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Pakistan has the 12th Most Powerful Military in the World


Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score

Global Firepower Military Ranks - 2013


Pakistan lesser bigger power than Brazail man either they are drunk or gone insane and Indonesia without any fighter planes other some 16 new ones they are above Iran and Pakistan can beat France and Germany and Italy if they get some 150 new J-10 B some more F-16 and new JG-17 Thunder block II but thier navies are really big but if our economy gets better and we achive the goal of getting Frigates and having at least 24 of them with arond 16 Submarines than we can be really stronger military might but still with these war machines we should be above Brazil man For GOD SAKE
Taliban should also be listed as one of the most powerful militaries.
They have defeated NATO and Pak combined. :)

they have defeated soviet union and nato and in future india

Pakistan lesser bigger power than Brazail man either they are drunk or gone insane and Indonesia without any fighter planes other some 16 new ones they are above Iran and Pakistan can beat France and Germany and Italy if they get some 150 new J-10 B some more F-16 and new JG-17 Thunder block II but thier navies are really big but if our economy gets better and we achive the goal of getting Frigates and having at least 24 of them with arond 16 Submarines than we can be really stronger military might but still with these war machines we should be above Brazil man For GOD SAKE

yes for sure
Pakistan ka to pata nahi but ye dekh ke faqr hota hai ki we have podum seats in almost all the good parameters of a sucsessful nation hope NDA comes to power and we will see a fresh wave of reforms
Taliban should also be listed as one of the most powerful militaries.
They have defeated NATO and Pak combined. :)

Are you from the planet of the Apes??? If you think bomb blasts, ambush targeting makes you feel like defeat than i'm sure you are on drugs.....:taz:
India is ranked above 2 UNSC permanent member

India is ranked above 2 UNSC permanent member
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