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Featured Pakistan Forced to Buy Priciest LNG Shipments to Avoid Blackouts

I dont see any pmln stooges praising the govt for the lng bought on cheaper spot rates but they all come out with their criticism when the spot rate went above the agreed rate.

Yes, the point is that we should not criticise when spot market goes down than the long term agreements, they both serve a different purpose and we should not compare them. This criticism has this sole purpose to teach a lesson to Insafis.
Nuclear power plants or hydropower stations can be built. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s Balochistan Liberation Army terrorist attacks specifically targeted Chinese companies. I saw on Twitter that Balochistan Liberation Army supporters insulted Pakistan, saying that they have no water or electricity, so they demanded independence. , Leave Pakistan. But they attacked the Chinese who were building hydropower stations. I really can't understand their way of thinking

We have sanctions for erecting large nuclear powers plants and hydropower stations don't provide electricity in winters.
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
Yes, the point is that we should not criticise when spot market goes down than the long term agreements, they both serve a different purpose and we should not compare them. This criticism has this sole purpose to teach a lesson to Insafis.
Spot prices are always better in the long run as they are based on market rates, Patwari
You can not quote a price for your export order based on spot prices, you need long term agreements for price stability.
This was the result of your artificial price stability of USD
before we blame the Pakistani government can we play a game of where oil/natural gas prices will be three, six, twelve months from now ? I like to see how many of the armchair warriors come out ahead.

We should have brought oil and gas last year and stored it this year for use

Also we should have punished the suppliers who defaulted on their LNG supplies when price is up and supply them when its low by taking the miniscle fine that was in the contract signed by khaqqan abbasi..

You can not quote a price for your export order based on spot prices, you need long term agreements for price stability.
benefit of long term prices is granteed supply till the price go up from quoted price(which is exepensive) because when that happen these companies default as it better paying a very small fine in the contract ..

But hey the fine money is free what a genious contract by our leader khaqqan abbasi

So u can got spot price for 3$ and long term is set at 7$
When LNG is lower then 7 you get granteed supply when uts above 7 the supplier defaults..and we get a small fine money for free

Great deal..suckers...
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So khaqqan abbasi great deals are good because

1- if gas runs cheaper less then 7$ in glut situation around 3-6, we get gas at 7$
2- if it runs high like in 10+, we get no gas but a miniscle fine as companies default and gas at spot prices around 10+
Why buy at spot price? Didn't Qatar sign a long term fixed contract when Nawaz was in power?

View attachment 822681

We should have brought oil and gas last year and stored it this year for use

Also we should have punished the suppliers who defaulted on their LNG supplies when price is up and supply them when its low by taking the miniscle fine that was in the contract signed by khaqqan abbasi..

benefit of long term prices is granteed supply till the price go up from quoted price(which is exepensive) because when that happen these companies default as it better paying a very small fine in the contract ..

But hey the fine money is free what a genious contract by our leader khaqqan abbasi

So u can got spot price for 3$ and long term is set at 7$
When LNG is lower then 7 you get granteed supply when uts above 7 the supplier defaults..and we get a small fine money for free

Great deal..suckers...
Long term fixed contracts are always better then buying at spot prices.
Why buy at spot price? Didn't Qatar sign a long term fixed contract when Nawaz was in power?

Long term fixed contracts are always better then buying at spot prices.
Only if the contractor honours it

It didnt in case of pakistan..they defaulted

So there goes the better theory

Where were last 6 months? Sleeping?
If You guys had built your section of the ip pipeline,then you`d have had all the gas you`d ever needed,and you certainly wouldnt have had to worry about stupid sh!t like this.
Sadly tho,you still havent even started work on your section of the ip pipeline yet.You`d better hurry up and get a move on,after all you`ve only got a little over 2 years left on the 5 year extension that rouhanis government gave you back in 2019.
The clock is ticking......
As part of an upcoming deal between Iran and Russia, Russia will invest on the Pakistan's part of the gas pipeline connecting it to Iran.

جزئیات تازه توافق نفتی و گازی ایران و روسیه/ 6.5 میلیارد دلار قرارداد با روس‌ها امضا شد | خبرگزاری فارس

Well…. We now know why imran khan got couped by washingtons mir bajwa

This would ensure pakistani energy security, and force the west into a bidding war to try and keep pakistan in its jnfluence

Pakistan needs a khomeini like revolution to cleanse their country of foreign loyal generals and traitors

Isn't this contract still in effect?


He is talking about ENI and Gunvor term contracts that were signed in late 2016, at only 30% cargo value as default penalty, which allowed both suppliers to keep on defaulting at will, whenever spot prices shot up. Gunvor has defaulted on 6 of it's 7 scheduled cargoes from January-June, 2022. The contract expired in July.

Qatar contracts (both 2016, 5 cargoes/ month and 2021, 2 cargoes/month at the moment eventually increasing to 4 cargoes/ month by 2024) are in effect.
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