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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

well done congratulations PAF! and yep. RIP MKI :lol:

Growler, few days ago u were saying PAF needs F-16 (New).
Now 18 new are coming and old are getting upgrade at block 52 level. There is still option of more 18 alive.

I hope ur happy :cheers:

I think PAF shld work on J-10B n JF-17 (Block II) n get them in air.
Did that ever happened b4? :p

U forgot that ur MKI was locked by PAF jets in Dec 08

Indian fighter jets violate Pakistan air space, PAF jets intercepted

Indian jet planes violate Pakistan air space: PM Gilani

Pakistan shoots down two Indian MiGs

Now its very hrd that IAF dare to think again .

Not credible, do you think PAF will leave su-30MKI unengaged from their territory after Atlantique incident. They are waiting for too looooong to get scores even.

These news articles are only for domestic consumption.

Third article is from kargil war.
And dont feel proud in shooting down 1960 birds. They were crashing by themselves anyway and on their retirement. Topic here is su-30mki vs F-16 blk-52 (atleast what you pakistanis made it)
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No offence but unlike the PAF, the IAF has to conduct multiple trials as there are more than one contender.

Hope you agree with me. :cheers:

None taken. PAF has already evaluated aircraft in which the service was interested. F-16 was always PAF's first choice because of what we already fly. Typhoon and Rafale were deemed too expensive (as will you), Gripen was not cleared despite evaluation, and the fact that since we always liked the F-16, when it was cleared for export to Pakistan, it made sense to order more. In India's case, the size of the order makes sense to pitch one against the other by putting out the RFP to get the best pricing vs. capability match.
Lets stick to Danger Zone's suggestion to stay on topic. Lets talk Pakistani F-16 Blk-52s and leave out Indo-Pak debate. This goes for myself as well.
Aug-Dec '09: Initial trials (Bangalore) (3 contenders have finished and Rafale is undergoing trials currently)
Dec-Feb '09: High Altitude Trials (Leh/Kashmir)
Apr-May '09: High Temperature Heat Trials (Rajasthan)
Jun-Oct '09: Live firing and weapons/avionics trials (in respective countries alongwith IAF pilots)
Nov-Apr '09: Recommendation of the IAF and final decision of the defence ministry, CCS, CAG)
May '09: Order and simultaneous beginning of indigenous production
May '10 : Arrival of first squadron in flyaway condition (part of the deal)
No mention of payments!
Or do you want all manufacturers of the world to build one squarden each for you in hope of potential order!
One winner and many loosers....wow..
You always make flawed planning... you dictated in KL bill and now US is looking for cleaning up your mess.

Now, lets discuss some F-16 blk-52
None taken. PAF has already evaluated aircraft in which the service was interested. F-16 was always PAF's first choice because of what we already fly. Typhoon and Rafale were deemed too expensive (as will you), Gripen was not cleared despite evaluation, and the fact that since we always liked the F-16, when it was cleared for export to Pakistan, it made sense to order more. In India's case, the size of the order makes sense to pitch one against the other by putting out the RFP to get the best pricing vs. capability match.

i belive that Thunder can become much batter then Grippen in few years if it gets a powerful engin,grippen is a s**t.
but we must get few more f16 block52,if we r not going for any other eurpion aircraft.

I wonder which AGM it is on the 3rd hardpoint.
1- Aim-9
2- Amraam
3- AGM-88? AGM-84?
4- fuel tank.
I hope ur not tollroing....any ways according to ACM first Sqd will be prepare by the end of this year for Peshawar air base......n for ur kind information...Peshawar air base hav 2 Sqd of 20 n 22 air crafts with total of 42. First Sqd with 20+ JF-17 will be up this year.I am not dogging by telling that reference link is somewhere on this forum....infact i am quoting ACM interview reference link for u.

Bro I'm neither trolling nor flaming. If you do see I'm basing my points to the best of my knowledge. Maybe that does make me senseless.

As reg the JF17, you are right that the first squadron was supposed to have been inducted by 2009. However the reality is that the number of aircraft right now is only 8, with 2 months left for the year to end. I think the program is running a little behind schedule, which by itself is not that big a deal. It happens.

Ur information is not correct....4 of PAF F-16 are already in MLU process ...which will take them equivalent to block 52. Remaing will be in 2010/11. Soon i will post u details of contract with reference.

As for the F16's, the first batch of 4 are undergoing upgradation. This is what wiki says "28 F-16A and 12 F-16B (Block 15) ordered in 1981 under "Peace Gate I", delivered from 1983 to 1987. A further 14 F-16A/B allotted to Pakistan post-2001, 4 delivered in 2005, 8 delivered in 2008, 2 undergoing MLU (Mid Life Update) in the U.S. for delivery in late 2011. All F-16A/B to be upgraded to F-16AM/BM with MLU (Mid Life Update) avionics and structural modifications starting from October 2010, 1 per month, 9 attritional losses; 3 in late 1980s, 5 in early 1990s, 1 in 2009."

List of aircraft of the Pakistan Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So please figure out when the program will end.

initial J-10B 8 to 10 will be delievered in 2011... total 36 will be completed in 2014/15.........even if we dont hav a single J-10B......still no one dare to challange us.

Please check the J10 thread and then tell me. The first aircraft will only come in by 2014-15. And don't make any fanboy comments like "no one dare to challenge us"

Mig 27, Jguars n Mig 21 are old horses......IAF will never use them in serious action.

Just as PAF has upgraded its Mirages and F7's, the IAF has also upgraded the its aircraft to MIG 27 UPG, Jaguar DARIN III and Mig 21 Bison standards. And if the IAF doesn't intend to use them for war, they certainly aren't going to use them for acrobatics.

lolz...u forgot how u were punished in 1971 n 1965. ur bases n fleet were destroyed.

Forget Bharat Rakshak, even I accept that we were defeated in 1965. I don't think you meant to write 1971... everyone knows what happened then. I have always said in my previous posts that the PAF has been qualitatively superior historically. The deal is that its 2009.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please read this and my other posts. Never have I said that the PAF is inefficient or senseless or anything. I'm genuinely concerned for its future, the same which has been voiced by many senior members here. The PAF is doing its best given its Geo-political and budgetary constraints and results will show in the future. I give the Pakistan Armed Forces the same respect any person guarding its motherland would deserve.

I try to use the information available to me through this forum and elsewhere to put forward my points.

However if u still feel differently, please feel free to disagree :cheers:
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