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Pakistan foiled India's attack plans by warning of severe retaliation: sources

Then what? According to PM they selected traget. May be They were trying to nuke cities or targeting Pakistan nuclear facility?
Not necessarily .. could be targets like main power stations .. damns .. headquarters .. fighter pens
India is the most stupid country (if we can call it a country) in the modern world.

Every 1-2 years gambling with the worst devastation for the region just to determine the outcome of their elections.

These idiots seriously need other issues to contest their elections.

Addressing the Parliament yesterday, PM Imran Khan disclosed that there were intelligence reports that India had planned missile strikes on the night of 27th February on Six selected targets, the PM also said that Pakistan Army had taken positions to give an immediate response. More details have since emerged This was apparently in response to the devastating PAF action on the morning of 27th. The Indian Government could no longer rely on the IAF to execute the required strike missions hence it decided to try and hit six selected targets with missiles strikes. In reply the Pakistan Army had selected Twelve targets across India to be engaged by various types of it's own missiles while PAF would be on standby with ALCMs.
The main goal would be to hit three Indian targets for every Indian missile fired towards Pakistan. However realising the results of earlier misadventure and the subsequent devastation, the Indians postponed their action,

a very exreggerating information-------------(-a baloon filled with air only)

india must be on death wish

even in kargil there very no- missile,s threat------

and this 72 hours saga --- was halki pulki moseeqi by india/pak..

if there were any real threat-- europe- usa- uk- turkey and our neighbourgs would have panicked already......
The monkey with 56 inch chest is once agains showing his stupidity and inability to learn his lesson. He and his team of monkeys aka Indian Media is busy spinning his war mongering as strength. For the first time in a long time Pakistan is out classing India at its own game.
they can spin it as they like...they cant undo history where he praised our professionalism...
Any kind of missile strike by any side will escalate the current volatile situation only . saynotowar.
Most importantly no economic setup no foreign investors joblessness this will be the biggest mess even if nuclear warheads are never used. The financial contagion will be worse.

Addressing the Parliament yesterday, PM Imran Khan disclosed that there were intelligence reports that India had planned missile strikes on the night of 27th February on Six selected targets, the PM also said that Pakistan Army had taken positions to give an immediate response. More details have since emerged This was apparently in response to the devastating PAF action on the morning of 27th. The Indian Government could no longer rely on the IAF to execute the required strike missions hence it decided to try and hit six selected targets with missiles strikes. In reply the Pakistan Army had selected Twelve targets across India to be engaged by various types of it's own missiles while PAF would be on standby with ALCMs.
The main goal would be to hit three Indian targets for every Indian missile fired towards Pakistan. However realising the results of earlier misadventure and the subsequent devastation, the Indians postponed their action,

Yes, they wanted to hit Kamra and Peshawar airbases. Fools do not know the consequences of the lunacy.
What’s the likelihood that Modi will try something again after he gets the pilot back?
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