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Pakistan Gives US, NATO Proof On India’s Covert Links With Baitullah Mehsud


Apr 8, 2007
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The US continues to be in denial as evident from the recent statement of Richard Holbrooke where he said the evidence Pakistan has produced on India's links to terrorism in Balochistan is not credible. The Pakistanis have photographs and video tapes of Indian agents in Afghanistan meeting with known terrorists. Army chief Gen. Kayani has warned the Americans to stop criticizing the ISI. On his recent visit, the protocol given to Mr. Holbrooke was no longer presidential, as was the case during his previous visits. And the ISI chief has also declined to meet any US officials separately. Pakistan is getting closer to being left with no option but to limit or outright block the occupation supply lines in order to force Washington to understand it can't ignore Pakistani regional strategic interests.


Friday, 31 July 2009.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

WANA/ISLAMABAD—Higher Pakistani political and military authorities have handed over substantial evidence to its allies US and NATO regarding India’s involvement in aiding Baitullah Mehsud.

Well-informed sources told Online that Pakistani political and military leadership have provided documented and video tape evidence to Special US representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke and ISAF chief Lt. Gen. McChrystal of India’s covert links with Baitullah Mehsud and provision of aid to him through Indian consulate in Afghanistan.

During his recent trip to Pakistan Holbrooke was in clear-cut terms told to talk to India on this matter as Baitullah does not have resources to stand up before the army and he is clearly getting external aid. Upon this Holbrooke assured the Pakistanis that he would take up this matter with India at the diplomatic level. The Afghan government has also been told to stop the use of Indian consulates against Pakistan.

Sources further say that Pakistan for the first time has made it clear to US and NATO that it is need of hour to halt foreign aid to terrorist elements in order to show results in the so-called war against terrorism.

On the other hand, Islamabad has made it clear to US that Washington needs to share relevant information with Pakistani intelligence agencies regarding the movement of Baitullah Mehsud along with pictures taken from satellites and drones.

Pakistani Officials have also expressed their sheer reservations regarding directly targeting Baitullah Mehsud and have urged that drone attacks must be halted immediately as innocent lives are being lost because of it.

Sources say that Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani in his recent visits to the US has number of times made it clear to Richard Holbrooke and General McChrystal to stop criticizing ISI concerning support of Taliban as it could result in major difference between the two countries. He made it clear there were no sympathizers of Baitullah within the army.

Military sources further added that despite numerous briefings US Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Admiral Mike Mullen is not refraining from lambasting ISI and the ISI chief is also maintaining his policy of not meeting the US authorities separately.
Why not make the Information regarding India's links to terrorism in Balochistan PUBLIC !!!!

Nobody is going to believe statements(accusations) born out of thin air !

proof darling proof !!
Why not make the Information regarding India's links to terrorism in Balochistan PUBLIC !!!!

Nobody is going to believe statements(accusations) born out of thin air !

proof darling proof !!

I belive that will be coming soon! they will make it public i think but finally Pakistan is waking up we must be heard ! :hitwall:
I belive that will be coming soon! they will make it public i think but finally Pakistan is waking up we must be heard ! :hitwall:

If so Pakistan would gain a lot of diplomatic mileage.
In any other case if the accusations turn out to be fabricated, GOD knows what would happen to Pakistan's international image.
Ahmed Quareshi, eh? Is this the lead story on his site?

"Hamid Gul On America, CIA, And Pakistan's Nukes"

Our buddy, your buddy, but most of all- the taliban's buddy. Hmmm...o.k. If you insist-

"During his recent trip to Pakistan Holbrooke was in clear-cut terms told to talk to India on this matter..."


"Sources further say that Pakistan for the first time has made it clear to US and NATO..."


"On the other hand, Islamabad has made it clear..."

Yes! There's more-

"Pakistani Officials have also expressed their sheer reservations..." (big change. Wasn't as "clear:D")

"Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani in his recent visits to the US has number of times made it clear..."

Ooops! Thought we were past the "clear". Nope.

Not one attributable source nor did Holbrooke suggest anything remotely close to "proof" from you guys.

Poorly written for domestic consumption. You really be tellin' dem' Yanks jes' how it gonna be, eh?

"Do more". "Do more." indeed- at least according to "sources":lol:
The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News

Richard Holbrooke, President Barack Obama’s special envoy on Afghanistan and Pakistan, says he received no credible information to substantiate accusations of India’s involvement in terrorist activities in Balochistan while on a recent visit to Pakistan. But in a sign that India-Pakistan tensions may be easing, Holbrooke said Pakistan has moved a “very large number of troops” from its border with India to its border with Afghanistan.

Speaking to reporters at the State Department on Wednesday, Holbrooke said Balochistan did come up during the course of his meetings in Pakistan, but on the question of whether he was provided any credible evidence of Indian involvement, “the short answer... is no.”

He described the shift of Pakistani troops from the eastern border to the western one as a “historically significant redeployment.” Pakistan insists India is fomenting unrest in Balochistan by supporting separatist rebels in the province. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh agreed to look into the accusations following his meeting with his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani at the Red Sea resort of Sharm-al Sheik earlier this month.

C. Christine Fair, a senior political scientist at the nonprofit RAND Corporation, says it is a “pretty widely held belief in Pakistan that the Balochistan rebels are enjoying succour in Afghanistan with Indian patronage.” But, she says, she has seen no proof to substantiate accusations that India is supporting these rebels.

Holbrooke, who recently wrapped up a visit to Pakistan and Afghanistan, insisted that there is no rift between him and India and that he was forced at the last minute to abandon plans to visit India only because of scheduling conflicts with his main policy interlocutors in New Delhi. He said he would travel to India in mid August. Saying India was the first country in the world he was ever aware of, he added, “I have a very special feeling for it. And if there’s a rift, you’ll have to ask the Indians. I didn’t see any rift. The four people I usually see, all but one of them was out of the country. I talked to the Indians on the phone.”

A high-profile diplomat who earned the nickname “Bulldozer” for his hard-nosed style of diplomacy, Holbrooke began his tenure in the Obama administration with a shaky relationship with India. Initial reports that his duties would include overseeing relations with India caused much concern in New Delhi, which was apprehensive that the man who made a name for himself by brokering the Dayton Peace Accords that ended the Bosnian war may try and take up the challenge of resolving the Kashmir dispute. India has steadfastly opposed US mediation between New Delhi and Islamabad on Kashmir, which it views as a bilateral matter.

Pressure from New Delhi was, in part, responsible for Obama limiting Holbrooke’s charge to Pakistan and Afghanistan, but Washington has been mindful of the fact that India is a significant player in the region and its views must be considered in any solution to the ongoing problem of extremism emanating from its western neighbour.

While in Pakistan, Holbrooke was denied the opportunity to visit Swat Valley because the Pakistanis said they could not guarantee his safety. The Pakistani army recently concluded operations against the Taliban which had taken hold in the picturesque valley and driven out local residents. The government has begun returning these displaced people to their homes in Swat, however rights groups have expressed concern for the safety of these people. Analysts say Pakistani officials hurriedly bussed people back to Swat because they were worried that allowing them to linger in refugee camps would make them prime targets for militant recruiters. “We don’t know exactly to what extent the Pakistani army dispersed or destroyed the enemy (in Swat). And the test of this operation is, of course, when the refugees return, can they go home? Are they safe? And we’re just going to have to wait and see,” Holbrooke said. Holbrooke described Pakistan as a country “facing a staggering number of front-page story problems at one time.”
Keep trying!!!!!!!!
India's international image is exactly opposite of Pakistan's image.
Pakistan is trying hard to bring India down to the same level of Pakistan, and the whole world knows that..
Unfortunately they should try to achieve what india has achieved at international arena....
Keep trying!!!!!!!!
India's international image is exactly opposite of Pakistan's image.

You are sadly mistaken. The reason for your so called image is because of similar interests you and the yanks share, otherwise your image would have been down the toilet drain by now. Anyways keep enjoying your honeymoon while you can with the yanks.:smitten:
Poorly written for domestic consumption. You really be tellin' dem' Yanks jes' how it gonna be, eh?

"Do more". "Do more." indeed- at least according to "sources"

Yup its poorly written for domestic consumption .But still we Cant match you guys NYtimes,WashigtonPost,CNN etc not even close, It takes years of Practice:agree: . How gracefully they feed truth to the buldging minds of America .i Just love it :smitten: :usflag:
Saying India was the first country in the world he was ever aware of, he added, “I have a very special feeling for it. And if there’s a rift, you’ll have to ask the Indians. I didn’t see any rift. The four people I usually see, all but one of them was out of the country. I talked to the Indians on the phone.

Wat . This is not BullDozer Diplomacy . Sometings wrong here .
A high-profile diplomat who earned the nickname “Bulldozer” for his hard-nosed style of diplomacy, Holbrooke began his tenure in the Obama administration with a shaky relationship with India. Initial reports that his duties would include overseeing relations with India caused much concern in New Delhi, which was apprehensive that the man who made a name for himself by brokering the Dayton Peace Accords that ended the Bosnian war may try and take up the challenge of resolving the Kashmir dispute.

I don know why but my sixth sense tells me that this will be the guy who would broker the EXIT DEAL with the Talibans in Afghanistan . Oh no i have been watching X men too much. :hitwall:
Ya u r right, thats why v screwed ur @$$ four times..

This is a poor response to a poor post. No need for this.

@thread- Our media and 'news' is actually embarrassing Pakistan. The Indian government clearly denies getting any dossier from Pakistan and Holbrooke also gave a straight response of 'No" when he was asked about any evidence supposedly provided to them. Take this straight and strong reply from the Indians and Americans and then compare it to what the Pakistan government officials said, "we do not react to media reports." Nuff said.
Why not make the Information regarding India's links to terrorism in Balochistan PUBLIC !!!!

Nobody is going to believe statements(accusations) born out of thin air !

proof darling proof !!

Maybe they don't want to compromise their sources.
It is one thing to present confidential evidence to military personnel.
It is quite another to give it to newspapers.
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