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Pakistan has right to target terrorists across Afghan border, says Asif

Just a simple question from an Indian. Does the same logic applies to India also? Can India/ Pakistan do such strikes in each other territories?
Theoretically, it should apply likewise to India. If there are known and identified terrorists in India targeting Pakistan and despite sharing intel with Indians, no action is being taken against them, then Pakistan can and should do what it's doing in Afghanistan. Especially after India has already set the precedence in this regard by conducting the infamous "sirjee-kal strikes" within Pakistan's sovereign territory, Pakistan doing the same within Indian territory shouldn't raise any eyebrows.

Time to put Burraq in action.
Agreed but the plan also includes to send in troops for seek and kill operations. I think we will hear these news after the Mi 35 deliveries which are expected very soon.

By the way 2 high value targets killed last time few weeks back... wont have died in artillary shelling... which is not effective for such a hit....some thing else was involved but not shared
Well said but do not just say do it ... Go Ahead as security first
Not only do we reserve the right tot defeat terror hideouts in Afghanistan. IS is another huge threat emerging from Afghanistan.
In coming days, game in Afghanistan is going to be complicated as western Alliance loosing interest in making Kabul controller powerful enough to govern Afghanistan.

There are possibilities of further intervention of other countries too (Russia and China)
Another Syrian Situation might be created here.

That is not worthy for any regional country.
specially Afghan Govt is not thinking long term solution.
By the way 2 high value targets killed last time few weeks back... wont have died in artillary shelling... which is not effective for such a hit....some thing else was involved but not shared
The point is they are confirmed dead how that is not important.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has right to take action against terrorists based across its border with Afghanistan, its defence minister said Tuesday, adding they would not remain quiet on martyrdom of their troops.

The statement comes a day after five Pakistani troops embraced martyrdom in an attack by terrorists, based across the border, on a Pakistani ckeckpost in Mohmand Agency.

"Kabul has admitted that it does not have control over areas from where terrorist attacks are launched and, after this admission, Pakistan has the right to act against those terrorists," Asif said, speaking exclusively to Geo News.

Pakistan has recently conducted strikes across the Afghan border and it will pound terrorists in future as well, he said, adding, "We will not stay quiet if our soldiers are martyred".

"It is our duty to respond to these cross-border attacks and we will respond befittingly," the minister said.

He said that at present there has been a nexus between New Delhi and Afghanistan and Kabul has been acting as Indian puppet.

"Our desire of cordial ties with Afghanistan aside, but responding to attacks from the Afghan soil is our duty," Asif said.

Commenting on Asif Ali Zardari's statement on Rangers powers in provinces, he said he paramilitary force has been given same powers everywhere it has been called in to aid law enforcement agencies.

The former president could better know of what he said about Rangers powers, he added.


I am waiting to see this for a long time! Finally, i hope Pak Army will kick Terrorists' *** in Afghan border and set a safe zone in there.
Off Topic but the biggest terrorist Army in

Well let me come to the topic of this thread as indian always interfere to change the topic. yes india is responsible of bad circumstance on both side Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Afghanistan Govt is the puppet of india. otherwise it does not make sense to anyone that why cant RAW/NDS eradicate the terrorist camps/sanctuaries inside afghanistan. although they know very well about terrorist camps/sanctuaries, but they never destroy them because india is using them against pakistan and afghanistan

Excellent share bro...Afghanistan is not the main enemy..if you only target Afghanistan, the problem will stay, Pakistan need to take this war into the heart of the real enemy and reply in the kind that they forget the past.
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