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Featured Pakistan government unveils new laws for Facebook, Twitter And Social Media companies

You do understand you are comparing Pakistan with EU and USA? Both EU and USA are about 70 times larger than Pakistan economically. You do not have same leverage with them like those countries do.

If they are indeed banned in Pakistan, where will Imran do his propaganda against Modi? Twitter is a better platform than UN for such things. If left alone to India, Pakistanis will become pariah in this world. Hopefully Imran is smarter than you.
Lolx Imran Khan se kitni phat ti he indians 🤣

On a serious note its not about what you are saying its about privacy and interests of the country... and if EU can demand for privacy of its citizens so can Pakistan
When the PTA demands offending content to be removed, I assume it means that it can’t be viewed in Pakistan. o_O
New Law

Do not criticise Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan, Shaikh Chilli Government Policies, U-Turns, Annexation of Indian Occupied Kashmir, Cheeni Chor Jehangir Tareen, Aatta Khors, General Asim Saleem Bajwa, de-facto military-rule and anything related to Pakistan Tehrik-e-Baqwas.

Criticism of opposition parties is allowed and strongly encouraged as well as false allegations, propaganda, political victimisation, political prisoners, intimidation of media, disappearances, Corona Rona Dona, coverups and all acts to silence criticism of the Government is permissible.

Endorsed by Government of Riasat-e-Madina, Naya Pakistan.
New Law

Do not criticise Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan, Shaikh Chilli Government Policies, U-Turns, Annexation of Indian Occupied Kashmir, Cheeni Chor Jehangir Tareen, Aatta Khors, General Asim Saleem Bajwa, de-facto military-rule and anything related to Pakistan Tehrik-e-Baqwas.

Criticism of opposition parties is allowed and strongly encouraged as well as false allegations, propaganda, political victimisation, political prisoners, intimidation of media, disappearances, Corona Rona Dona, coverups and all acts to silence criticism of the Government is permissible.

Endorsed by Government of Riasat-e-Madina, Naya Pakistan.
that is rich coming from the likes of you who's only credit is laddering to the top by piggybacking on Zia's back using the military's help. today bites the hand that fed it. a disgraced a traitor mofo.

How many sugar mills does the tubbar have? The enquiry mentions the chor tubbar and its manipulation of sugar and being the mainstay of the cartel! Pakistan Money Laundering Network full of tt scams, dallah dollar dar the bc who has sunk the economy and then does a runner.

The whole reason why individuals like you exist is for furthering the propaganda. go spread this s#it of traitor chor nawaj in the bhand merasi constituencies.
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It is about time that this step was taken. There are serious privacy issues when regional offices of social media companies are located in India. Pakistan should also force these companies to store social media user data inside Pakistan. These companies make millions out of social media adverts which should be taxed as well. Any revenue they generate via Pakistani users should be taxed.
that is rich coming from a tooi wal harami, a bloated swine who's only credit is laddering to the top by piggybacking on Zia's back using the military's help. today bites the hand that fed it. a disgraced a traitor mofo.

How many sugar mills does the tubbar have? The enquiry mentions the chor tubbar and its manipulation of sugar and being the mainstay of the cartel! Pakistan Money Laundering Network full of tt scams, dallah dollar dar the bc who has sunk the economy and then does a runner.

The whole reason why filth spastic like you exist is for furthering the propaganda. go spread this s#it of traitor chor nawaj in the bhand merasi constituencies.
Itnay lambay bhashan dey raha hy zara saza yafta bhagorey na ahel sey kahey mulk ka chakar lagaye aur larey jang jamhoriat ki
It is about time that this step was taken. There are serious privacy issues when regional offices of social media companies are located in India. Pakistan should also force these companies to store social media user data inside Pakistan. These companies make millions out of social media adverts which should be taxed as well. Any revenue they generate via Pakistani users should be taxed.
Any criticism of India on facebook on Kashmir issue is taken down
About time, Pakistani base can't be governed by Twitter India. Clear conflict of interests there.
As we have seen in past, many of our twitter accounts had been blocked by twitter on the request of Indian Government.
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