share. These are sad developments taking over South Asia

@Skull and Bones @Cheerokee @ManuZ

I have a question for you guys. MBI shared a news report, it is a news, I refuse to believe you guys are dumb enough not to know what a report and opinion is. So why then do you start mocking and self-asserting? How is that in anyway productive? Why don't you analyze the situation properly say Indo-Pak relations are deteriorating or that Pakistan cannot afford a war with India or that these developments will do so and so to South Asia?
@MBI Munshi

Thank you, sir, for the share. These are sad developments taking over South Asia

@Skull and Bones @Cheerokee @ManuZ

I have a question for you guys. MBI shared a news report, it is a news, I refuse to believe you guys are dumb enough not to know what a report and opinion is. So why then do you start mocking and self-asserting? How is that in anyway productive? Why don't you analyze the situation properly say Indo-Pak relations are deteriorating or that Pakistan cannot afford a war with India or that these developments will do so and so to South Asia?
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South Asian News Agency (SANA) – October 5, 2013

LAHORE, (SANA): Federal Minister for Defence Production Rana Tanveer Hussain has said that ultimately Pakistan will have to turn towards force for resolving the Kashmir dispute, saying that the conscience of the human rights champions is dead.

He said that from defence point of view Kashmir is the lifeline for Pakistan, which is under forcible occupation of India.

Where was he all these decades ?

What else has Pak done - 47-48, Op Gibraltar, 65 , 71, Kargil - all these are some examples of use of force by Pak, so where has this ' ultimately' come from ?

How is J&K the ' lifeline for Pak from a Def POV ?
Old trick! Pakistan is finding it difficult to manage itself in its present size, hence, covertly seeking India's help to reduce its size, just like the way we helped them before. :D
Where was he all these decades ?

What else has Pak done - 47-48, Op Gibraltar, 65 , 71, Kargil - all these are some examples of use of force by Pak, so where has this ' ultimately' come from ?

How is J&K the ' lifeline for Pak from a Def POV ?

He is right ...KAshmir is the lifeline for all the Politico-Military setup in Pakistan.

You know what I mean.:cheesy:
Why do the Indians want Kashmir so badly? I mean, even the Kashmiris don't want them to be there...
Kashmiris who don't want India can emigrate to *** they live in a free democratic country. As for india giving up land too late its Indian soil now
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