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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Upgraded Mirage-2000s are on par with F-16C/Ds
Make sense, secondly Su 30 are not to be forgotten consideing them number IAF
The modernization included frame strengthening and overhaul to increase the lifespan of the airframe.
Yes sir, that why ask what is new frame life after MLU before that all frames have life span of 4000
Pardon my ignorance , but I wanted to ask what would be an F16's weapons configuration for strike( not interdiction) against IA armoured columns such as IBGs.
There are better, cheaper, efficient and deadlier ways to handle an Indian armored division.
I Know. But there has been much talk of PA using f16s(or other air assets) without committing itself completely against IA especially those f16s in bholari and bases Northern sindh.
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