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Pakistan has failed when it comes to trade with China

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan has failed when it comes to trade with China
By Peer Muhammad
Published: June 26, 2016
Commerce ministry reviewing first phase of FTA, finds country exported in 253 out of total 7,550 tariff lines. PHOTO: REUTERS

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has been unable to fully tap and utilise the concessions granted by China under the China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA) and only used 3.3% of the total tariff lines, said a review of the first phase of CPFTA.

According to official sources, the Ministry of Commerce is reviewing the first phase of the CPFTA, which revealed that Pakistan could only export in 253 tariff lines out of the total 7550, where average export value was $500.

Pak-China trade pact in favour of Beijing: Sartaj Aziz

“Pakistan mainly exported raw materials and intermediate products such as cotton yarn, woven fabric and grey fabric while value-added products were completely missing,” they said. “This is why Pakistan has not benefitted from the CPFTA. Some of the value-added products like garments are included in the concessionary regime.”

The officials said that Pakistan shared its concern regarding the insufficient utilisation of concession and competition faced by the local industries due to cheap imports from China. They said it was agreed that the tariff reduction modalities of the second phase would be designed in a way to accommodate all the genuine concerns of both countries adequately.

Pakistan and China are already negotiating for the second phase of Pak-China FTA since 2011, however, Minister for Commerce Khurram Dastgir recently said that the negotiations had been halted as Pakistani businessmen were protectionists and Chinese wanted more liberalisation.

The CPFTA on trade in goods was signed on November 24 2006 and implemented on July 7, 2007. The FTA on trade in services was signed on February 21, 2009 and in operational since October 10, 2009.

Under the Trade and Service Agreement, Pakistan will open the first banking channel of Habib Bank Limited in China by the end of this year and the Chinese authorities have already given the approval by relaxing the reserve limit from $20 billion to $15 billion.

Is Pakistan really a dream destination for China?

Bilateral trade volume, which amounted to $4 billion in 2006-7, reached an all-time at $12 billion in 2014-15. Pakistan’s exports jumped to $2.1 billion in 2014-15 from $575 million in 2006-07. Correspondingly, China’s exports to Pakistan increased to $10.1 billion in 2014-15 from $3.5 billion in 2006-07.

Pakistan’s major exports to China are cotton yarn/fabric, rice, raw hides and skins, crude vegetable material, chemical material, fish and fish preparations and crude mineral. Major imports from China are machinery (all sorts) and its parts, fertiliser manufactured, chemical element, yarn and thread of synthetic fibre, iron and steels, chemical material and product, vegetable and synthetic textile fibre, road vehicles and their parts, non-ferrous metals, tyres and tubes of rubber.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 26th, 2016.
We just cannot compete with them in manufacturing, we can only provide them highly skilled labour such as qualified accountants , certified IT professionals, certified information security personals and so on.

@niaz Sir your views.
We just cannot compete with them in manufacturing, we can only provide them highly skilled labour such as qualified accountants , certified IT professionals, certified information security personals and so on.

@niaz Sir your views.

No thats a foolish statement because Pakistan is far more competitive currency wise than China..

1 USD = 6.54 Chinese Yuan
1 USD = 104.14 Pakistani Rupee

Also Pakistani workmanship is far more quality oriented than quantity like the Chinese...it is just than ever since Bhuttoism took over our industry has become addicted to protectionism which guarantees market share despite churning out D quality products..and that perception has to change with the flood of competitive Chinese products...
RIP pakistan small industry after CPEC.. i don;t understand why the &*^% Pakistan doesn't show spine and restrict china in flooding pakistan with B products .. like a freaking warehouise..

What the ! A sane voice in this forum that too from other side of the border !
That is what Chinese do. They come with smiling faces and dump their second quality products which they have been doing for decades. They need consumers for their surplus products. I am not linking the India-Pak-China angle here but just stating what the Chinese do all over the world.
No one can compete with them, Everyone's got a deficit against China including the U.S, what do you expect from Pakistan?

Actually, China itself runs a large trade deficit with basically every other place in East Asia, e.g. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc.

These places are highly competitive, and they show that it is absolutely possible to run a large and consistent trade surplus against China.
China can manufacture defence goods in Pakistan for exports to third countries and China which can help to reduce trade deficit
its must for future

i am ready to face it . it will be great to having lunch pork nipples with white wine and dinner BBQ dog with red wine :rofl:
sure it is per Imran Bhai ramzaan mubaraq me aap kiss tarah ji gair munasib guftgoo ker rahe hain .... naus billah :astagh:
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