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Saturday, 04 Apr, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Germany will support Pakistan’s request for $6 billion assistance for two years from the ‘Friends of Pakistan’ at the group’s ministerial meeting scheduled for April 17 in Tokyo. It will also lobby for World Bank’s help to set up trust funds in NWFP, Fata and Balochistan.

Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, the German Minister for International Economic Cooperation and Development, said at a press conference she addressed along with Prime Minister’s Adviser on Finance Shaukat Tarin here on Friday that the purpose of her visit was to assess Pakistan’s financial needs to fight poverty and illiteracy and overcome other socio-economic problems and to support the country’s case at the Friends’ meeting.

Ms Heidemarie and Mr Tarin attended the signing ceremony of an agreement under which Germany released the last tranche of 20 million Euros for construction of the Keyl Khwar hydel power on the Indus at Dasu in the NWFP. Germany has provided 97 million Euros for the project.
Minister for timely completion of power projects
Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Water and Power, Raja Pervez Ashraf on Monday directed PEPCO and the PPIB to timely complete fast track and rental power projects to end load shedding from the country by December 2009. He asked them to monitor the progress and submit update of the projects on weekly basis.

He made these directions while presiding over a meeting to review the progress of water and power sector projects here on Monday. Secretary, Adviser and additional secretary of the ministry, Chairman Wapda, CEO, AEDB, MD, NPCC and other senior officials of ministry, WAPDA and PEPCO participated in the meeting.

The minister also directed that there should be no need for shutdown in the summer due to maintenance and minor faults. He also asked PEPCO and IPPs to improve their oil stocks so that there should be maximum generation during the summer season. The minister said that the government was striving hard and taking all possible measures to end the menace of load shedding which is affecting all walks of lives. He said that the ongoing projects initiated by the present government last year would help to significantly improve the power generation system.

The meeting noted that there was no unscheduled and forced load shedding and the shortfall as of today was less than 1845MW as compared to 2113MW same day last year. This improvement had been possible due to effective measures this year. The meeting decided to promote replacement of high consuming power equipments, currently being used in tube wells with new and efficient ones for better efficiency and less consumption of electricity. The minister stressed the need for energy conservation to save electricity for industrial and agriculture sectors. He also directed PEPCO to educate the masses on demand side management programme through media.

Earlier, PEPCO and the PPIB informed the meeting that 800MW would be injected in the system by June this year and overall about 4000MW by December 2009.

Later, talking to the media, the minister said that the target to bridge the gap between demand and supply would be achieved and there would be no load shedding by December 2009. He urged that the people should also cooperate and avoid unnecessary use of electricity in the offices, commercial centres and houses. He also asked the traders to close their shops early and switch off their 50 percent lights voluntarily. He advised the people to always switch off their television, microwave oven, mobile-charger after use instead of keeping them on stand by position as they consume power in the stand by mode as well. To a question, he said that a proposal was under consideration to move forward clocks by one hour to ensure maximum use of daylight. To another question about line losses, he replied that the Discos had been given targets to reduce line losses and to improve efficiency, as there was no room for inefficient.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
PM to inaugurate 165MW power plant today

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister, Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani would inaugurate the 165 MW Power Plant of Attock Gen Limited today (Tuesday). Being the first power sector venture of the Attock Group of Companies under Power Policy 2002, the plant has a vital significance at this crucial point in time when the country badly needs additional power supply to overcome the power shortage due to continuous rising demand of energy, officials press release issued here on Monday. The government was committed to meet the energy requirements of the country. The Prime Minister, in his first 100 days of government had announced to end load shedding by the end of 2009 as the power shortage was adversely affecting the day-to-day life and economy of Pakistan. The country was facing demand and supply gap of almost 3,500 MW. However, the government had resolved firmly to bridge the gap through additional generation and conservation measures. The recent series of “Fast Track” initiatives were likely to result in installation of power plants to the tune of 4000-5000 MW by the end 2009. Currently, PPIB had issued Letters of Interest to 36 power projects of more than 10,000MW of cumulative power generation capacity, while 14 projects totaling 2,759MW of cumulative power generation capacity have been issued Letters of Support, out of which 12 projects of 2,539MW of cumulative power generation capacity have already achieved Financial Close and were marching towards commissioning. The Attock Gen was the first power plant under 2002 Power Policy, which was based on indigenously produced environment friendly fuel. The plant, along with other power plants coming up in the near future, vindicate the confidence of the investors in investment-friendly policies of the present government. Governor Punjab, Federal Ministers, Secretary Water & Power, Managing Director Private Power and Infrastructure Board and a large number of government officials and other dignitaries from different walks of life will attend the inauguration of Attock Gen Power plant. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

KARACHI: The adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance Shaukat Tarin has ruled out any possibility of cutting the defence budget in the next fiscal year, and reiterated that everyone (including stock exchanges) would be brought into the tax net in the next two to three years.

He was talking to journalists on the sidelines of BMA Fund forum organised here on Monday. Replying to a question, Tarin said that Pakistan was facing security challenges on the eastern and western borders and no question arises, in this tough time, to slash the defence budget in the next fiscal year, 2009-10.

He maintained that the defence budget has rather come down in terms of GDP ratio and the overall budget amount in the last 10 years. He was asked about concerns expressed by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) over rising defence expenditures in its second quarterly report on economy unveiled on last Saturday.

When asked would the government levy any new tax on stock exchange e.g. capital gains tax, Tarin said everyone would be brought under tax net in the next two-to-three years - though he did not explicitly mentioned the word stock exchanges in his answer.

Earlier, there were some conflicting news in the media regarding levying some new taxes on local bourses from the next fiscal. As a matter of record, the renewed exemption of capital gain tax on securities transaction would come to end on June 30, 2010, which the exchanges were enjoying since 1974.

Addressing the BMA Fund forum, Advisor said that Pakistan would no more be a poor state in the next five to seven years time. “Government is doing its best on the economic front and we would bring the inflation down in single digit by July-August 2009. Moreover, we would also bring the current account deficit under six per cent limit.”

He was of the view that improvement in the country’s economic indicators was just the beginning and his team has to work harder to streamline the economy. He also talked about strengthening regulatory bodies i.e. Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) and Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to provide level playing field and enable the economic environment here.

Talking about safety net and sustainable economic growth, he pointed out it must to take care of 50 million people living below the poverty line, and fix problems in agriculture and manufacturing sectors, to which the biggest part of country’s employees are connected.

Besides, he also stressed upon bring political stability and controlling law & order to keep economy growing in the future. On the occasion, Governor SBP Syed Salim Raza gave a comprehensive talk on country’s financial sector and urged upon exploiting debt and equity market for generating resources.

Morgan Stanley, Chief Investment Strategist, David Darst gave a detailed presentation on Global Market Outlook. He said that world markets were still bearish, but the financial and economic recessions would over in the next two-to-three years and would not prevail for 10-to-15 years this time, he believes.

While suggesting a strategy as what to do under in this time of recession, he urged people to remain patient and decisive these days. Mudassar M Malik, Chief Executive, BMA Funds and Farrukh H Khan, Director BMA Funds also spoke on the occasion.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

LAHORE: Pakistan, which provides the shortest and quickest access to the Central Asian Republics (CARs), has a huge opportunity to reposition its economy by tapping the potential available in these landlocked states.

This was the consensus among speakers at a seminar on ‘Exploring Prospects of Exports to Central Asian Republics (CARs)’, jointly organised by the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan here on Monday.

All the speakers stressed the need for exploring possibilities of increasing exports to the Central Asian Republics as the developed world had been facing financial constraints for the last many months.

They said the business community would have to go for diversification of exports. “Pakistan is strategically located to export its products to these landlocked countries and there is a demand for grains, pulses, leather goods, textiles and general merchandise. Currently, it is very competitive because of low transportation cost due to lower prices of fuel and moreover in the presence of logistics.”

They said the business community should aggressively market their products considering the scope and vast potential of CARs.

LCCI President Mian Muzaffar Ali said Pakistan needed to activate and develop beneficial collaboration with CARs in order to realise the great potential for trade and economic cooperation.

He said the situation demanded urgent sector-specific measures for the benefit of business community. “There is a need to identify more tradable items in order to enhance mutual trade keeping in view the market demand,” he said.

LCCI Senior Vice President Tahir Javaid Malik said Pakistan’s economic relations with the rest of the world, particularly external trade, were not as encouraging as they should be but the situation could be changed positively by focusing on the Central Asian Republics.

TDAP Chief Executive Officer Syed Mohibullah Shah said the Trade Development Authority had decided to establish a facilitation centre in Gilgit in order to promote business with CARs. The centre would cover China and other regional countries as well.

Dawood Sharif of the Competitiveness Support Fund said the Fund would extend maximum technical assistance to enhance two-way trade to ease the intensity of the global economic recession.

Pakistan’s Commercial Counsellor in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Shaukat Ali Khan said Pakistan’s location for trade with the Central Asian Republics had no match in the world but to materialise the idea, the businessmen would have to visit these states for having first-hand knowledge about available opportunities.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

KARACHI: The Hyundai announced it is expanding its operations in Pakistan, according to a statement issued here on Monday.

It said the Hyundai Motor Corporation and Dewan Farooque Motors Ltd have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the progressive distribution of Hyundai commercial vehicles in Pakistan.

Dewan Mohammad Yousuf Farooqui and Hang Young Choi inked the MoU on behalf of their respective companies. The statement further pointed out that Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group is the world’s fifth largest automobile manufacturer. It stated that Dewan is representing the Hyundai in Pakistan since 1998. The CDK product line of Dewan currently includes 1,000cc passenger car Hyundai Santro and Hyundai Shehzore pick-up. The Hyundai Shehzore has remained the market leader in its segment for 10 consecutive years since the launch in 1999.

KARACHI: The GDP growth will be gradually improved to eight percent in the next three years, Adviser to Prime on Finance and Economic Affairs, Shaukat Tareen said here on Monday.

Talking to media at Overseas Chamber of Commerce & Industry (OCCI) and later at a seminar, he claimed that national economy is showing signs of improvement and a major indication is falling inflation.

Calling Railway, PIA and PEPCO “white elephants”, the adviser pointed out that these organisations are burdening the government exchequer by around Rs 200 billion.

Underlining the need for tax reforms in the country, he advocated the abolition of multiple taxes and proposed only two types of taxes—income and consumption tax.

“We have recommended to tax real estate, agriculture and stock market as part of broadening the tax net,” Tareen told newsmen.

In reply to query on high prices of commodities in the domestic market, he said that Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) has taken strong notice of controlling mechanism of prices. A monitoring cell is being formed to control the prices and stern action will be taken against profiteers, he added.

He ruled out the reduction in defence budget in the present hostile situation at Eastern and Western borders of the country. “We can’t risk the cut down in the national defence expenditures in such tense situation on borders,” he categorically stated.

The government is taking measures to ensure smooth supply of wheat throughout the country, he said, and added that if any province faced the shortage, federal government would help in meeting its demand.

When asked about any plan to reduce the domestic oil prices, he acknowledged that international oil prices have come plunged over the months, however, he didn’t explicitly replied about any reduction in the local market.

“Government is considering steps for hedging of petrol in view of its low prices,” he maintained.

ISLAMABAD: The Panel of Economists of the Planning Commission on Monday started the finalisation of a ‘5-year medium-term development plan 2009-14’ for the country and decided to consult in details the development needs of all the federating units for sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction through creation of jobs.

The panel will finalise its recommendations by early May 2009 and annual plan to be approved for the forthcoming budget 2009-10 would also include some of the key recommendations of the 5-year development plan.

In this regard, the panel headed by renowned economist Dr Hafiz Pasha bifurcated all of its 22 members into regional groups to hold consultations with Punjab, Sindh, NWFP, Balochistan, Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA), Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Northern Areas.

Chief Economist at Planning Commission Dr Rashid Amjad told Daily Times that earlier the Panel of Economists had submitted to the government ‘macro-economic stabilisation plan’ that was meant for the short-term needs of the economy. The plan was mainly related to the fiscal and monetary matters.

Now the panel has started finalisation of a ‘5-year development plan mainly relating to the development of the country for sustained economic growth by utilising all the comparative advantages available in different parts of the country as well as in four federating units. On Monday Deputy Chairman Planning Commission and Chairman of the Panel of Economists, Sardar Aseef Ahmed Ali heard the development priorities of all the four provinces.

According to the official sources, NWFP representative was of the view that provinces should have been consulted during the finalisation of the proposal for Friends of Democratic Pakistan. He asked the federal government that NWFP, being the frontline province against war on terror, should be the major recipient of foreign aid to be available from Friends of Democratic Pakistan.

He was of the view that NWFP had scarified the most and should benefit the most from the foreign aid as its infrastructure was destroyed and economy badly affected. The province has additional financial needs to strengthen its police force and other infrastructure to fight terrorism.

He informed the meeting that US authorities have conveyed to them that US Senate would pass the much-awaited ROZs legislation within next three months. In this regard, NWFP would develop as per international standard its two industrial estates to accommodate ROZs investors in the initial phase. The representative demanded the federal government that textile products of Pakistan’s interests should also be included in the proposed ROZs legislation otherwise US duty concessions would be of no value for Pakistan.

Representative from FATA was of the view that if the industrial estates located outside the FATA be allowed US duty concessions then no investor would opt for investing in FATA. He demanded that incentives should be limited to FATA so that the benefit of duty concession could attract investment in FATA for its sustained development as well as elimination of militancy and poverty. He also demanded the government to extend extra financial help to develop required infrastructure for generating economic activity in the areas for job creation.

According to the sources, Sindh representative complained that the provinces, including Sindh, were not consulted in the finalisation of $32 billion aid proposal that is to be tabled before the Friends of Pakistan meeting. He also outlined the development priorities and challenges faced by the province.

Representative from Punjab province also shared the development priorities of the province and identified areas where development can produce batter results and benefit all the provinces.

KARACHI: Positive rally continued at the Karachi stock market as investors took positions in banking and insurance stocks on the first trading day of the week Monday on hopes of good result announcements for the January to March quarter 2009.

The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) 100-share index gained 86.05 points or 1.16 percent to close at 7,518.93 points as compared to 7,432.88 points traded in the previous session.

The KSE 30-share index also surged 106.29 points and closed at 8,170.45 points as compared with 8,064.16 points of the previous session. The KMI 30 index also increased by 55.01 points to close at 10,574.85 points as against 10,519.84 points of the previous session.

The market turnover rose 15.75 percent and traded 382.18 million shares as compared to previous session’s 330.15 million shares. The overall market capitalisation was up by 1.20 percent and closed at Rs 2.262 trillion as compared with Rs 2.235 trillion traded in the previous session. Out of total 388 companies, 254 closed in positive zone, 120 in negative while 14 remained unchanged.

Analysts said law and order situation in the country overshadowed the bullish sentiments at the market, although the market is still trading well below potential due to various internal curbs, the events over the weak-end and threats had a visible impact on the sentiment and the index made a visit to the red zone during the wee hours of trade.

The oil and gas exploration and fertilizer sectors faced off-loading while banking stocks staged a healthy recovery, which was good enough to support the benchmark, mainly on the apprehension of better then expected earnings of first quarter.

Since the banks have already swallowed a sour pill by booking portfolio losses as on December 31, 2008, massive recovery staged by the market in the quarter besides trading gains of the quarter can certainly not only off-set the impact of the economic slow down, but will also garnish the results.

Besides the banks, other companies that are likely to benefit from the market recovery invited renewed buying thereby disallowing the impact of off-loading and panic selling on closing basis and the benchmark closed above the psychological level of 7500 points, with clipped gains.

The KSE 100 index opened in the green zone with a gain of 19.36 points and at the end of the day closed at 7,518.93 points with a gain of 86.05 points. staff report

RAWALPINDI (April 07, 2009): Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Tuesday vowed that the government through its effective policies, would eliminate loadshedding by the end of the year.

Inaugurating the US 160 million 165MW Attock power generation unit here at Morgah, the prime minister urged the nation to conserve energy for a sustainable development.

The country is currently facing a shortage of 3500 MW and several fast track initiatives are underway to add around 5000 MW by end of year.

“I can guarantee that if they save 1000 MWs, there will be no loadshedding at all,” he said and announced that measures are afoot to provide ten million energy saving bulbs at a reasonable price.

Gilani said overcoming power shortage was the top priority of his government and added that the pledges made to the people in this regard would be fulfilled.

The prime minister said the government was also trying to save another 500 MWs through load management and directed the ministry of water and power to launch an aggressive media awareness campaign, urging the masses to conserve energy.

Gilani recalled that it was the Pakistan Peoples Party government of Benazir Bhutto in 90s and 14 Independent Power Producers were established that are contributing 3000 MWs to the national grid.

He said his government inherited the problem of power shortage and was taking it as a challenge. He said the Private Power Infrastructure Board was setup to provide a one window facility and to attract Foreign Direct Investment.

The prime minister said the government was trying to create a stable political environment by pursuing a policy of national reconciliation.

He said the government was trying to correct the perception about Pakistan and desired that more foreign direct investment flows into the country.

He said the government also believes in private sector resource mobilisation and was utilising several modes of power generation including wind, solar and others. Gilani hoped that more local and international investors would endorse the government’s policy by investing in the power sector of the country.

Earlier the prime minister unveiled the plaque to inaugurate the project. The work on the combined cycle highly efficient power plant began on May 12, 2007 and was completed in a record period.

The AGL’s power project is the first oil based power plant built under the power policy 2002.

KARACHI (April 07 2009): The Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance Shaukat Tarin on Monday said that Pakistan will no more be a poor state in next few years. Addressing the BMA Fund Forum here, Tarin said the government has taken many initiatives for the revival of the countrys economy. "We are doing our best on the economic front and the situation has started improving," he added.

He was optimistic that the inflation rate will fall to single digit in the beginning of next fiscal year. The current account deficit will also come down below six percent, he added. However, Tarin said that an improvement in the law and order situation and political stability would play an important role in the economic stability of the country.

Later talking to newsmen, Tarin said that there is no possibility of cutting the defence budget in the next fiscal year. He said that the prevailing security challenges on the Eastern and Western borders did not allow cutting down the countrys defence expenditures. He said that the defence budget has been reduced during the last 10 years.

On a query, Tarin said that all major sectors including stock exchange and agriculture would be brought under the tax net in next few years. State Bank of Pakistan Governor Syed Salim Raza speaking on the occasion gave a comprehensive talk on the countrys financial sector and called for exploiting debt and equity market for generating resources.

Morgan Stanley Chief Investment Strategist David Darst in his presentation on "Global Market Outlook said that world markets were still bearish. He said that the financial and economic recessions would be over in next two-to-three years. Muddassar Malik, Chief Executive, BMA Funds and Farrukh H Khan, Director BMA Funds also spoke on the occasion.

ISLAMABAD (April 07 2009): To deal with power shortfall of nearly 4000 MW in the coming months, the Cabinet, in its meeting on Wednesday, is likely to approve advancement of clocks by one hour for six months ie till October 31, 2009, sources close to Additional Secretary, Water and Power, Zarar Aslam, told Business Recorder here on Monday.

"We believe that load shedding will not end in the country, given the measurers being taken by the present Minister for Water and Power, Pervez Ashraf, who is repeatedly claiming that there will be no load shedding in 2010," sources said.

The summary, made available to this newspaper by top officials, suggests that currently power system in the country has total installed capacity of 20,231 MW which has been de-rated due to aging power plants in public sector to a dependable capacity of 17,897 MW in summer and 13,215 MW in winter.

"Average shortfall of 1000 MW has been experienced during the current month, and this shortfall is expected to rise by end of May, 2009 due to reduction in the outflows from Tarbela and Mangla. We expect that shortfall will peak to 3600 MW in June, 2009 but this situation will ease by end of 2009," sources added.

The Pakistan Electric Power Company (Pepco) is reported to have apprised the federal government that to bridge the present supply-demand gap and to mitigate the present and expected level of load shedding it is undertaking supply side management through induction of additional generating capacity of 2500 MW (1519 MW IPPs + 1000 MW rental power plants) by December 2009 and demand side management through energy management and conservation measures like improvement of efficiency, awareness campaigns for prudent use of electricity and replacement of existing bulbs with energy saver bulbs.

"These demand side management measures are expected to save 500 MW," according to simmary. Sources said that last year the federal Cabinet in its meeting on May 14, 2008, had approved advancement of clocks by one hour, which was implemented in the country from June 1 to October 31, 2008 (five months) to effect daylight saving.

This measure is expected to lead to a saving in consumer loads by 250-300 MW daily for 5 months. This saving thus netted was exactly 250 MW in June 2008, while it waned to the bandwidth of 200-100 MW in October 2008. This enabled Pakistan Electric Power Company (Pepco) to reduce the load shedding in its area of jurisdiction by 1-2 hours daily (on the average), thus greatly helping the customers in their daily lives.

"We have proposed that watches/clocks should be moved forward immediately by one hour (GMT+6) till October 31, 2009 for conservation of 100-250 MW electricity at various time slots of the day," sources in the Ministry added. Private sector, especially sponsors of rental power projects, are also unanimous in saying that power load shedding would continue into 2010 despite tall claims by officials sitting in the Ministry, the PPIB and the Finance Ministry.

ISLAMABAD (April 07 2009): The Cabinet is likely to approve import of 500-750 mmcfd gas from Iran at the rate of 80 percent of crude oil price, in its meeting scheduled for Wednesday (April 8). Sources told Business Recorder that the Petroleum Ministry will move a summary to the Cabinet to approve 500-750 mmcfd gas from Iran at the rate of 80 percent of crude oil price.

Sources are of the view that after approval of the Cabinet, the proposed gas import plan may be tabled in the Parliament for discussion. The Economic Co-ordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet had proposed to import 500-mmcfd gas from Iran instead of one billion cubic feet gas per day due to higher price demanded by Iran. Iran had earlier demanded gas price linking to 78 percent of crude oil but now it was demanding 80 percent of crude oil.

In January 2007, Pakistan and Iran agreed on a gas price formula at 45 percent of crude oil. However, in September 2008, Iran informed Pakistan that its parliament did not approve the agreed gas price formula and accordingly proposed a revised gas price formula to link gas price to 85 percent of crude oil.

Later it scaled down its demand from 85 to 78 percent of crude oil but now it is demanding 80 percent of crude oil. When contacted, advisor to Prime Minister on Petroleum and Natural Resources, Dr Asim Hussain said that raw gas should not be used by households.

He said that countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar were using the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for households and the same practice should be followed in Pakistan. He said that burning raw gas is like burning wood and it should be used for power generation, textile and fertiliser sector. He said that cheaper electricity could be an option to provide to households.

He said that use of gas for fertiliser, textile and power sector may boost the economy of the country. According to sources, the Petroleum Ministry wants to use Iranian imported gas for power generation only. It also wants separate tariff for industry that would use the Iranian imported gas due to its higher price.

If the two countries agreed to gas price of 80 percent of crude oil, Pakistan will have to spend $1.5 billion foreign exchange annually for one bcfd if the price remains at $5 per million British thermal unit (mmbtu) valuing it on $50 per barrel crude oil. The consumers will have to pay additional 17.5 percent return on the assets also that will further escalate the cost of the gas price.

LAHORE (April 07 2009): Pakistan, having the shortest and the quickest access to the Central Asian Republics (CARs), offers huge opportunity to reposition its economy by tapping potentials, available in these land-locked states. The speakers observed unanimously at a seminar on Exploring Prospects of Exports to CARs jointly organised by the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) and Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) on Monday.

The Chief Executive Officer, TDAP, Syed Mohibullah Shah, LCCI President, Mian Muzaffar Ali, Pakistans Commercial Consular to Kazakhstan, Shaukat Ali Khan. Dawood Sharif represented the Competitive Support Fund.

All the speakers stressed the need for exploring possibilities of increasing Pakistans exports to CARs, as the developed world had been facing financial constraints for the last many months. They said that Pakistani business community would have to go for diversification of exports.

Pakistan is strategically located to export its products to these land-locked countries and there is huge demand for grains, pulses, leather goods, textiles and general merchandise items and currently are very competitive due to low transportation cost, as fuel cost is lower and logistics is available.

They said the business community should pursue marketing their products aggressively considering the scope and vast potential of CARs. The TDAP Chief Executive Officer, Syed Mohibullah Shah said that his organisation has decided to conduct a series of seminars to promote land route to CARs via Karakoram Highway, as Pakistan is an ideal route for Central Asias international trade.

He said that the TDAP had decided to establish a facilitation centre in Gilgit in order to facilitate business with CARs. This centre would cover China and other regional countries including Central Asian Republics. Further, he said that the TDAP was arranging a delegation to CARs in the month of June, comprising industrialists and exporters.

The LCCI President said, Pakistan needs to activate and develop a mutually beneficial collaboration with CARs in order to realise the existing potential for trade and economic co-operation. He was of the view that the situation demands urgent sector-specific measures for the benefit of the business community.

There was a need to identify more tradable items in order to enhance the mutual trade to meet the market demands, he added. Dawood Sharif of CSF said that the Fund would extend maximum technical assistance to enhance the two-way trade to wear off the intensity of global economic recession. Pakistan Commercial Consular in Almatay, Kazakhstan Shaukat Ali Khan said that the seminar would help open new avenues to Pakistans business community and would bring both the sides further closer.

He said that Pakistans location for trade with Central Asian Republics, has no match in the world, but to materialise the idea, Pakistani businessmen should visit these states for having first-hand knowledge about the available opportunities The LCCI Senior Vice President, Tahir Javaid Malik said that Pakistans economic relations with rest of the world, particularly external trade, presently was not as encouraging as it should be, but the situation could be changed positively by focusing on CARs. He stressed the need for exploration of new markets saying that Pakistan would have to decrease its dependence on traditional markets of the US and the European Union.

FAISALABAD (April 07 2009): International Development Association (IDA) will provide 200 million dollars for "Pakistan Social Safety Nets Development Policy Credit", while government will arrange 425 million dollars to establish an effective social safety net that provides the poor with basic income support both in times of social and economic stability and growth and in times of crisis and to provide access to opportunities for graduating out of poverty.

According to a Project Update Report of World Bank, the proposed Pakistan Social Safety Nets Development Policy Credit (SSN DPC) aims to support the implementation of Pakistans Second Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP-2). In particular, the SSN DPC would provide support to the third pillar of the PRSP: Protecting the poor and vulnerable through improved targeting of safety nets and cash transfer programmes.

The proposed SSN DPC is also consistent with Pakistans National Social Protection Strategy that supports the development of an effective and financially sustainable safety net system to promote the re-distributive goals of society and protect those who are suffering from chronic or transient poverty, WB report added.

According to WB report, Pakistan faced both external and internal shocks in the past year. Externally, international oil and food commodity prices rose sharply and inflated Pakistans import bill. In parallel, the slowdown in the global economy dampened the external demand for Pakistans exports, and the deterioration in international credit markets affected the supply of funds. Internally, Pakistans political turmoil and uncertainties affected investor confidence. These concerns coupled with the rapid rise on macro-economic imbalances, led to capital outflow as well as downgrading of Pakistans rating by international rating agencies.

The government did not pass any of the international price increases to consumers until after the parliamentary elections in 2008. These price increases were financed through the government budget by increasing subsidies. As a result of the global external shocks and internal causes the fiscal and balance of payment imbalances widened substantially, inflation rose sharply, growth slowed, and governments macroeconomic programme was set off track, WB report added.

In March 2008, WB report highlighted that the authorities started to take some steps to stabilise the economy. These included passing on some of the international fuel price increases to consumers, restricting the size of the fiscal deficit in the 2008-09 budget, increasing the policy discount rate, and allowing greater flexibility in the exchange rate. However, these actions soon proved to be inadequate and too late.

Faced with the risk of an impending full-blown balance of payments crisis, the authorities in the fall 2008 decided to put in place adjustment measures that facilitate the resumption of inclusive growth with low inflation over the medium term. In November 2008, the government entered into a standby arrangement with the IMF to stabilise the economy.

In this context, the government also requested assistance from the Bank to support the structural adjustment process in a manner that would provide relief to the poorest households in Pakistan by putting in place an efficient and expanded social safety nets programme, WB report mentioned. WB report stated that the proposed Pakistan Social Safety Nets Development Policy Credit (SSN DPC) aims to support the implementation of Pakistans Second Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP-2).

In particular, the SSN DPC would provide support to the third pillar of the PRSP: Protecting the poor and vulnerable through improved targeting of safety nets and cash transfer programmes. The proposed SSN DPC is also consistent with Pakistans National Social Protection Strategy that supports the development of an effective and financially sustainable safety net system to promote the re-distributive goals of society and protect those suffering from chronic or transient poverty.


-- Establishing a national targeting system through the launch of the national poverty-scorecard based targeting method by developing partnerships with institutions for data collection, and eligibility determination essential for its implementation and national rollout.

-- Establishing an effective institutional framework for programme implementation through the development of legal, institutional, administrative institutions for the safety net system and the development of graduation and exit strategies to facilitate households movement out of poverty.

-- Enhancing fiscal sustainability and strengthening the fiduciary environment through ensuring adequate budget allocation for benefit payment and programme administration and developing a reliable and transparent payment system, with strong fiduciary and social accountability controls.
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