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Pakistan edges closer to banning domestic violence

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Pakistan edges closer to banning domestic violence
Thursday, 08 Apr, 2010
RAWALPINDI: For seven years, her husband taunted, threatened and thrashed her, she says. After she filed for divorce, he struck again, throwing enough acid on her face to destroy her left eye.

Why didn't she leave sooner? Or turn to the police for help? Zakia Perveen's scarred lips are quick to explain: She would have become a pariah in her conservative town of Jhelum.

''People don't appreciate women who go to police stations,'' the 38-year-old says. ''I just thought it was my destiny, my fate.''

Rights advocates hope a proposed law banning domestic violence will chip away at such attitudes, giving women a more even playing field and bringing Pakistan in line with a growing number of developing nations that have outlawed spousal abuse.

But several lawmakers in Parliament are objecting, claiming the law could tear apart the social fabric by undermining families.

Violence against women is a widespread phenomenon in Pakistan, a Muslim-majority nation of 175 million where most people are poor, only half the adults can read and extremist ideologies, including the Taliban's, are gaining traction.

In 2008, there were at least 7,571 incidents of acid attacks, rapes, spousal beatings and other violence against women, according to The Aurat Foundation, a women's rights group. Because the group relied mostly on media reports, the figure is likely a vast undercount.

Other surveys have shown up to 80 per cent of wives in rural parts of Pakistan fear physical violence from their husbands, while 50 per cent of women in urban areas admit their husbands beat them, according to a 2009 US State Department report on Pakistan.

''It happens even in good families — wealthier families,'' says Yasmeen Rehman, the sponsor of the bill now stuck in a committee in Parliament. ''In the rural areas, it's almost like a habit for the men.''

The bill lays out a broad definition of domestic violence beyond assault, including emotional abuse, stalking and wrongful confinement. Depriving a spouse of money or other resources needed to survive is also considered a violation.

The bill strives to cover everyone in a household, including elderly parents, children and husbands. It also sets up local ''protection committees,'' which are required to include women and empowered to file complaints on behalf of victims.

Abusers can face months or years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines if they violate court protection orders, the bill says.

Under current Pakistani law, women could turn to anti-assault statutes, but unless they are severely beaten, such claims are hard to prove, activists say. Police are rarely willing to interfere in domestic matters and often don't take women seriously.

Most women are unwilling to report on a family member, especially if he's the breadwinner, and they give in to societal pressure to just put up with the abuse.

It's one of the many paradoxes in a country that has tried to blend Islamic strictures with a more secular legal tradition inherited from the British, a place where a woman has served as prime minister and yet militants regularly torch girls' schools.

''Laws are very good, but unless and until you change the mindset of the people, things won't change,'' said Nayyar Shabana Kiyani, who has worked on the legislation as part of the The Aurat Foundation.

One person these women are working hard to persuade is a leading lawmaker, Maulana Mohammad Khan Sherani.

In a lengthy interview with The Associated Press, Sherani insisted domestic violence was not a big problem in Pakistan until advocacy groups appeared and created the ''issue'' of women's rights.

Because of this, he explained, women became ''contenders'' to men in the public realm, and were no longer content in the home. The new law led to more divorce and disrupted family life by allowing police and other authorities to interfere, he said.

''We oppose this law because it is not the solution — rather it is a possible cause of more chaos in society,'' he said. The solution, he suggested, was striving for a truer Islamic society.

Pakistan is behind many other countries when it comes to banning domestic violence.

Among the growing number of developing nations that have passed laws against domestic violence are Bangladesh, Indonesia and India, all of which have majority or substantial Muslim populations.

Zakia Perveen is supportive of the bill, even though no law will restore her face to what it once was. With her husband on trial following the acid attack last year, Perveen says she's focusing on her children.

''I will teach my son to look after his wife when he gets married,'' she said. ''God forbid if something happens to my daughters. I will tell them not to conceal the facts.''

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan edges closer to banning domestic violence
Ban domestic violence and give women and children the dignity of being safe in their homes. :tup:
The attitudes of some our legislators, in essence condoning domestic abuse and pedophilia (child marriages, also defended in the legislature under the garb of 'culture and tradition'), is just sickening.
Now thats called a Good news , All of those who Punish their wives for Nothing go against the Holy Quran and now against the Law hence they must be Punished !

Its not a done deal yet. There was an attempt under Musharraf to set a minimum age for marriage, in an attempt to outlaw the evil of child marriages, and some of our 'enlightened elected representatives' threw a fit over that proposed law as well.

Bloody perverts and sadists.
But i thought domestic violence was already banned and against the law in paksitan?
People are also in fault, why do we choose such moron people as our representatives? If these lawmakers see their own sisters beaten up, then they will realize what a domestic violence is.
Domestic violence wasn't illegal in Pakistan till now???

Someone needs to educate me on this one.
Its a move in the right direction....
Even India is being plagued by the disease of domestic violence. Stringent laws have been implemented in India under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005
Its never too late.... keep it up..... Women deserve better....
It's already banned. Just idiots who don't follow the law, continue it.

Either that or we have the laziest congress in the history of the planet.
First of all thankyou very much for posting yet another artical that was worth reading, you always come up some thing good and now what i understood from this artical is=
1) everyone in pakistan should be educated to basic level.
2) There should be some sort of financial allowances for every women in pakistan, benazir income support programe is one step towards this porblem, so that employed or unemployed women of pakistan should not then fear men who are mostly breadwinners of many families across pakistan.
3) Law and order should be at its best, in terms of arresting such people and justice should be speedy, i am not a very big fan of musharaff but he wanted speedy justice in pakistan.
4) like US and UK there should also be social services especially, for support and upbringing children of such disfunctional famlies.:pakistan:
Good initiative, however I hope it's implemented properly, not like western states where a false allegation is enough to go to jail and due to those kinds of laws there's 1000s of false allegations.

To see what I am talking about check out these videos.

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It's already banned. Just idiots who don't follow the law, continue it.

Either that or we have the laziest congress in the history of the planet.

not only that, but also the police is corrupt and not trustworthy! There was a incident when a girl fled home from abuse and asked the police for help, instead she was raped by the police.

The police only listen to people with money.
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