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Pakistan freezes bank accounts of over 5,000 terror suspects, including JeM chief Masood Azhar


Aug 20, 2016
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The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has frozen the bank accounts of around 5,100 terror suspects, including Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) chief Masood Azhar, media reports said on Monday. The frozen bank accounts reportedly had more than Rs 400 million.

Among those whose accounts were frozen include 1,200 suspects that belong to “category A” of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1997, which covers terrorists who pose high risk. 1500 are listed in the Fourth Schedule of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1997, The News daily quoted unnamed officials as saying. Masood Azhar is included in “category A”, officials of the interior ministry and SBP said.

“Following a request of the ministry of interior, we have frozen accounts of all top suspected terrorists, including Masood Azhar, son of Allah Bux,” a senior official of SBP told The News.

Ihsan Ghani, national coordinator of the National Counter-Terrorism Authority (NACTA) confirmed that SBP has frozen more than 5,000 bank accounts of the terror suspects. “These accounts hold a net amount worth Rs 400 million,” he said.

Suspects whose accounts were frozen include Maulana Abdul Aziz of Islamabad’s radical Lal Masjid, Ahmed Ludhianvi of the Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal Jamaat, Matiur Rehman of al-Qaeda Pakistan, Qari Ehsan of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.


Too little too late.

The more important question is whether this means that the Pakistani authorities consider Masood Azhar a terror suspect. If they do, as this supposed action would suggest, why stop there? Why not put a freeze on his actions?

I doubt many will be convinced considering that this is the same guy over whom Pakistan has expended so much capital including getting China to stymie any UN sanctions against this guy. consider that for a minute. Pakistan has expended so much diplomatic capital to do what exactly? Support a guy who they now suddenly consider a terrorist? Whose terrorist credentials have never been in doubt since not many "normal, peaceful" guys have an hijacking orchestrated for them to be left out from a prison.
Not really. The freezing of accounts is just a window dressing to show something to its donors in the west. The terrorists know that as well, so not worth retaliation.

So its not a permanent freeze?
So its not a permanent freeze?

That's the wrong question, this is window dressing because bank accounts are not the primary means to move money for these organisations & in any case, they can always open another account. That's why you will never see any substantial amount ever being frozen.
5000 + ac over night , what they are waiting for till now? .....huge number in a one go.
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