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Pakistan Gives US, NATO Proof On India’s Covert Links With Baitullah Mehsud

Though Pakistan looked dedicated to WOT, it hasn't delivered what it was meant to inspite of all the financial kick-ins given 2 it.

The issue is a lot more complicated and, although I don't agree with Imran Khan of PTI on everything, he does make some good points:

- Pakistani army is 70% ethnic Punjabi, while the Taliban are mostly ethnic Pashtun. A full scale conflict between the two could be used by opportunist elements to cast it as an ethnic conflict and to ignite wider ethnic unrest throughout Pakistan. Extremist ethnic demagogues in Sind and Punjab provinces already scapegoat the millions of hardworking Pashtuns for political purposes.

- Pakistan needs to make sure it has the capability to counter Indian control of Afghanistan when NATO leaves. But I agree that Pakistan should find a democractic counterweight to India's puppet Karzai instead of relying on the Taliban.

Here, we should learn by India's own example: India funded and supported the LTTE terrorists to cause trouble in Sri Lanka and to placate its own large Tamil population. But when LTTE lost the plot and started causing trouble in India itself by supporting Tamil separatists in Tamil Nadu, then India pulled the plug from LTTE and hunted them down in India. You have to be wary when your Frankenstein starts to turn against you.
Its time for US army stop singing anti-ISI song...this song won't take them any where. They are dealing with 6th biggest army of the world. They have to be very careful dealing with present regional issues.
"They are dealing with 6th biggest army of the world. They have to be very careful dealing with present regional issues."

"They are dealing with 6th biggest army of the world. They have to be very careful dealing with present regional issues."


Man behind the gun is more important, US army failed to defeat talaban how can they encounter PA:lol:
"They are dealing with 6th biggest army of the world. They have to be very careful dealing with present regional issues."

man you should off said better then this. Rest US can't take on PA by any means. now and never. It's not in the intrest of US no and never. So stop your stories of how US Army is taking on PA, sorry but total BS:pakistan::usflag::china:
Slogan of Mossad is; By way of Deception thou shall do War.

So no way, they (US-Israel) can confront PA face to face and it's people on the real battle field, but have to use other means to achieve this. e.g. Divide and Conquer, TTP and IMF. Pakistan is trapped in this triangle of deception for now. But this CatRat game wouldn't last long.
Slogan of Mossad is; By way of Deception thou shall do War.

So no way, they (US-Israel) can confront PA face to face and it's people on the real battle field, but have to use other means to achieve this. e.g. Divide and Conquer, TTP and IMF. Pakistan is trapped in this triangle of deception for now. But this CatRat game wouldn't last long.

The mastermind is usually the International 'Jew' (AshkeNazi Khazars). Time to snipe them out! :sniper:
The issue is a lot more complicated and, although I don't agree with Imran Khan of PTI on everything, he does make some good points:

- Pakistani army is 70% ethnic Punjabi, while the Taliban are mostly ethnic Pashtun. A full scale conflict between the two could be used by opportunist elements to cast it as an ethnic conflict and to ignite wider ethnic unrest throughout Pakistan. Extremist ethnic demagogues in Sind and Punjab provinces already scapegoat the millions of hardworking Pashtuns for political purposes.

- Pakistan needs to make sure it has the capability to counter Indian control of Afghanistan when NATO leaves. But I agree that Pakistan should find a democractic counterweight to India's puppet Karzai instead of relying on the Taliban.

Here, we should learn by India's own example: India funded and supported the LTTE terrorists to cause trouble in Sri Lanka and to placate its own large Tamil population. But when LTTE lost the plot and started causing trouble in India itself by supporting Tamil separatists in Tamil Nadu, then India pulled the plug from LTTE and hunted them down in India. You have to be wary when your Frankenstein starts to turn against you.

Likewise, Lamaism is another Frankenstein waiting to awaken from its slumber! Be careful about poisoning the well, since in near future you may drink from the same well. :crazy:
The mastermind is usually the International 'Jew' (AshkeNazi Khazars). Time to snipe them out! :sniper:

Well you have raised an important name in here, and they are not limited to these war through deception only. They are also the masterminds behind;

War on Terror; Terrorism
World Economics unrest and IMF
World Gay movements
Global Prostitution Rings
World Lesbian League
Liquor Industry
Feminist Movements
Global Drug Trafficking
Human Rights Commission
World Pornography Channels
The Medias and Hollywood(the biggest tools used in deception)
Music Industry
Gambling Industry
Secrete Societies

The mastermind is usually the International 'Jew' (AshkeNazi Khazars). Time to snipe them out! :sniper:

Extremist Zionists are just as bad as extremist Islamists, but I don't like to lump all jews as evil.

The jewish people are our brothers -- people of The Book, Ahl al-Kitāb -- and we should strive to make peace with moderate jews.
Well you have raised an important name in here, and they are not limited to these war through deception only. They are also the masterminds behind;

War on Terror; Terrorism
World Economics unrest and IMF
World Gay movements
Global Prostitution Rings
World Lesbian League
Liquor Industry
Feminist Movements
Global Drug Trafficking
Human Rights Commission
World Pornography Channels
The Medias and Hollywood(the biggest tools used in deception)
Music Industry
Gambling Industry
Secrete Societies


Feminist movement, Human Right Commission!! Are you serious?
Man behind the gun is more important, US army failed to defeat talaban how can they encounter PA:lol:
If ever anarchy happened in Pak army....who will control ? 30,000 NATO force, who can't even provide protection to their own men....how can they save Afghanistan.....
man you should off said better then this. Rest US can't take on PA by any means.

I agree with you 100%. But Baitullah Mehsud and his loyalities [supported by Indian Consulates in Afghanistan which Further are protected by US forces and reagional Diplomats(BULLDOZER)] are certinly chalanging the PA .
They need not to engage us Directly but are employing other players to do their Dirty Tricks(Asymteric Engagement) .
Its like at one place they help you through AID but at the other side they try to make you weak by supporting your RIVAL(by giving it a milletery and a diplomatic cover against any kind of offence) , so even if they fail tryin to make you weak the other options continue to live .wo kehtay hein na sanp bhi mar jai aur lathi bi na tootay
But i still dought the later part.

India has something to offer in return and that thing is mouth watering for any Developed Nation [Huge Market , Huge Consumption].
Frankly Speaking if I would have been on US's side i would also do the same :agree:.

For US Supporting India has two strategik interests
1. To counter the Russian Arms sale to India(Israel becoming the second largest Arms Dealer) Hence Blowing up a key Russian Interest.
2. To counter the Chinese Influense and Economy growing at Fast Pace .

Both of the Objectives are VITAL ones.

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