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Pakistan Economy stabilised; increase in growth rate eyed

How much economy is stabilized and the growth rate is increasing, this question should be asked from the common Pakistani people who are suffering and paying the real price of inflation, in-security and joblessness. The 'markers' used by the so-called economist (especially in Pakistan) are nothing but statistical juggling. These 'markers' work in the countries where the economy is 'documented', where you know how what is happening, the earnings, the spendings and the taxations. In Pakistan, the undocumented economy constitutes more than the documented economy yet we are trying to measure the progress using 'markers'.

Mark Twain wrote in his Autobiography: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
This applies to India also..
Replace all that word "Pakistan" with INDIA.
if i may ask? what happend to the port at balochistan why not opened?
Gawadar? The port is officially open, but technically still under construction. It will be a few years until it becomes fully operational.

InshAllah, in about a decade or so the entire region of Gawadar will be for Balochistan's economy what Karachi has proven to be for Sindh's economy, and all of Pakistan will eventually benefit (not many countries in the World have two port cities of Karachi's caliber). Considering Gawadar's position, in time it might turn out to be even more significant than Karachi.
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I believe that Pakistan government should push for the pipeline project from Iran to China and highway/railway link between Gwadar and China. These multi-billion projects would bring lots of positive influence as well as opportunities to Pakistan economy.

ok sir ji, any other thing u want us to bring to china
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