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Pakistan has more glaciers than any place on earth outside Antarctica

I agree, but there's only so much we can do, actually our effort is rather futile in the end. In the interim, if nothing we can add to the voices out there already, and maybe earn some support from countries taking the future and today's moral challenge seriously. I can think of a few schemes and proposals that could win European support for small climate mitigation efforts in Pakistan. Some lobbying effort at this time is also crucial, the EU is going to be spending mind boggling amounts on green tech/energy/mitigation, officially they'll be doing internally through green financing at the European Investment Bank level. If we could get parallel initiatives, even comparatively small, they'll do a lot of good in Pakistan.
The global rise in temperatures is inevitable...and that's even IF all countries started doing something about it starting today.

There are other studies I've come across...that come to the same conclusion as that article above that we may already be beyond the point of no return. Of course those models could be wrong and it could be that we still got another 50 years or so to make a concerted effort globally...but I doubt it's ever gonna happen.

So global rise in temperatures is coming...and glaciers are going to melt...what Pak can do is at least make domestic efforts. Pak is going to be one of the hardest hit countries...and glaciers melting is of the lesser concerning problem that Pak will be facing. Climate change with it will bring droughts...which will wreak havoc on agricultural output. Pak needs more dams...as many as possible. Other methods to store rain water(also to curb flooding)...and in the south(Sindh and Balochistan) there is a need to build desalination plants...all of these things are needed to meet the need of drinking water and food for the ppl.

Other things that can help are things like using better agricultural techniques that reduce the use of water. Cities need plants like these to treat sewage and generate clean drinking water from it
...and of course planting more trees always helps...not only do they cool the surroundings they also help by preventing soil erosion and desertification.

But I do agree with u in the sense that Pak should make the case on international forums often and loudly...at the very least to secure funds for such projects. In the end though Pak will need to protect itself from this future threat(that's technically already here)...droughts and famines are coming unless Pak government(and ppl) start taking action now.
its a fact sir

Glaciers have their cycle of melting and change in size.
They also have a span where they move forward and recede back.
Melting of Glaciers has been going on for centuries, if you are able to talk to any people of much older generation they will tell you how close there glaciers were and how they have slowly changed in shape and size.

The current areas of Karakorum, Himalayas and Hindukush are very young ranges (compared to others) their shape and outlook is consistently changing. One day rivers are flowing in one direction the other day it has made a new path for itself.

The problem is not that Glaciers are melting but more importantly their speed of melting has accelerated due to global warming. Rise in Earths temperature is a natural cycle and will happen with or without human interference.
But the thing is the communities around these regions are the most effected already several dozen communities have been displaced from Chitral and Gilgit-Baltistan. People love to talk about preserving the environment and preventing global warming. But the fact is very little attention is being given to those already suffering from it and few are helping.
Growing glaciers prove cold comfort for Pakistan’s Shimshal valley
Rina Saeed Khan
7 Min Read

ISLAMABAD (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Climate change is causing glaciers around the world to melt, raising the risk of flooding and other problems. But residents of a remote area of Pakistan face floods for the opposite reason – their glaciers are growing.

Experts say that more than 120 glaciers in Pakistan’s north are stable, or even growing rapidly, in a phenomenon called the “Karakoram Anomaly”.

A team of researchers from Britain’s Newcastle University last year attributed the anomaly to a summer “vortex” of cold air over the Karakoram mountain range.

They say this is causing the glaciers in the region to grow, in spite of a global increase in average temperatures.

One of the Karakoram glaciers provoking the greatest concern is Khurdopin, in the remote Shimshal Valley in Gilgit-Baltistan, the country’s northernmost region. The glacier has been in a “surge” phase since May last year.

Experts from FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance, part of the Aga Khan Development Network in Pakistan, are now monitoring a large lake that formed last October when the glacier blocked the Shimshal River.

There are fears that the lake, now mostly frozen, could cause an outburst flood in the coming summer months.

Salmanuddin Shah, program manager at FOCUS, said the glacier had grown by 1.7km (about 1 mile) since the surge began last year.

“We are monitoring the glacier on a daily basis through satellite imagery. When the temperature starts rising we will visit the glacier for physical assessment,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

“We will get a clearer picture of how it will behave from this April onwards.”

It takes around three-and-a-half hours by jeep over a treacherous mountain road, only opened in 2004, to reach the Shimshal Valley after leaving the newly paved Karakoram Highway at the village of Passu.

The most famous local resident is Samina Baig, the first Pakistani woman to climb Mount Everest. Other than that, the four small villages in the Shimshal area stay mostly out of the news.

Even glacier-related floods last August, which destroyed bridges and damaged roads, leaving the valley inaccessible for a week, barely received coverage in the national press.

But Pakistan has reason to pay attention to Shimshal, because the Khurdopin glacier is known for causing periodic glacial outburst floods that have led to massive destruction downstream.

The Shimshal River meets up with the Hunza River, which in turn feeds the Indus, the country’s most essential waterway.

When the approximately 47-km-long (30-mile) Khurdopin glacier collides with the side wall of the rocky valley, it blocks the river, and a temporary lake forms behind it as the water piles up.

The lake expands for several months and then can burst through the blockage as the glacier retreats again.

By January of this year, the lake was already about 1.5km (1 mile) in length.

Experts say that in the past, millions of cubic feet of lake water have rushed into the Hunza River, destroying everything along the way.

According to local people, these lake outbursts floods have happened several times – in 1920, 1942 and in the early 1960s. There was also a smaller amount of flooding last July.

“Our elders still remember those earlier massive floods,” said Karamat Ali, a documentary film-maker who lives downstream in Karimabad. He hiked up to the frozen lake in Shimshal last December.

“It has become huge and it is very dangerous indeed, both to Shimshal Valley residents who live close to the river and those living downstream,” Ali said in a telephone interview.

Scientists studying the Khurdopin glacier using satellite imagery have confirmed that it is moving at a rapid pace.

A study by Utrecht University reported that during a few weeks in 2017 the glacier’s velocity peaked at the equivalent of 5 km a year, among the fastest rates reported globally.

The situation has the local people, FOCUS and the province’s Disaster Management Authority worried. No one knows for sure if there will be a high-intensity outburst and when it might happen. All are preparing for flooding, whether it’s small-scale or much larger.

Ghulam Rasul, head of the Pakistan Meteorological Department, who viewed the glacial lake from a helicopter last December, estimates that it is at 70 percent of its capacity, with no inflows at the moment, but that it will fill up further as ice begins to melt around the end of March.

“In mid-March, inflows will start increasing. In April it will reach a high-risk position. In my opinion the lake will flow over the ice or make a channel for itself through the ice. I don’t expect a sudden outburst,” Rasul said.

Communities living downstream are not taking any chances. With the help of FOCUS they have set up an early warning system using satellite images and cellular phones.

A monitoring team trained by geologists regularly hikes up to the glacier to gather data.

Community response teams have also been set up to respond to disaster alerts and help evacuate people if needed. They are trained in first aid and equipped with tents, blankets and rescue tools.

“The awareness-raising sessions and emergency response drills at the community level have made us learn about hazards and the immediate steps we need to take as first responders, so women and children in our village feel much safer than they did a few years ago,” said 39-year-old Zeenat, a resident of Shimshal village.

Rasul said that, contrary to appearances, climate change is in fact responsible for an increase in the frequency of the glacier surges.

Scientists say unusual warming in the Arctic may be linked to more winter storms further south.

Rasul, however, believes that the “Karakoram Anomaly” will not last long.

“As temperatures rise further, even these glaciers’ mass balance will gradually reduce as the freezing level is moving upwards,” he said.

In the meantime, however, residents of the Shimshal valley are keeping a watchful eye on their glacier – and the frozen lake behind it.
Surging Glacier Creates a New Lake

April 1, 2019JPEG

While most Himalayan glaciers are retreating, about 200 in the Karakoram Range are doing the opposite. Scientific and military authorities in Pakistan are monitoring one of them closely due to the potential for flooding.

About 1 percent of the world’s glaciers surge. These glaciers cycle through periods when they abruptly flow several times faster than usual. At peak speeds, surging glaciers can advance several meters per day—fast enough to block streams, bulldoze trees, crash into roads, and damage infrastructure. Surges typically last for a few months (and sometimes several years), and are then followed by a period of little or no movement that can last for a decade or longer.

One surging glacier in northern Pakistan sits near Mount Shishpar (also Shisparé or Shishper), a 7,611-meter peak in the Hunza District. In April 2018, the debris-covered glacier started to accelerate, with certain parts moving as fast as 13 to 18 meters (43 to 59 feet) per day. Since the surge started, the front of Shishpar Glacier has advanced by about 1 kilometer. As the ice pushed south past an adjacent valley, it blocked a meltwater stream flowing from the neighboring Muchuhar Glacier. By autumn 2018, the water had pooled up and formed a sizable lake.

April 5, 2018JPEG

April 1, 2019JPEG

These images, acquired by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8, show the position of the glacier and lake on April 1, 2019 (right), compared to April 5, 2018. The ice appears gray because dust, soil, and other debris are piled on top of it.

Generally, ice-dammed lakes like this are unstable and do not last for more than one season; most drain slowly and do not to cause any problems. But sometimes the ice dams collapse suddenly or lake water spills over the dam, causing fast-moving, dangerous floods. Because of this, scientists are conducting frequent ground surveys near Shishpar and analyzing satellite imagery daily.

In a release on April 27, the Gilgit-Baltistan Disaster Management Authority indicated that the risk of a damaging flood had decreased due to falling lake levels. In an earlier release, the group noted that hot weather in the summer could cause rapid melting and hazardous overflows, and they outlined several steps to reduce the risk of a flood disaster in communities downstream. In the case of a severe flood, a nearby section of the Karakoram Highway, large numbers of homes in the village of Hasanabad, important irrigation channels, and two power plants could all be affected.

The glacier’s surge has already had some consequences. One nearby power station went offline due to a lack of incoming water. Also, a key pathway that miners and cattle once used to cross the glacier safely became impassable. In August 2018, that change trapped cattle in summer pastures and prevented miners from reaching a work site, the Pamir Times reported.

This is not the first time that this glacier has surged. Field research and analysis of satellite imagery indicate that Shishpar also surged in 1904-1905, 1972-1976, and 1993-2002.

NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Adam Voiland, with information from Jeff Kargel (Planetary Science Institute), Cameron Watson (University of Arizona), Andreas Kääb (University of Oslo), and Umesh Haritashya (University of Dayton).

Pakistan's Glaciers are also growing in size in some spots. The Karakorum's act like the "worlds third pole" due to their topology.
Growing glaciers prove cold comfort for Pakistan’s Shimshal valley
Rina Saeed Khan
7 Min Read

ISLAMABAD (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Climate change is causing glaciers around the world to melt, raising the risk of flooding and other problems. But residents of a remote area of Pakistan face floods for the opposite reason – their glaciers are growing.

Experts say that more than 120 glaciers in Pakistan’s north are stable, or even growing rapidly, in a phenomenon called the “Karakoram Anomaly”.

A team of researchers from Britain’s Newcastle University last year attributed the anomaly to a summer “vortex” of cold air over the Karakoram mountain range.

They say this is causing the glaciers in the region to grow, in spite of a global increase in average temperatures.

One of the Karakoram glaciers provoking the greatest concern is Khurdopin, in the remote Shimshal Valley in Gilgit-Baltistan, the country’s northernmost region. The glacier has been in a “surge” phase since May last year.

Experts from FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance, part of the Aga Khan Development Network in Pakistan, are now monitoring a large lake that formed last October when the glacier blocked the Shimshal River.

There are fears that the lake, now mostly frozen, could cause an outburst flood in the coming summer months.

Salmanuddin Shah, program manager at FOCUS, said the glacier had grown by 1.7km (about 1 mile) since the surge began last year.

“We are monitoring the glacier on a daily basis through satellite imagery. When the temperature starts rising we will visit the glacier for physical assessment,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

“We will get a clearer picture of how it will behave from this April onwards.”

It takes around three-and-a-half hours by jeep over a treacherous mountain road, only opened in 2004, to reach the Shimshal Valley after leaving the newly paved Karakoram Highway at the village of Passu.

The most famous local resident is Samina Baig, the first Pakistani woman to climb Mount Everest. Other than that, the four small villages in the Shimshal area stay mostly out of the news.

Even glacier-related floods last August, which destroyed bridges and damaged roads, leaving the valley inaccessible for a week, barely received coverage in the national press.

But Pakistan has reason to pay attention to Shimshal, because the Khurdopin glacier is known for causing periodic glacial outburst floods that have led to massive destruction downstream.

The Shimshal River meets up with the Hunza River, which in turn feeds the Indus, the country’s most essential waterway.

When the approximately 47-km-long (30-mile) Khurdopin glacier collides with the side wall of the rocky valley, it blocks the river, and a temporary lake forms behind it as the water piles up.

The lake expands for several months and then can burst through the blockage as the glacier retreats again.

By January of this year, the lake was already about 1.5km (1 mile) in length.

Experts say that in the past, millions of cubic feet of lake water have rushed into the Hunza River, destroying everything along the way.

According to local people, these lake outbursts floods have happened several times – in 1920, 1942 and in the early 1960s. There was also a smaller amount of flooding last July.

“Our elders still remember those earlier massive floods,” said Karamat Ali, a documentary film-maker who lives downstream in Karimabad. He hiked up to the frozen lake in Shimshal last December.

“It has become huge and it is very dangerous indeed, both to Shimshal Valley residents who live close to the river and those living downstream,” Ali said in a telephone interview.

Scientists studying the Khurdopin glacier using satellite imagery have confirmed that it is moving at a rapid pace.

A study by Utrecht University reported that during a few weeks in 2017 the glacier’s velocity peaked at the equivalent of 5 km a year, among the fastest rates reported globally.

The situation has the local people, FOCUS and the province’s Disaster Management Authority worried. No one knows for sure if there will be a high-intensity outburst and when it might happen. All are preparing for flooding, whether it’s small-scale or much larger.

Ghulam Rasul, head of the Pakistan Meteorological Department, who viewed the glacial lake from a helicopter last December, estimates that it is at 70 percent of its capacity, with no inflows at the moment, but that it will fill up further as ice begins to melt around the end of March.

“In mid-March, inflows will start increasing. In April it will reach a high-risk position. In my opinion the lake will flow over the ice or make a channel for itself through the ice. I don’t expect a sudden outburst,” Rasul said.

Communities living downstream are not taking any chances. With the help of FOCUS they have set up an early warning system using satellite images and cellular phones.

A monitoring team trained by geologists regularly hikes up to the glacier to gather data.

Community response teams have also been set up to respond to disaster alerts and help evacuate people if needed. They are trained in first aid and equipped with tents, blankets and rescue tools.

“The awareness-raising sessions and emergency response drills at the community level have made us learn about hazards and the immediate steps we need to take as first responders, so women and children in our village feel much safer than they did a few years ago,” said 39-year-old Zeenat, a resident of Shimshal village.

Rasul said that, contrary to appearances, climate change is in fact responsible for an increase in the frequency of the glacier surges.

Scientists say unusual warming in the Arctic may be linked to more winter storms further south.

Rasul, however, believes that the “Karakoram Anomaly” will not last long.

“As temperatures rise further, even these glaciers’ mass balance will gradually reduce as the freezing level is moving upwards,” he said.

In the meantime, however, residents of the Shimshal valley are keeping a watchful eye on their glacier – and the frozen lake behind it.
Surging Glacier Creates a New Lake

April 1, 2019JPEG

While most Himalayan glaciers are retreating, about 200 in the Karakoram Range are doing the opposite. Scientific and military authorities in Pakistan are monitoring one of them closely due to the potential for flooding.

About 1 percent of the world’s glaciers surge. These glaciers cycle through periods when they abruptly flow several times faster than usual. At peak speeds, surging glaciers can advance several meters per day—fast enough to block streams, bulldoze trees, crash into roads, and damage infrastructure. Surges typically last for a few months (and sometimes several years), and are then followed by a period of little or no movement that can last for a decade or longer.

One surging glacier in northern Pakistan sits near Mount Shishpar (also Shisparé or Shishper), a 7,611-meter peak in the Hunza District. In April 2018, the debris-covered glacier started to accelerate, with certain parts moving as fast as 13 to 18 meters (43 to 59 feet) per day. Since the surge started, the front of Shishpar Glacier has advanced by about 1 kilometer. As the ice pushed south past an adjacent valley, it blocked a meltwater stream flowing from the neighboring Muchuhar Glacier. By autumn 2018, the water had pooled up and formed a sizable lake.

April 5, 2018JPEG

April 1, 2019JPEG

These images, acquired by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8, show the position of the glacier and lake on April 1, 2019 (right), compared to April 5, 2018. The ice appears gray because dust, soil, and other debris are piled on top of it.

Generally, ice-dammed lakes like this are unstable and do not last for more than one season; most drain slowly and do not to cause any problems. But sometimes the ice dams collapse suddenly or lake water spills over the dam, causing fast-moving, dangerous floods. Because of this, scientists are conducting frequent ground surveys near Shishpar and analyzing satellite imagery daily.

In a release on April 27, the Gilgit-Baltistan Disaster Management Authority indicated that the risk of a damaging flood had decreased due to falling lake levels. In an earlier release, the group noted that hot weather in the summer could cause rapid melting and hazardous overflows, and they outlined several steps to reduce the risk of a flood disaster in communities downstream. In the case of a severe flood, a nearby section of the Karakoram Highway, large numbers of homes in the village of Hasanabad, important irrigation channels, and two power plants could all be affected.

The glacier’s surge has already had some consequences. One nearby power station went offline due to a lack of incoming water. Also, a key pathway that miners and cattle once used to cross the glacier safely became impassable. In August 2018, that change trapped cattle in summer pastures and prevented miners from reaching a work site, the Pamir Times reported.

This is not the first time that this glacier has surged. Field research and analysis of satellite imagery indicate that Shishpar also surged in 1904-1905, 1972-1976, and 1993-2002.

NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Adam Voiland, with information from Jeff Kargel (Planetary Science Institute), Cameron Watson (University of Arizona), Andreas Kääb (University of Oslo), and Umesh Haritashya (University of Dayton).

Pakistan's Glaciers are also growing in size in some spots. The Karakorum's act like the "worlds third pole" due to their topology.

You dont want khurdopen and Yazghil Glaciers converging. The last time that happen it wiped out several dozen's of villages, now they use small demolition charges to allow the glacier lake to runoff.
Then again khurdopen and yazhil glaciers are amazing sights plenty of greenery trekking and wildbirds for dinner:partay:
Glaciers have their cycle of melting and change in size.
They also have a span where they move forward and recede back.
Melting of Glaciers has been going on for centuries, if you are able to talk to any people of much older generation they will tell you how close there glaciers were and how they have slowly changed in shape and size.

The current areas of Karakorum, Himalayas and Hindukush are very young ranges (compared to others) their shape and outlook is consistently changing. One day rivers are flowing in one direction the other day it has made a new path for itself.

The problem is not that Glaciers are melting but more importantly their speed of melting has accelerated due to global warming. Rise in Earths temperature is a natural cycle and will happen with or without human interference.
But the thing is the communities around these regions are the most effected already several dozen communities have been displaced from Chitral and Gilgit-Baltistan. People love to talk about preserving the environment and preventing global warming. But the fact is very little attention is being given to those already suffering from it and few are helping.

Karakorum and Himalayas are at an area that is particularly susceptible to shifting tectonic patterns which makes it especially vulnerable to the accelerated effects of climate change on glaciers and mountains compared to the geography of the rest of the region.


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