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Pakistan frees mentally ill woman after 14 years for blasphemy

People are acting(especially Reaper as you Sow) as if every Pakistani in the world was a party to having that woman arrested and sent to prison, I agree the blasphemy laws are unjust but they are not something the Quran asks us to impose or something that the people really hold close to their hearts, they are just the legacy of Zia, who passed such laws to legitimize his "Islamic" rule.

I agree with Sparklingway that the Blasphemy laws should be extended to all faiths and the punishment should be changed to a fine and community service.
just in case , if some body abuse ur family or ur parents infront of u in gathering , what will be ur reaction < i m sure u'll kick his *** > ,
and For God Sake guys dnt get mixed up with normal muslims who love islam and its peaceful teachings , with those indian backed taliban fundamits

This reply made me sad.

please refrain from such things, this is totally against islam. Islam never asked you to behead those who insult Islam. If anybody does insult islam, just stay away from him and pray for him that may Allah show him the straight path.:tup::agree:

And this reply made me happy again.


This just shows the conlict inside Pakistani minds. One side is the deadly violent barbaric conspiracy monkey side and the other is the peace-loving mind-your-own-business side.

I just hope most of the Pakistani's are the latter.
Her mental health was verified by a psychiatrist at the time of the trial.

Anybody doubting that is clearly hiding his intolerant face under the garb of faking mental health.

nope its all a lie yes? how ? where you there when they where examining her? soo please show a video of her without medication ok? or else this news is fake ....:wave:
nope its all a lie yes? how ? where you there when they where examining her? soo please show a video of her without medication ok? or else this news is fake ....:wave:

The lawyer is stating on record. The judge did not let her go without checking relevant records. You're just a nut trying scratch the surface of an argument that has no grounds. It's been quite a while since you joined the forums and I do not want to get into a pathetic little argument with you, since it's useless and pointless arguing with you or even stating something that has been covered widely by the local media and affirmed by a person no less than the Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court.
I really hate these f ucked up blasphemy laws nothing but shameful stain on pakistan .If someone attacks islam why we can't counter by debating them or dawah ? instead we just throw them in prison or try to have them killed are muslims that insecure in their religion they can't even stand up to some criticism ?
I guess with more awareness in pakistan nowdays more and more people thankfully are beginning to question these laws and a change is being set into motion.
Here is what Bill Maher once said on his show:

When even a devout Christian in the West sees his neighbor mowing his yard on a Sunday, he does not say to himself: "Hmm....this son-of-satan is working on the Sabbath day...I really should kill him!"

It is time for Muslims to move away from applying literally laws written hundreds of years ago.
The lawyer is stating on record. The judge did not let her go without checking relevant records. You're just a nut trying scratch the surface of an argument that has no grounds. It's been quite a while since you joined the forums and I do not want to get into a pathetic little argument with you, since it's useless and pointless arguing with you or even stating something that has been covered widely by the local media and affirmed by a person no less than the Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court.

Lie all lies but thanks for the reply
nope its all a lie yes? how ? where you there when they where examining her? soo please show a video of her without medication ok? or else this news is fake ....:wave:

First show a video of her making those blasphemous comments, otherwise a fake case.
Once again the blasphemy law is miss used,
and asusual people have gone hoga hoga over the law itself.

There is not a single law in this world which is not used by some one for his personal interest/benefit.

Whats the point in blaming the law for it, blame the people, move on, get over it.
I agree with Sparklingway that the Blasphemy laws should be extended to all faiths and the punishment should be changed to a fine and community service.
Don't you think that a far more effective means to maintain public order and a liberal society would be to strictly punish those who advocate and commit violence in the name of faith, rather than to forbid blasphemy entirely?
First show a video of her making those blasphemous comments, otherwise a fake case.

heck you dont need to say that i dont belive that she even said what she said .. and thoes laws are preety stright foward even a monkey who learned english would know not to say bad stuff about the majority religon ....... and just to make my self clear i still dont belive that the women is mentally ill why? i ve seen that card been played a MILLION times here in court in the western world .. its kinda sad to see that this even happens in paksitan.... MY CLIENT IS MENTLLY ILL that all you need to say and in the sight of the blind justice it is true..... feel free to disagree
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heck you dont need to say that i dont belive that she even said what she said .. and thoes laws are preety stright foward even a monkey who learned english would know not to say bad stuff about the majority religon ....... and just to make my self clear i still dont belive that the women is mentally ill why? i ve seen that card been played a MILLION times here in court in the western world .. its kinda sad to see that this even happens in paksitan.... MY CLIENT IS MENTLLY ILL that all you need to say and in the sight of the blind justice it is true..... feel free to disagree

A state psychiatrist verifies it for the court. A person as sick as you who cannot sympathize with a poor mentally ill woman who had to serve 14 years in prison without any evidence whatsoever (she wasn't even nominated by the accused but rather the police picked her up), doesn't deserve to talk about justice at all.

Looks like a tolerant and social welfare state like Canada has had little effect on your inhumane instincts. Yes, I am getting personal.
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