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Pakistan got nuclear weapons with Chinese help: US Senator

We are nobody to decide anything.What has happened,has happened.If I am not mistaken,I think A.Q. Khan mainly stole technology related to enriching Uranium,not the technology for making a bomb.

A.Q.Khan did go through a lot of troubles to make Pakistan a nuclear power.He did work for the infrastructure,for production.There is an indication that China had helped as well,about assembling an A-bomb .It is quite impossible to test a nuclear device within less than a month after India's testing had their been no external help.

To start with the biggest misconception about Pakistan nuclear program is that AQ was responsible for it. He was responsible for a very small part of it and was propped up to distract attention. As far as the device is concerned it was "cold tested" for the first time in 1983 i.e. without the nuclear core and was tested again many times in similar fashion. In 1998 they simply added the core and did hot tests. This is all public information now, so please go do some research before you make a fool out of your self. Even better do a Google Earth search of Pakistani military-nuclear-industrial complex and you will be surprised how big it is.

Yes Pakistan did get help from China but it was Quid Pro Quo because they had something we needed and we had something they needed. For that matter we also got help from Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, UK, France and the US and a few other countries.
US and USSR got all their nuclear and rocket technology from Germans, especially the designs of the V2 Rockets.
What a pointless thread! The fact is Pakistan's got the bomb, India's got the bomb, and China's got the bomb! And there's enough of that to screw not only the Asian continent, but also the Northern hemisphere. How they got it, when they got it and so on is redundant.

Many here are throwing out arguments as though a nuke war is winnable. Others are treating it as a joke as though a nuke war would be no more than the 4th of July fireworks - clapping our hands in glee whilst the bombs go off! C'mon guys get real. A nuke war is serious business. Nuclear weapons today are a only a deterrent. Only mad hatters would be so stupid as to press the red button.

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US and USSR got all their nuclear and rocket technology from Germans, especially the designs of the V2 Rockets.

true...they took gave all the nazi scientists to israel but took few to USA...the guy who designed the space shuttle was also a nazi scientist who was issued pardon and given american citizen,,,,,when he retired in 70's or maybe 80's they just ignited the controversy regarding him and he was handed over to israel:agree:

Russia also took few nazi scientists....
germans were actually genious and much ahead of their time.
Pakistan Got from China and Indian got them with the help of Russia what the hell is new thing in it???????????????
pmukherjee said:
Pakistan did not test its nukes at Chagai. The nukes Pakistan exploded at Chagai had been tested at Lop Nor, Xinjiang, China. The ready made bombs were exploded at Chagai for domestic and international consumption. It was like a 'Show' in a game of cards where India had already laid its cards on the table..

Few years back there was a report from US that Pakistan helped china's nuclear weapons development because Dr. AQ had knowledge of the western nuke tech. Now US of A and you indian should better decide which one of the stories on pakistan's nuke is true.
2ndly As others have posted here that even US of A got it from Germans and then Leaked it to other Nato countries.
US got jet technology via Nazi scientist help. US got rocket technology via Nazi scientists help. Big deal get over it.
In 1998, Pakistan already had nuclear weapons..... U235 based. We knew that, that is exactly why we tested to force Pakistan to come from covert to an overt mode. General Sundarji's book "The Blind Men of Hindustan" sheds light on what we knew of Pakistan's nuclear weapon capability. He wrote the book in 1993 and even then we knew that they had it. The problem was that as long as Pakistan remained a covert nuclear weapon state, we could not formulate a response as there were enough people here on the 'peace' or 'green' brigade who doubted the intelligence inputs or simply buried their heads in sand. We knew what we had to do to counter a nuclear threat from Pakistan/China but it could not be done while Pakistan made nukes covertly and denied having nukes in public. We had plans to test much earlier. The testing was delayed unduly due to the lack of resolve of a certain political party.

You are absolutely correct, AQK stole the technology for the centrifuges to enrich U238 into U235 from Netherlands , this was subsequently sold to Iran. The tech to make the bomb came from China.

LOL, yes India did those tests so that Pakistan could come out, LMAO. Ok so your example sounds some thing like this, I became gay so I can prove you are gay. Not a smart excuse for your lameness.
LOL, yes India did those tests so that Pakistan could come out, LMAO. Ok so your example sounds some thing like this, I became gay so I can prove you are gay. Not a smart excuse for your lameness.

but there is one difference, India's nuclear assets have been legitimized after 2008 civil nuclear deal. but that not the case with Pakistan. anyways jut to let you know sindh is the next balochistan. just wait for couple of years and watch what happens to sindh. you can keep your nuclear weapons in the cold storage
Our nuclear weapons were developed by Americans regardless if they were naturalized citizens or not.

The main people who help the U.S. create the nuclear bomb during the Manhatten project:

*John von Neumann (American/Hungarian)
*J. Robert Oppenheimer (American)
*Leó Szilárd (American/Hungarian/German)
*Edward Teller (American/Hungarian)
*Stanislaw Ulam(American)
*Eugene Wigner (American/Hungarian).

Einstein helped with some theories.

All of them were American citizens and none were ethnic Germans.

German scientists were later brought over to help in the U.S. in rocket and space research.
It was Einstein that was instrumental in the creation of the Bomb in theory and was the first I believe in thinking massive ammounts of energy could be released in a short period of time using nuclear fission, you can't take that away from the guy. It was then Oppenheimer who headed the Manhattan Project after approval from the US gov. The Germans weren't far behind but they abandoned the effort due to other projects. The Russians were also close on the heals of the US effort which it was closely monitoring
but there is one difference, India's nuclear assets have been legitimized after 2008 civil nuclear deal. but that not the case with Pakistan. anyways jut to let you know sindh is the next balochistan. just wait for couple of years and watch what happens to sindh. you can keep your nuclear weapons in the cold storage
u please elaborate the bold part?
Rest is offtopic crap and ur wet dreaming.
When Members from Pakistan post such things against USA India Indians will crying ... start for so called RELIABLE SOURCE LOLZZ@ Indians on PDF infact Reliable sources are those who are AGAINST PAKISTAN LOL... and when they are posting bullshit C.theories... thn they are providing FACTS LOL @ maturity level of Indians on every forum on every board on every platform... after all they are INDIANS LOL!

And if suppose Pakistan get nuclear Tech from china....

WHO CARES WHATEVER IT IS>>>>> PAKISTAN HAVE NUCLEAR! hahhahahahhaha thats what hardly pinsh Indians from every side LOL infact not only indians like another baby of US.... Isreal as well!
day by day as the american nation is becoming more indepted, 30 trillion dollars is enough to collapse any nation, now day by day their downfall is also exhibiting from their politician's faces, look the gibbrish comments, first iraq paying americans for the war and now this :rofl::disagree:
Pakistan did not test its nukes at Chagai. The nukes Pakistan exploded at Chagai had been tested at Lop Nor, Xinjiang, China. The ready made bombs were exploded at Chagai for domestic and international consumption. It was like a 'Show' in a game of cards where India had already laid its cards on the table.

yes and what about the nukes of india, they tested way back in soviet russia in 1949

tell me one thing india has made without failure,

agni missile = fail

LCA tejas fighter plane = fail

arjun tank = fail

is not even indian, all technology comes from west still a fail

how did u get a stuff successful as nuke way back in 1970s when you cant even make a decent missile or a tank even now

dhruv (military) = fail

dhruv can only stand for civilian use
WHO CARES WHATEVER IT IS>>>>> PAKISTAN HAVE NUCLEAR! hahhahahahhaha thats what hardly pinsh Indians from every side LOL infact not only indians like another baby of US.... Isreal as well!

Yes Pakistan surely does 'have nuclear' , but it made a fatal mistake when it proliferated weapons to Libya and North Korea

We're getting into the NSG and building 10GW plants. You guys are the ones crying for NSG exemption ;)
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