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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

The latest edition of AFM, carries an interesting news item regarding the last delivered Block-52 F-16D.
"While the remainder of the new F-16C/D had been delivered some time ago, but 10801 had been retained by the manufacturer to complete testing of Pakistan-specific weapons and equipment".

Other than the standard package, what special weapons would Pakistan be deploying on the new birds. ?? !!

i was reading it today never got anything abut f-16 i got only news of pakistani MI-17s which we give to afghans are being upgrade. also this issue has nice info of IAF .
The latest edition of AFM, carries an interesting news item regarding the last delivered Block-52 F-16D.
"While the remainder of the new F-16C/D had been delivered some time ago, but 10801 had been retained by the manufacturer to complete testing of Pakistan-specific weapons and equipment".

Other than the standard package, what special weapons would Pakistan be deploying on the new birds. ?? !!

makes sense a bit, our MLUs are the first with V9 and ALQ 211 series of ew suit for an MLU so integration standard for MLU must have been perplexing hence took more time. No wonder they examined the last of our D aircraft to match its specifications with Pakistan specific MLU package. A lot of other things must have been corrected too like fatigue testing, weight parameters, flight dynamics for additional weight due to similar avionics, radar and EW equipment.

This is hard to believe as why would America want Pakistan to put it's own weapons on the F-16s. That way we will have the f-16s armed to teeth whether we are under sanctions or not.....something India would hate.

But Maybe Pakistan infused this in the deal, as we were dishing out close to 5 billion.......PAF could have done that with Eurofighter or Dassault.

So lets wait and see if any Pakistani weapons can be added to f-16s.
This is hard to believe as why would America want Pakistan to put it's own weapons on the F-16s. That way we will have the f-16s armed to teeth whether we are under sanctions or not

The question is why would USA not want Pakistan to put US weapons on aircrafts bought from US.
They have the biggest Defence industry and they are doing business, they have big clients. On the other hand they don’t even really need our small quantity purchases to make money, we got lucky we would never have seen our F-16s that America never delivered to us even after taking money and even charged us storage.

Our aim is definitely not to be under sanctions, but we never know Thus comes the J-10B,
J-10B is with which i am most excited about way more than F-16 Ds and their dorsal spines.

J-10B It’s a Big Blessing in open and in disguise. Our co-operation with China would increase and we would be hopefully free from buying expensive Western Aircrafts and learn to build with China and build our own one day.

Is J-10B better than F-16 ? is JF-17 Better than F-16? I don’t know, i think they are not, and it is pointless to dwell on that. What J-10B gives us freedom; JF-17 development gave us the courage and gave the rest of the world a dropped jaw.

we were dishing out close to 5 billion.......PAF could have done that with Eurofighter or Dassault.

We are dishing out 5 billion because the equipment is worth 5 Billion, do we really want to spend this much money? The answer is Nope.
Why are we spending this money then? Reason is obvious protecting our borders etc etc.
French Tech has always been very expansive, Mirage 2000 was being considered by Gen Zia-ul-Haq but F-16 won, F-16 was way better value for money and quality then and even now.
Rafael is one damn gorgeous and capable aircraft but do I know how much it costs or do you?
Well i don’t.
Anyways we have a old F-16 fleet that also got Mid Life Upgraded in the overall deal, even if Typhoon was cheap (which i don’t think it is) we would have been left with our old F-16 A/Bs and some 10 new Typhoons. Would that have been a good deal? I think not, don’t know about others.
For that matter everyone would love to have Typhoons, Raphaels, F-35s, Gryphens and what not but it’s not that simple.

So lets wait and see if any Pakistani weapons can be added to f-16s.
Anything can be done but how practical is a innocent thought, it’s a different story.
In layman terms its like a guy comes to you with a IBM peripheral device and software encrypted to the hilt and gives you a Mac machine and Sun Solaris OS and asks you to make the Peripheral device work and software run on it. Bazonga :p
It can be done but you will first need to know the peripheral device have 30 units of it. Dismantle and destroy 80% then make a intermediate hardware unit then a software to interact with two entirely different platforms.
Think of cost and effort and more than likely danger of damaging both aircraft and the weapon with a pirated software.
point is that all modern aircrfts cost more than 100 million WITHOUT weapon suit..
so if we had gone for rafale etc with 5 billion in hand not only would we been unable to get our older 45 fleet worth anything but also we would have ended with not more than 20-24 aircrfts instead of 63 possible 77.. and training \mastering it would have been all together a different issue.
Pakistan receives final batch of F-16 aircraft from US

Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has received the final batch of three F-16 D Block 52 aircrafts from the US at Shahbaz Air Force Base, Pakistan, as part of a $2.7bn US foreign military sale (FMS) signed in December 2006.

Pakistan has received two F-16 Block 15 mid life upgrade (MLU) and one F-16 D Block 52 aircraft, which includes day-night, all-weather and precision-attack capabilities.

The delivery comes at a time when military aid for Pakistan has been almost completely halted by the US in the wake of a series of crises affecting the bilateral relationship between the two nations.

The final batch for PAF includes 12 F-16C and six F-16D block 52 aircrafts equipped with Night Precision Attack capability. Lockheed Martin was the prime contractor.

The compact multirole, single-engine Lockheed Martin-built F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft has a high level of manoeuvrability, a top speed of 2,124km/h, and is capable of detecting planes flying at very low altitudes.

The F-16 block 52 aircraft is equipped with AMRAAM and Sidewinder missiles as well as the Sniper targeting pod, which provides additional fuel and payload capacity, improved avionics and sensors and colour cockpit displays with enhanced pilot / vehicle interfaces.

The AN/APG-68 radar-equipped F-16 with wind-corrected munitions dispenser infrared navigation provides the pilot with separate air-to-air and air-to-ground modes, including long-range, all-aspect detection and tracking, simultaneous multiple-target tracking and high-resolution ground mapping.

The jets are widely deployed by the air forces of Israel, Egypt, Iraq, New Zealand, South Korea, Chile, Poland, UAE, Bahrain, Greece and Singapore.

The US is also working with the PAF to update 45 F-16s from its existing fighter fleet through the US foreign military financing security assistance programme.

The aircraft are currently undergoing mid-life upgrades and deliveries are scheduled to take place throughout 2012 and 2013.

Source: 08 February 2012 - Global Air Force industry News (Airforce Technology)

Photo: US delivers final batch of F-16C Fighting Falcon Block 52 aircraft to Pakistan Air Force. (Photo by xairforces.net)
JHMCS: Fighter Pilots’ “Look & Shoot” Helmets Changing Aerial Warfare

Mar 02, 2012 14:28 EST

Latest updates: JHMCS-II; JHMCS FRP-8 order; NVCD order; How to kill an F-22; Improved tracking of JHMCS FMS requests;

In the 1970s, fighter aircraft began to appear with Head-Up Displays (HUD) that projected key information, targeting crosshairs etc. onto a seemingly clear piece of glass. HUDs allowed pilots to keep their eyes in the sky, instead of looking down at their instruments. Ever since, we’ve been wondering when we’d see them in our automobiles. In the 1990s, another innovation appeared: helmet-mounted displays (HMDs) put the HUD inside the pilot’s helmet, providing this information even when the pilot wasn’t looking straight ahead. The Israelis were already pioneering a system called DASH (Display And Sight Helmet) when a set of former East German MiG-29s, equipped with Soviet HMDs, slaughtered USAF F-16s in NATO exercises. Suddenly, helmet-mounted displays became must-haves for modern fighters – and a key partnership positioned Elbit to take DASH to the next level.

This DID Spotlight article offers insights into the rocky past, successful present, and competitive future of a program that has experienced its share of snags and controversy – but went on to become the #1 helmet-mounted sight in the world. It also details the JHMCS’ game-changing effects on air combat, its production sets and known customers, and all contracts since full-rate production began…
So once again for the last time the majic question is do we now have 36 blk 52's in house? or just 18 ?
what kind of people are here on this forum asking childish question.
^ Was it part of F-16 deal or some new agreement? I think this news is about same items (JHMCS) which were included in F-16 deal of 2005.
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