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> Friends pledge $5bn for Pakistan
> * 31 countries, 18 world organisations take part in meeting
> * Aid targeted for areas like health, education, governance and building democracy
> * Participants concerned over Pakistan’s security situation
>* FM says next donors’ conference will be held in Turkey


Does anyone know how much each countries provided/pledged to Pakistan?
I know Jap provided $1B. What about UAE, China, and other countries?
> Friends pledge $5bn for Pakistan
> * 31 countries, 18 world organisations take part in meeting
> * Aid targeted for areas like health, education, governance and building democracy
> * Participants concerned over Pakistan’s security situation
>* FM says next donors’ conference will be held in Turkey


Does anyone know how much each countries provided/pledged to Pakistan?
I know Jap provided $1B. What about UAE, China, and other countries?

I think

Japan and US provided $1 billion each and Saudi Arabia provided $700 Million dollars and EU provided $640 million and rest of the money from other countries, this is what i read in the newspaper that day
Record Gulf remittances bleak comfort for Pakistan

KARACHI: Pakistani expatriate workers wired home a record $739.4 million last month, but experts warn job losses from the global credit crunch could soon slash remittances and rock the economy.

Pakistanis working overseas sent $5.66 billion home during the first nine months to March 31, 20 percent up on the same period last year, said the central State Bank of Pakistan. Remittances in March surpassed the previous monthly record of $673.5 million in December 2008 and clocked up a significant increase from expatriates working in the Gulf countries, it added.

Pakistanis in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) sent back $175 million, up from $112 million in March 2008, and 151 million from Saudi Arabia compared to $120 million in the same month last year, it added.

"The increase will certainly help our foreign exchange reserves to grow but we should not be happy," independent economist AB Shahid told AFP.

Pakistan's economy relies heavily on its roughly four million expatriates -- around two million in the Gulf and the rest divided largely between Britain and North America.

Their remittances account for 4.4 percent of Pakistan's gross domestic product and the $5.66 billion paid so far this fiscal year make up around half the country's foreign exchange reserves of $11.22 billion. But thousands of Pakistani workers have lost jobs, mainly in the Gulf. Low-paid Asian workers have fallen victim to the global credit crunch as companies run short of business and money.

A report published in the UAE in February showed that $582 billion worth of building projects (45 percent of the total) had been put on hold due to the slowdown. "Our exchange reserves will remain healthy this fiscal year but next year a decline in remittances will certainly hit us," Shahid said. Most Pakistanis are unskilled workers associated largely with construction, transport and civic services such as sanitation in the Middle East.

The ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashed al-Maktoum, acknowledged this month that economic growth in the UAE would probably fall to around three percent in 2009, down from 7.4 percent last year.

Private recruitment companies say the slowdown means fewer jobs.

"We had long queues of people wanting to go to the Middle East last year but now their number has declined significantly," said Illahi Bakhsh, owner of the Personnel Services Bureau, one of hundreds of Pakistani recruitment companies.

The economic downturn has closed scores of industrial units in Pakistan, rendering thousands unemployed. Soaring at 20 percent, inflation is hammering the ordinary man on the street and squeezing prices.

Wilting under extremist attacks and a fragile economy, the International Monetary Fund agreed last November to give Pakistan a 7.6 billion dollar loan to avoid a balance of payments crisis. International donors pledged $5.28 billion in Tokyo last week to stabilise the frontline state in the US-led "war on terror". Analyst Rauf Nizamani believes there is some hope provided returning workers invest their cash in small businesses.

"They could still contribute to the economy if they invest in small businesses and not use the money on private consumption."

Businessman Majyd Aziz was optimistic, noting that people were increasingly sending money home officially rather than through backhand channels. "Certainly, Pakistanis and other Asians are suffering lay-offs but our remittances have also increased because most Pakistanis now use official channels instead of hundi," he said. The traditional method -- by which money is transferred within days through agents anywhere in the world to even the most remote village -- is illegal in Pakistan, but experts say most expatriates rely on the system. The government is now campaigning to dissuade expatriates from patronising moneychangers allegedly involved in hundi. afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Karachi to get 234-megawatt electricity from Nov

Updated at: 1636 PST, Thursday, April 23, 2009


ISLAMABAD: The government signed on Thursday an agreement with a Turkish company to hire a 234-megawatt power plant to address the electricity crisis in Karachi.

The agreement signing ceremony took place at Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB) between the Turkish company and the government of Pakistan. The Managing Director of PPIB, Fayyaz Elahi said the Turkish power plant would start providing electricity to the Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (KESC) by November 2009.

Elahi said that under an agreement, the PEPCO would be bound to purchase electricity from the power plant for a period of five year.

Karachi to get 234-megawatt electricity from Nov - GEO.tv
Four N-power plants to be built near Kanupp
KARACHI: Four more nuclear power plants will built by the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) near the existing Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (Kanupp) as part of a plan to build more energy units in the country to meet the target of 8,800 megawatts from nuclear energy by 2030.

The chairman of the PAEC, Dr Ansar Pervez, said this in his address at the Kanupp Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (KINPOE) convocation 2009 held here on Tuesday.

Dr Ansar saw better prospects for nuclear energy plants because of what he called a ‘renaissance of nuclear power’ in today’s world. The other reasons for the revival of nuclear power plants, he said, were the good performance of more than 400 already operating plants all over the world, uncertain oil prices, and international concerns over carbon dioxide emission.

‘Nuclear power plants do not emit greenhouse gases and they have showed that they are more cost-effective, safe and reliable,’ he claimed.

‘From its early days, the generation of electrical energy through nuclear power has been one of the PAEC’s primary objectives. For this purpose, it established nuclear power plants and a complex network of associated fuel cycle technology. It has also been providing benefits of sophisticated nuclear techniques to the medical and agriculture sectors,’ he said.

He said that the cooperation for a peaceful application of nuclear energy between Pakistan and China was progressing because of good relations between the two countries.

He said that the PAEC had been assigned the task of generating 8,800MW of nuclear electricity by 2030 and some of the new plants would be built near Kanupp.

‘We have already purchased 585 acres near Kanupp to build additional plants. Although the cost of the land amounting to Rs350 million has already been paid, and the lease agreement was signed in August 2008, the mutation and demarcation of the land have not been carried out yet,’ he said.

Dr Ansar said that he had requested the authorities concerned to expedite the case of the land so that PAEC could start development work at the site. He said that based on the experience gained from the reverse osmosis plant, Kanupp was now working as a consultant for 100,000 gallon per day capacity reverse osmosis plant at Gwadar.

The PAEC could also offer its technical assistance in setting up large-sized desalination plants, he said.

Dr Ansar said that Kanupp was setting up a nuclear desalination demonstration plant with the capacity of 400,000 gallons per day, which is indigenously built in PAEC with some assistance from the IAEA. ‘We can also offer technical assistance to the Karachi city government for its planned 50 million gallons per day desalination plant,’ he added.

He also pointed out that among all developing countries; Pakistan took the lead in the generation of electricity from nuclear power plants by setting up the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant.

‘It has been kept operational despite many embargoes imposed on us. It is now operating on extended life through modifications and safety retrofits done entirely by our own experts,’ he added.

He also enumerated the services rendered by the PAEC towards the socioeconomic uplift of the country by running 13 cancer hospitals across the country with five more under construction, agricultural, biotechnology and genetic engineering institutes and a series of human resource development and goal-oriented research centres.

He said that PAEC’s agriculture and biotechnology institutes were contributing at the national level by developing crop varieties that have higher resistance to disease, mature early and give higher yields.

The vice-chancellor of the NED University, Abdul Kalam, who was the chief guest at the convocation, awarded degrees of MSc nuclear engineering to 86 successful graduates of the 13th and 14th batches along with merit certificates and gold medals.

DAWN.COM | Metropolitan | ?Four N-power plants to be built near Kanupp?
Emirates Group to buy farmland in Pakistan
SHARJAH: Emirates Investment Group is in the process of acquiring farmland in Pakistan to export more food to the Gulf region and is seeking international partners, a company executive said on Tuesday.

EIG, a private-sector investment company based in Sharjah, already exports vegetables and grains such as rice and wheat from Pakistan to the Gulf, Vice Chairman Raza Jafar told Reuters.

‘In the pipeline we have a number of deals for leasing and buying land in the Punjab which come through by the end of the year,’ he said in an interview, declining to comment on the size or cost of the land.

Once the land is acquired, EIG plans to produce vegetables, including onions, tomatoes and potatoes, Jafar said.

‘We are also looking to producing citrus fruits and cattle farming.’ He added that the company is seeking international partners specialised in agriculture to handle these projects.

‘You have to keep in mind that this is a business for us, not a charity or a social project, so all we are after at the end like any company is to maximise profits,’ said Jafar.

Governments of Gulf States have been seeking to acquire farmland in developing nations to secure their food supply.

‘We are not working with the government, we are a private company, but if people want to give us the credit of securing food supply, then so be it,’ said Jafar.

This month the Federal Minister of Investment, Waqar Ahmed Khan, said that the country was offering 1 million acres (404,700 hectares) of farmland for sale or long-term investment.

‘The Pakistani government has been very supportive of our plans and encouraging more investments,’ Jafar said.

EIG is looking at expanding its agriculture business to Eastern Europe, Sudan and Egypt, Jafar added.

The company has investments in a wide rage of sectors including real estate, aviation and financial services in the UAE and Pakistan.—Reuters

DAWN.COM | Business | Emirates Group to buy farmland in Pakistan
Over 300 textile units shut down in past two years
ISLAMABAD: Thanks to higher mark-up rates, energy crises, the worsening law and order situation and the global recession, over 300 textile units have been closed down during the last two years, eliminating seven hundreds thousand of jobs in the process.

Until 2007, textile sector contribution in total exports remained 60 per cent on average and employee 38 per cent of the total workforce. It has a share of 8.5 per cent in the GDP.

The Textile ministry has acknowledged the closure of 90 large units in 2008 alone. Each company employed a minimum of 1,000 workers. These factories were closed in sub-sectors like hosiery and knitwear, polyester filament, spinning, garments, denim and silk and rayon.

The ministry record shows closure of 245 companies from the hosiery and knitwear sub-sector alone in last five years. Of which 99 units were closed in 2008 alone. These units employed 100 to more than a few thousand workers each. The 99 factories that closed down in 2008 seven were in Karachi, 78 in Faisalabad, six in Sialkot, two in Islamabad and one factory was operating in Kasur. Before that up to 2007, another 146 mills had shutdown in Karachi. Most of these mills were knitwear manufacturers.

The hosiery and knitwear sub-sector comprises 3,500 large, medium and small units, 85 per cent of which are small enterprises, 10 per cent medium ventures and only five per cent large integrated factories. The knitwear exports consists of knitted garments; knitted bed sheets, socks etc. and has the largest share of the nation’s textile exports. Export of these products is 35 per cent of the nation’s exports. The knitwear industry consequently emerges as the country’s top foreign exchange earner.

The All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) spokesperson confirmed the closure of hundred of units and stated that the textile sector directly employees three million work force, and the figure of 700,000 people being unemployed due to slow down of business in underestimated.

The spokesperson said the western world markets were avoiding giving import orders to Pakistan due to worsening law and order situation. The buyers prefer to place order in India or China despite premiums of around five per cent.

He said that a broad based textile policy which aimed to enhanced the textile exports to $25 billion by 2015 is under preparation. He said APTMA has been satisfied from the policy approach but the final shape of the policy will be unveiled after its announcement in the budget. The upcoming textile policy will introduce calculation based rebate system instead of Research & Development support, he added. For instance there has been 4.5 per cent import duty on import of polyester fiber and importers can claim the same as rebate from the government, he explained.

DAWN.COM | Business | Over 300 textile units shut down in past two years
Seafood exports up 20%
KARACHI: Despite the EU's ban, Pakistan's seafood exports have gone up 20 percent to reach $172 million in the current fiscal year from $144 million last year.

New markets are being explored for exports from Pakistan's fisheries. China, UAE and Thailand are markets which have been come to the forefront.

According to exporters in the fisheries, new processing units have been set up on the shores of Balochistan and fish that used to go to waste is now being exported.

President of the Pakistan Fisheries Exporters Association said, "There is a ban on fishing in the months of June and July but the government is doing away with the prohibition, which will be fatal for the fisheries."

European countries have been importers of fisheries from Pakistan for years, but now, circumstances being what they are, targeting new markets would be beneficial for the industry.

.:: SAMAA - Seafood exports up 20%
OMV to start gas production from Tajjal field
The Energy Business Review reported Friday that OMV Aktiengesellschaft announced with its partners, Pakistan Petroleum Limited, Eni S.p.A and Government Holdings Limited, the start of the extended well test of Tajjal-1 which discovered the Tajjal gas field located about 120 kilometers (km) south east of Sukkur in Sindh.

As part of the fast track development the gas is routed via a 20km long pipeline to the Sawan gas plant which is operated by OMV (PAKISTAN) Exploration Ges.m.b.H.

Sui Northern Gas Pipelines LTD (SNGPL) as gas buyer will distribute this additional gas from Tajjal to Northern Pakistan.

The initial extended well test gas rate from Tajjal-1 is around 25 mn scf/d (4,000 boe/d) and the planned testing period will last for about three months. After the extended well test of Tajjal-1, OMV will decide with partners on an appraisal well program and a field development plan will be submitted to the government of Pakistan for approval. The execution of the field development plan will further increase Tajjal gas production from 2011 onwards.

The Tajjal gas reserves are the result of continuous successful exploration efforts of OMV together with its joint venture partners in Pakistan to enhance domestic gas production in Pakistan.

The joint venture of the Gambat exploration license consists of OMV (35% operator), Eni (30%), PPL (30%) and GHPL (5%).

.:: SAMAA - OMV to start gas production from Tajjal field
AJK begins socio-economic development plans
MIRPUR (April 29 2009): The AJK government has kicked off a broad-based plan for the speedy socio-economic progress besides the uplift of tourism sectors in Azad Jammu Kashmir, official sources said. The sources told APP here Tuesday that an international tourism conference would be held in Mirpur to work out ways and means for materialising the idea of making AJK a most attractive hub of tourism in South Asia.

Various world fame tourism organisations will be invited to attend the moot. Referring to the government's resolve to ameliorate the life style of common man, the sources said the government has directed the concerned machinery to identify the problems of the common man coupled with the healthy proposal for their rapid solution.

The sources revealed that in order to promote the technical education in AJK, a Technical Education Board would also be set up in the near future. The government has also directed the state-controlled Azad Jammu Kashmir Logging and Sawmills Corporation to set up Artisan Schools at Mirpur and Muzaffarabad for producing the skilled manpower related to the wooden Industry.

The sources revealed that Chambers of Commerce and Industry were being set up in all districts of Azad Jammu Kashmir for the sake of accelerating the trade and commercial activities across Azad area. The AJK government officials to accelerate the work for the execution of the projects like Export Processing Zone, Industrial Estates and the proposed Mirpur International Airport in the private sector.

The state government has decided in principal to invite overseas Kashmiris in various development and educational activities besides the business and industrial sector. An Overseas Kashmiris cell is also being set up soon at the Prime Minister Secretariat in Muzaffarabad to provide them all required information related to the development activities, ensuring their maximum participation in all spheres of life, the sources said.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Cultivation of BT Cotton: Pakistan to bag $25 billion through textile policy
FAISALABAD (April 29 2009): Textile policy will help Pakistan to bag $25 billion during first five years through cultivation of BT Cotton and optimum values addition to cotton chain, the Federal Minister for Textile Industry, Rana Mohammad Farooq Saeed Khan said.

Addressing a certificate distribution function for the successful participants of the stitching machine operators training (SMOT) programme of the ministry of the textile industry at Chenab Limited. He said, 'Pakistan has huge potential to develop its cotton chain, but we failed to exploit it because of inconsistent policies.'

He said that textile policy would cover the entire cotton chain rights from growers to the export of fashion garments. We are consulting with all stakeholders to make this policy a result oriented, he added. He was critical of the agriculture scientists and said that they failed to give any high yielding and pest resistant cotton variety during the last 5-6 years.

He said that BT Cotton has the potential to double the cotton production without any additional expenses or inputs and sugarcane crop, being water intensive, has become less profitable. Further, he said that growers should cultivate BT Cotton to get maximum financial benefit in addition to doubling our cotton production and the product has the potential to give at least 60 to 70mound per acre yield.

The minister also said that textile ministry was providing training to the workers to improve the quality of our exportable value added products. He said that Chenab Limited has trained so far 200 workers including 140 female and 60 male.

He said this government was also making serious efforts to overcome the load shedding and hoped that continuous supply of gas and electricity would further gear up the pace of industrial production. He also paid best tribute to PPP leadership and said that it has been trying to develop Pakistan into a modern and dynamic country. He urged upon the people to support its policies in greater national interest.

He said that Pakistan would set up a textile institute in Karachi in collaboration with Korea, where technical courses in different sections of garments, would be conducted. He said that ECC has already approved this Project.

Earlier, in his welcome address, the ex-MNA Farhan Lateef said that 200 female workers have already completed the Stitching Machine Operators Training at Chenab Limited. He said that initially this training program was launched in Faisalabad, Karachi and Lahore, but later it would be expanded to other cities as well.

He demanded a level playing field for textile sector and demanded decrease in bank mark up and round-the-clock supply of electricity and gas to the Textile Sector on subsidised rates, enabling Pakistan to compete in the global markets. The Chairman, Chenab Limited, Mian Muhammad Latif also spoke on this occasion and said that pick and drop facility to female workers was also being provided.

The Secretary, Textile Ministry, Dr Waqar Masud, Chairman, Faisalabad Dry Port Trust, Sheikh Ashfaq Ahmed and Chairman, Faisalabad Garment City, Sheikh Mukhtar Ahmed also attended the Ceremony. Later, the minister distributed certificates among the successful participants of SMOT programme.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Private sector imports over $1.2 billion power generation machinery
KARACHI (April 29 2009): The country has spent over $1.2 billion on import of power generation machinery during the current fiscal year, depicting a surge of 63 percent over last year, as the power generation utilities have not been able to meet the power demand, importers said.

They said that despite all efforts, the government and power companies had failed to provide sufficient power. Therefore, continuing power shortage led the general public, industrialists and exporters to acquire power generation machinery.

They said that import of power generation machinery increased by $464.679 million, or 63 percent, to $1.202 during July-March period of the current fiscal year against last year's $737.787 million. During March, 2009, power generation machinery worth $98.54 million was imported as compared to $89.92 million in March 2008, recording an increase of 10 percent.

"Industrialist and exporters are not relying on the country's power utility providers, like Karachi Electric Supply Co-operation (KESC) and Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda), and after suffering the worst kind of problems, they have acquired self-generation plants, importers said.

They said that continued power failure in the country has also bashed the industrial activities, especially the export-oriented ones, besides causing serious delay in exports. "We had only two ways out: either to put export process in jeopardy, or to go for self-power generation," said a leading textile exporter, adding that "we chose the second way".

He said that self-power generation has become a primary need for general public and all export-oriented units. He added that a specific space and amount is being allocated for power generation in budgets to avoid power crisis during their operations.

Self-power generation is much costlier than the locally provided utilities but is the only way to save exporters from huge financial losses in terms of cancellation of orders by international buyers, which are much higher than expenses of power plant installation.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Thanks but no thanks, Pakistan to tell IMF
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will tell the International Monetary Fund that it will not need a $4.5 billion loan as the Friends of Pakistan group has agreed to give it $5.25b in aid to avert a financial crisis.

Pakistani officials will apprise the IMF of this decision at their next meeting in Dubai from May 4-11. The treasury has informed the president and prime minister that Pakistan will not need the money because of developments at the Tokyo donors conference.

AGENCIES ADD: The White House hopes to send up to 400 million dollars in emergency aid to Pakistan within days amid deep worries about the nuclear-armed country's stability, lawmakers said Tuesday.

"We are discussing with the administration what is needed, and I think that all of us are very concerned about what's happening in Pakistan," Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told reporters.

Republican Senator Jon Kyl described the monies as a down payment of sorts on 1.4 billion dollars in Pakistan aid included in an 83.4-billion-dollar emergency spending bill that may not clear the US Congress before July.

"I just returned from Pakistan, and the situation there is deteriorating," Kyl told reporters, warning that "if we were to wait until roughly close to the 1st of July, it could be too little, too late."

"The administration is looking right now at pulling a small part of that money out, somewhere between 200 million dollars and 400 million dollars, for both counterinsurgency and economic assistance, that we could pass really quickly, in just a matter of days," said Kyl.

Even as US military and diplomatic officials praised Pakistan for military operations against Taliban militants in the northwest and voiced hope the offensive would be sustained, lawmakers expressed deep concerns.

"Bottom line with Pakistan: It is terribly worrisome. It's probably the place that most people worry about the most right now," said Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, who predicted Democrats would be "strongly supportive" of urgent US aid for the "war on terrorism" ally.

Hoyer, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and other key lawmakers were to meet later Tuesday to discuss the matter and try to map a way forward, said a Democratic aid, who requested anonymity.

Obama's special envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan, veteran diplomat Richard Holbrooke, made the case for urgent aid in meetings with top Democrats in recent days, another a Democratic congressional aide told AFP.

That aide said it was not clear how much support existed in the US Congress for speeding financial assistance to Pakistan amid concerns that US aid does not reach the Pakistani people.

But Hoyer said lawmakers would act: "If something needs to be done, I think the answer to your question is we're going to address it."

"Pakistan in many ways is of higher concern right now than Afghanistan," he said. "And Afghanistan is something that has a high level of concern as well.

"I think everybody's concerned about what's happening there, what's happening with the Taliban. The stability of Pakistan is very, very important to not only the region but to the United States as well."

The Wall Street Journal, citing unnamed sources, reported that, barring congressional action, Obama could seek to push the money through presidential actions that may not require congressional support.

.:: SAMAA - Thanks but no thanks, Pakistan to tell IMF
I don't think we are in any position to say "Thanks but no thanks".
Especially regarding our economic position at the current moment.
I don't think we are in any position to say "Thanks but no thanks".
Especially regarding our economic position at the current moment.

I agree with you on this one,anyways thanks for the info sohail butt
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