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Pakistan has 110 Nuclear weapons, edges ahead of India: USA Report

I am glad that India is taking the smarter route ..while moving its present nuclear weapons to sea ..making sure they are safe from Nuclear first strike so that credible minimum deterrence is maintained.

As well as projecting itself as a responsible nuclear power while not engaging in nuclear weapons race with Pakistan(even though having more fissile material than them) ..will make sure.. India's case will become stronger for membership of NSG, MTCR, Wassenaar Arrangement.

Hey guys why don't you give a few us? A lot nukes are not good for a muslim while your muslim brother doesn't have :D

Aren't U.S. thermo-nuclear weapons stationed in Turkey under Nato Doctrine?
I think its not possible to give estimate of Indian Nuclear Weapons as it is one of the worlds most secretive program. No even knows where they are produced or stored or even the number of people involved.:bounce::chilli:

Actually no-one knows How many Nukes India have..! But this is for sure that India have +100 Nukes and a larger fissle material Ready to produce more Nukes in short period of Time.

And as we have two nuclear armed neighbours then it is for sure that India posses more number of Nuclear weapons then what is actually shown in reports..The number of nukes India have is a Top-secret ..! And only few people will be know out of a billion of us that How many nukes we have(numbers) and where they are stored.

And now we already got Civil-nuclear deal...;) So, we can double-fold the number of our nukes in a very short period of time.
Great another excuse for invading Pakistan in the future.:D

No country will want to invade a nuclear armed country and you don't even need any IQ to workout why.
India is right next to Pakistan, I am sure all the major cities and shorelines would be pulverized should India tries to invade. Not smart at all.
USA is going to be crazy, it will try to harm Pakistan with CIA's plan B ??! :frown:

They are clearly to pay attention regularly on Pakistan's nukes. WTH!
No country will want to invade a nuclear armed country and you don't even need any IQ to workout why.
India is right next to Pakistan, I am sure all the major cities and shorelines would be pulverized should India tries to invade. Not smart at all.

Just ignore the trolls here.

Nuke exchange regarding India or Pakistan doesn't seem feasible considering the geographic proximity.
A nuke on India will certainly impact Pakistan, weather/climatic fallout ,considering winds travel from Bay of Bengal to Pakistan i.e from India to Pakistan.
100 NUKES? I doubt it.....From where Pakistan summoned money and material for so many nuclear weapons? Unless they are a few kiloton each.....

Time to build more nuclear power plants,as we know that surplus nuclear weapons can be recycled as nuclear fuel in power plants...
That way Pakistan wont need to worry about the effectiveness of aging nuclear arsenal..provided we do have that many nukes...
USA runs one of the world's most powerful supercomputer to keep an eye on deterioration and effectiveness of their aging nukes.But then they got megaton scale nukes,,,,,,..Pakistan can build and then recycle nukes into power plants once they get old enough to be less reliable....and replace the recycled warheads with new ones..
actually all what was said in the post was based on different speculations and without any official figures. other thing india is spending much more on defence and it is india,s aggressive doctrines that force PAKISTAN to enhance its stockpile to counter any threat. other thing what most indians say inside threat, it is reality indian is actively playing role to destabilize PAKISTAN although for world she speaks for stable PAKISTAN. we are not fool or not interested in making extra bombs. we make as much we need.
Yes, great! Now let's concentrate on the vital elements that make for a strong country i.e.having a transparent democratic set up, increase economic growth and educate our population. India is ahead of us in all of the above fields.

Don't get me wrong defence is important but that is about all we seem to be excelling at.
In this decade Us establishment and nato army has killed more than 20 million innocent people in iraq and afganistan , and still they are Contractors of human rights !

Why america is giving Armaments for pakistan and india ?
Why the are spending billion of dollers in this region ????

Think about it !

This is stupidity of the highest order. Are you actually claiming that the U.S. has, in the last 10 years, killed more people than they did in WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam, combined?

Please give me what you are smoking. Reality can be harsh.
I really wish and hope that the next election should be a turning point in Pakistan's history.

@Topic, I seriously have a question here. How come some one can study such a sensitive topic which is suppose to be so confidential? The News cannot be even near to true unless the Govt. opens its mouth. How come some in the West know about a Nation's numbers which should actually be known only to the Govt. and not even to it's people?
Seriously, does no one here feel like its a signal to India to buy more weapons? A tactic that will help them sell more arms?

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