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Pakistan eyes LNG purchase as prices dive


Sep 26, 2018
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Price fall at start of winter a welcome relief for gas consumers

As stoves are turned off due to gas shortage with the start of cold weather, Pakistan is hoping to arrange some liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes following a sharp decline in prices in the global market.

LNG prices, which had ballooned to the peak of $60 per million British thermal units (mmbtu), have now dropped to $27 per unit.

“It is unusual that LNG prices are coming down at the beginning of winter when Europe is looking for supplies due to the reduction in Russian gas flows,” an LNG industry official said while talking to The Express Tribune.

Pakistan has been struggling to arrange LNG cargoes in recent months to meet the growing demand for gas in the winter season. State-owned Pakistan LNG Limited (PLL) has so far failed to secure supplies as demand has surged in many countries including the European states.

In June this year, PLL was forced to scrap an LNG tender because the supplier quoted a high bid of $39.8 per mmbtu. It led to electricity outages in the country with power plants running dry due to the absence of required fuel.

Qatar Energy had offered the high bid of $39.8 per mmbtu for delivery at the end of July. PLL rejected the bid, fearing it would push up the cost of electricity generation by 20%. This LNG price would have cost even more than the cost of power generation by furnace oil-based plants.

Later, in October, PLL announced that it had not received any bid sought for 72 LNG cargoes on the Delivered Ex-Ship basis at Port Qasim, Karachi over a period of six years. PLL tender covered the period from January 2023 to December 2028.

Industry people reveal that gas and power utilities in different countries had slashed the purchase of expensive LNG. With the costly fuel, cargo-carrying ships were also not available in the market as they had already been booked.

Now, LNG prices have come down, prompting Pakistan’s private sector to import the gas from the spot market. Private sector has already been allowed to bring LNG shipments, but not a single cargo has been imported so far.

Universal Gas Distribution Company CEO Ghiyas Paracha told The Express Tribune that the private sector should be given opportunity for LNG import.

“Private sector can help bring LNG to meet domestic gas demand. If the private sector comes into LNG business, it will also help to reduce circular debt,” he emphasised.

Circular debt in the gas sector has gone up to Rs1.5 trillion, posing a serious threat to the entire energy chain. However, a government official cautioned that the drop in LNG prices was temporary, which came because of the unavailability of cargo ships. “The government is looking closely at the fluctuation in LNG prices. If the rates come down further, we will decide in a week to float an import tender,” he added.

Gas crisis worsens

With the beginning of winter, stoves at homes have run out of gas, indicating that the energy crisis will worsen in the coming months when the weather will become harsh.

As an alternative arrangement, the government has directed state-run companies to import liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and distribute gas-filled cylinders among customers to overcome the gas crisis.

These companies are importing LPG in bulk, though the dollar has become scarce in the country.

On the other hand, the LPG plant of Jamshoro Joint Venture Limited (JJVL), which was meeting 15% of demand, had been shut due to the lack of gas supplies.

The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) has approved the reopening of the plant, but the decision has not yet been implemented. Instead, the government has switched over to expensive LPG imports, which will put more burden on state companies as they are already reeling from the circular debt.
I understand the winters have been unusually mild in Europe and NA till date, if the weather was to take a turn for the worse gas prices could shut up

Indonesia;s Pertamina has spare for next year LNG supply. It is just 2 months ahead from now. Better contact Pertamina and made the contract or Singapore will get it since we are going to reduce our pipe line gas supply to Singapore about 40 % starting next year
@Indos Bro,

Pakistan is a brotherly Muslim country. Petramina should sell gas to Pak for free this winter.

@Indos Bro,

Pakistan is a brotherly Muslim country. Petramina should sell gas to Pak for free this winter.


How about India gives Sri Lanka free money and not loan with interest when the country is already bankrupt ?

You need to teach yourselves first before teaching others
@Indos Bro

SL has twice the GDP per capita of India, they are ranked 30+ notch above India on GHI, HDI etc. Why would they accept aid from a country poorer than themselves?

Euros dont have enough storage capacity and are at 100%. The tankers got nowhere to go right now. But they are not stupid

They realize winter will soon deplete the euro gas reaerves, and they will pay anything for the gas hanging off their shores.

It makes alot more sense for a seller to just chill by the coast , then to sail across the world to sell it for cheap to developing countries

This whole “gas prices going down” is a mirage that weatern politicians use to fool their dumb people. Anybody with basic knowledge of the industry can tell you its bs
How about India gives Sri Lanka free money and not loan with interest when the country is already bankrupt ?

You need to teach yourselves first before teaching others
India never goes around calling Sri Lankans their brothers :D Pakistanis get that privilege with China and Saudis
India never goes around calling Sri Lankans their brothers :D Pakistanis get that privilege with China and Saudis

Hopefully Saudi keep oil price below 100 USD per barrel
they must arrange some stocks, already short of supply due to no timely orders besides, winter in Pakistan is predicted much harsh this year.

I will say our namaz wasn't on point; hence we failed. - DG ISPR

Inshallah, next time.

Even blacks in the U.S. don't get rejected this badly when purchasing a vehicle with bad credit.
I will say our namaz wasn't on point; hence we failed. - DG ISPR

Inshallah, next time.

Even blacks in the U.S. don't get rejected this badly when purchasing a vehicle with bad credit.
Spot market oil and gas is probably as close to free market as it gets. No one cares for international politics and the only language is can you pay? So, this is probably the clearest example that DeFacto default has occurred - foreign banks are not accepting Pakistan banks' securities.
How about India gives Sri Lanka free money and not loan with interest when the country is already bankrupt ?

You need to teach yourselves first before teaching others

that would be odd because Sri Lanka has a higher per captia income than India
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