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Pakistan Football News & Discussions - August 2022 .

-Abdul Arshad
-Adil Nabi
-Etzaz Hussain
-Easah Suliman
-Harun Hamid
-Adnan Yaqoob
-Otis Khan

Looks like a solid team. 100x better than our previous squad that was banned for 3.5 years.
Big news. Need to get a few more overseas players and we'll have a very decent team for Asian standards.
Target should be to qualify for AFC Asian Cup 2027 in Saudi Arabia. That is a goal that is 100% achievable.

PS... There are certain Pakistani fans that need to understand that qualifying for the world cup is very far away. Let's not set unrealistic goals.
Formation: 4-3-3


This is the strongest 11 we can have for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers.
I do not want politize this thread, but just want to know if is it army training out football players ? I’m asking that because if I remember correctly several years ago we had a female athlete running during Olympic Games and it was said that her trainer was an army officer.. she won a medal… a chocolate medal 🤣.
So tomorrow we’ll see what these guys are made of.

I remember years ago hearing Pakistani football fans that Easah Sulaiman would never play for Pakistan….and yet here he is.

There’s this one faction of the supporters who seem to hate overseas Pakistani players……kind of like the current establishment. Must be in the water.

I have seen 15 year old kids here in Norway play better than our local Pakistani players such as Haseeb Khan.
Tomorrows match against Kenya will be very tough.
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