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Pakistan finalises $21b LNG deal with Qatar

pakistan can reexport the Qatar gas to India through sea (on its way to Pak port from Qatar) at $8 and make good money from the deal!
And you think Qataris wouldnt be aware of that? Plus why to settle for 1$ for re-export when you can use this gas to create a value add of much more :)

Where there is a will there is a way.. Our govt has no independent foriegn policy.., you got 2 billion as "gift" you better remain loyal... Specially if you also happen to have business interests in the br
Well if they have paid 2 billion because they are able to sell their oil freely. Iran couldnt even arrange a bi-latral loan for Pakistan allowing government to build the pipeline on Pakistan side.
Oh, yes. As per IP agreement the price of gas was 11 dollars per MMBTU when crude oil is 100 dollars per barrel. With the past month's average oil price at 45 dollars, the price of IP gas would have been about 5 dollars per MMBTU. This price included the cost of transport.

This is not rocket science. It is matter of simple thermodynamics. Turning natural gas to liquid needs alot of energy. And then transporting this boiling liquid and then re-garsifying it at the port, means additional costs. LNG tankers are not cheap. Transporting cost for every MMBTU is about 2 to 3 dollars and then there is the cost of re-gasification which would add another dollar or two. In all you will have to add at least 3 to 4 dollars per MMBTU to the article's figure of 7 dollars in order to compare it with IP gas. This would mean 3+7=10. Exactly twice the price of IP.

But this should be the least of Pakistan's worries. What should worry Pakistanis, is the transparency and the pricing formula of this 15 year deal. Because if next year, or 3 years from now or 5 years from now, oil goes up to say 150 dollars a barrel (as presidents of ENI and BP had warned could happen in a few years), then Pakistan will be stuck with a super expensive gas deal. Imagine paying 24 dollars per MMBTU, then add the transportation costs and re-gasification costs. And because the deal is for 15 years, backing out of it means severe penalties stipulated by international arbitration court. Now, India's situation is different, they have fixed the price at 9 dollars per MMBTU so it really does not bother them whether oil be at 300 dollars or 30. But for Pakistan this will be consequential.

There has been alot of propaganda against IP in Pakistan by certain elements. I have even read Pakistanis news in which Pakistani officials are claiming that IP is not economical because, the cost of building the pipeline from Iran's border to Pakistan would cost 8 billion dollars. Yes, you read it correct, they are telling their gullible people, that it cost EIGHT billion dollars and that Iran's gas is expensive. For 8 billion dollars you can build a pipeline from Russia to India via China. But then these propaganda have a purpose. To enrich the pockets of a few people who will benefit from such LNG deals. IP agreement was free from any kickbacks and commissions.

Another point Pakistanis have to remember is the fact that Pakistan had rescheduled its old foreign debts and has taken new loans in the past 7 years. These are to mature in 2017 when Pakistan will finally have to start full payment to creditors on these loans (WB, IMF, Paris Club etc etc). This would put enormous pressure on Pakistan in terms of foreign currency outflows. Combined with the fact that by that time, US has left Afghanistan and does not need Pakistan anymore, and therefore can even cut aid or sanction Pakistan, all these mean bad times ahead. In bad times, you have to be really careful how you spend your money. On a super expensive gas deal with fat and juicy kickbacks and commissions or on projects that can actually deliver.

Heard that Pakistan loan has crossed the mark of $100 Billions? Why not Govt. just do all the 100% privatization this year and pay back them the money.

Sanctions would not have been a problem, if Pakistan was serious about it. US needed Pakistan in Afghanistan and with a bit of diplomatic pressure would have granted an exemption to Pakistan as it did to India and China which still import Iranian oil and to Turkey which imports gas and oil from Iran. It all comes down to priorities. At any rate, this LNG gas will not even fill your shortage. IP would have. IP had a full capacity at over 3 billion cubic feet per day which would have been enough to meet your shortage. This LNG gas will not even make dent in that shortage.

So this gas will be for Karachi only?

Oil rich Iran is suffering because of sanctions and is not better then 3rd world countries. Yet piss poor Pakistan who depend mostly on textile exports will not have any problem lol

Heard that Pakistan textile has gone almost.
Gas from Iran would have costed only 13 Billion by comparison

I don't have data on the IP pipeline price formula but it was definitely linked to Dubai crude prices. I am not questioning your figure; I would like to keep the info for my records and would greatly appreciate if you could advise how the figure of $13-billion has been arrive at.

$7/mm BTU FOB equates to about $39/bbl oil Dubai which is about 30% below current Dubai Spot. This is not a bad price at all. It is unfair to compare it with the Indian price because that deal was concluded under different market conditions.
Nice insights guys.

Couple of things:

This imported gas in not cheap but it really doesn't make sense for 15 yrs. The govt's just the middleman with it's various agencies and will make a killing on tax, however the middle aam to lower khaas Pak. aadmi will pay for this. Major fuel sources in India and Pakistan are farm waste and wood. The poor use dried dung flats. Nobody's business :)) !

The hidden instrument in the Pak.-Qatar deal is - Islam. Couple of yrs. & the brotherly Ummat clause will be pulled out.

US shale gas is a tsunami waiting to reach middle east shores. Russians knocked hard by Obama's shale gas. So are the Republicans. Canada will be hit.

Prices are going down. There's too much supply of oil and gas. Canada and newly found gas power Oz are canceling $ Billions of future projects. The world's largest upcoming consumer India is going full throttle on nuclear ( world's largest plants, Kind amulma is already #1, solar ($ 100-300 Billion or Rs. Pak. 10 Lakh- 30 Lakh Crores, coal (world's larfest xoal block auction underway r8 now, 20 operational mines out of 200 auctioned for Pak Rs. 2 Lakh Crores or $ 20 Billion; that's just 10 % of operational mines) exploration Globally and locally. China's demand will slow re. demographics from this yr. itself.

I have a feeling Pak, Balochistan and Suicide we know but offshore Karachi maybe even Gwadar is loaded with oil & gas because on 1 side is Gulf and if you straight line it down on an angle you end up with Bombay High. What about the middle?

And thanks to new tech. Brazil, Africa, Oz, Central Asia, Turkey and even Israel have hit off-shore and deep sea paydirt re. gas.

Burma, Indonesia and Malaysia are rumored to have lots of gas. Bangladesh also has export type established reserves.

I guess as long as it's cheaper then India nothing really matters ;).
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