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Pakistan frees mentally ill woman after 14 years for blasphemy

people like you who keep ranting in this pakistani forum as some think tank member indicated, are not needed at all, rest all depends on mods..

it will certainly be good ridence, in case of you.. and others like u..

Stuff like this I don't waste my time replying to. Just saying so people stop wasting their time and hard effort.
God has already made decision's, to do justice to people who insult's his Prophet's.

We r only here to implement those decision, and extradite people to hell.

Who's going to do the expediting? You can start by fighting like men instead of planting roadside bombs or attacking girl's schools. No one is insulting any prophet here anyways or did you fail to read the article? And who are you to kill anyone for their opinion? It's hard to imagine why such mindsets are flourishing in Pakistan.
Who's going to do the expediting? You can start by fighting like men instead of planting roadside bombs or attacking girl's schools. No one is insulting any prophet here anyways or did you fail to read the article? And who are you to kill anyone for their opinion? It's hard to imagine why such mindsets are flourishing in Pakistan.

Geez as if I don't read enough of this crap, god knows there are enough right wing blogs railing against Islam. I'm an atheist and no fan of any religion but your style of criticism *screams and spittle* is disgusting and just as ignorant as the people who locked this woman away.
Geez as if I don't read enough of this crap, god knows there are enough right wing blogs railing against Islam. I'm an atheist and no fan of any religion but your style of criticism *screams and spittle* is disgusting and just as ignorant as the people who locked this woman away.

My style of criticism was directed at someone else. Keep your mug out of it if you have nothing to add but BS, comrade. Damn right people who want to kill you over an opinion deserve scream and spit, you're just an undercover Talib.
My style of criticism was directed at someone else. Keep your mug out of it if you have nothing to add but BS, comrade. Damn right people who want to kill you over an opinion deserve scream and spit, you're just an undercover Talib.

Don't pop a vein there pal. This is a public forum, not your own private psychward. My point was if you've got something to say, do it in a clear and calm manner without engaging in imbecilic hyperboles like "you're just an undercover Talib"

(comrade? oooo I get it I'm a commie. You're clever:no:)
Can someone enlighten on present status of blasphemy laws in pakistan:
*In constitution is there any clear differentiating line between criticizm of religion and blasphemy(abusing religion)?
*What proof is required to convict a man as blasphemer?
*Is blasphemy laws applicable to people of all religion including muslims?
*Why is it mostly non muslims are convicted for blasphemy?(is there any way a muslim accused of blasphemy can escape punishment easier than a non muslim?)
*In pakistani courts(especially when dealing with blasphemy laws)does the testimony of a non muslim hold less value than that of a muslim?
Mentally I'll maybe ? It kinda shows how people justify them selves to save their arse! To my point I think she's claimed to be mental but she ain't putting some one in for 14 years is wrong but do we know if she was mental or not? That what we need to know and evidence aswell maybe a video of her without medication ?

Why dont you go check the degree of the doctor who proved it. It may be fake.
If it is not fake. Check the recognition of the medical college.
If it is not recognised.
Then you say that say that she is very clever and so she is pretending.
So simple but be in your Denying Mode always it helps in keeping your beliefs Strong.
Mentally I'll maybe ? It kinda shows how people justify them selves to save their arse! To my point I think she's claimed to be mental but she ain't putting some one in for 14 years is wrong but do we know if she was mental or not? That what we need to know and evidence aswell maybe a video of her without medication ?

Brother,you expressed your doubt that the lady may be faking her illness,and demanded proofs like video to verify her mental illness.Just one question,what if the accuser was lying?what is in your law to protect the poor accused if the accuser was lying? Or is there anything in islamic law to protect the blasphemy accused if the accuser was simply making a false accusation?(just like we need a lot of proofs apart from oral accusations to prove a murder,robbery,rape etc)
Her mental health was verified by a psychiatrist at the time of the trial.

"At her arrest, her medical examination was carried out and doctors had certified that she was mentally ill but still she was languishing in jail," her lawyer, Aftab Ahmed Bajwa, who recently took up her case with the Lahore High Court, told Reuters.

Anybody doubting that is clearly hiding his intolerant face under the garb of faking mental health.
If you truly believe there is a god, and trust him to do justice, let him take care of sending people to hell. Who are you, or someone else to do make that decision?

This they will never agree to because deep down in their hearts, they know that organised religion is made by man and its purpose is power.

And power is what they seek.

About the injustice to the woman, well its shocking but not that uncommon in developing world. Our police / justice system is very very poor and a reform there is a must.

off topic - how is running a terrorist organisation called 'Jaish e Mohammed' not blasphemy? Oh yeah, I already answered that.
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Her mental health was verified by a psychiatrist at the time of the trial.

Anybody doubting that is clearly hiding his intolerant face under the garb of faking mental health.

No need for any verification. Anyone accused of blasphemy in Pakistan must be immediately acquitted on the grounds of being mentally ill.

You have to be right out of your mind to say or do anything remotely considered blasphemous knowing what is in store with you.

Case dismissed ! Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes.

Isn't it telling that the guys who are most pro blasphemy laws think nothing of blaspheming any other religion?

If somebody disgrace islam, quran, or Prophet (s.a.w) then being a true muslim we should send him to Hell.. As Sahaba (r.a) did with muslima kazab and ghazi alam din shaheed did with <i dnt remembr that crap name >, as far as that mental women concern who knws may be she just pretending.

Mentally I'll maybe ? It kinda shows how people justify them selves to save their arse! To my point I think she's claimed to be mental but she ain't putting some one in for 14 years is wrong but do we know if she was mental or not? That what we need to know and evidence aswell maybe a video of her without medication ?

I thought I should comment on these posts but then decided that it would be contradictory to my earlier assertion.

So, Case dismissed!
Bad thing done here, people who are culprits should be punished for illegal use of a law, whether its blasphemy law or some other law banning hijab or some other law where denying of holocaust is a crime, idc.
the only reason why the woman was put on trial was corruption, illiteracy.
may be if we had better neighbours we could spend on education.
So are you trying to say Islam is an intolerant Religion ? Does imagined verbal abuse kill / murder Islam or you in any way ?


Mr Taliban Helpline

how can you say that Islam is an intolerant religion???????:what::hitwall:
yes if you look from the view point of Taliban, who seem to have impressed you a lot, it may seem intolerant. If the followers of islam do something wrong, why do you non-muslims have to trace it to the teachings of islam. pick up a the Quran and see if anywhere it talks about violence. And if you still think that islam is intollerant than i can be your helpline and refer you examples from the history of Islam of
tolerance and patience.
In other words:


please refrain from such things, this is totally against islam. Islam never asked you to behead those who insult Islam. If anybody does insult islam, just stay away from him and pray for him that may Allah show him the straight path.:tup::agree:
N yeah i will surely be praying for Reaper What You Sow.:smitten:
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